2017-09-15 60 views


.BoxPage a { 
    zoom: 1; 
    width: 100%; 
    /* Theoretically for IE 8 & 9 (more valid) */ 
    /* ...but not required as filter works too */ 
    /* should come BEFORE filter */ 
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=60)"; 
    /* This works in IE 8 & 9 too */ 
    /* ... but also 5, 6, 7 */ 
    filter: alpha(opacity=60); 
    /* Older than Firefox 0.9 */ 
    -moz-opacity: 0.6; 
    /* Safari 1.x (pre WebKit!) */ 
    -khtml-opacity: 0.6; 
    /* Modern! 
    \t /* Firefox 0.9+, Safari 2?, Chrome any? 
    \t /* Opera 9+, IE 9+ */ 
    opacity: 0.6!important; 
    -ms-filter: 」alpha(opacity=60)」; 
    -webkit-opacity: 0.6; 

.BoxPage a:hover { 
    zoom: 1; 
    width: 100%; 
    /* Required for IE 5, 6, 7 */ 
    /* ...or something to trigger hasLayout, like zoom: 1; */ 
    /* Theoretically for IE 8 & 9 (more valid) */ 
    /* ...but not required as filter works too */ 
    /* should come BEFORE filter */ 
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)"; 
    /* This works in IE 8 & 9 too */ 
    /* ... but also 5, 6, 7 */ 
    filter: alpha(opacity=100); 
    /* Older than Firefox 0.9 */ 
    -moz-opacity: 1; 
    /* Safari 1.x (pre WebKit!) */ 
    -khtml-opacity: 1; 
    /* Modern! 
    \t /* Firefox 0.9+, Safari 2?, Chrome any? 
    \t /* Opera 9+, IE 9+ */ 
    opacity: 1!important; 
    -ms-filter: 」alpha(opacity=100)」; 
    -webkit-opacity: 1; 
<div class="BoxPage"><a>some text</a></div>



在你的CSS節目的意見,不透明度爲前綴尚未需要很多年。你可以刪除所有這些。 – Rob




element { 
    opacity: 0; 
    transition: opacity 1s ease-out; 

element:hover { 
    opacity: 1; 


.box { 
    width: 100px; 
    height: 100px; 
    background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0); 
    opacity: 0; 
    transition: opacity 1s ease-out; 
.box:hover { 
    opacity: 1; 
<h2>Hover over the space below...</h2> 

<div class="box"></div>


感謝作品魅力 – Thranduil


我想後,你應該寫的 「常規」 opacity最後在你的CSS規則,所有的前綴版本。

body { 
    margin: 0; 
    height: 100%; 

.wrapper { 
    background: green; 
    height: 100%; 

.inner { 
    position: relative; 
    top: 100px; 
    height: 60%; 
    margin: 0 100px 100px 100px; 
    background: #fff; 
    filter: alpha(opacity=60); 
    -moz-opacity: 0.6; 
    -khtml-opacity: 0.6; 
    -ms-filter: 」alpha(opacity=60)」; 
    -webkit-opacity: 0.6; 
    opacity: 0.6; 

.inner:hover { 
    filter: alpha(opacity=60); 
    -moz-opacity: 1; 
    -khtml-opacity: 1; 
    -ms-filter: 」alpha(opacity=100)」; 
    -webkit-opacity: 1; 
    opacity: 1; 
<div class="wrapper"> 
    <div class="inner"></div> 



*{ box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } 

width: 100%; 
height: 150px; 
position: relative; 
background: url(https://i.stack.imgur.com/seaPw.png); 
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); 
width: 100%; 
height: 100%; 
margin: 0 auto; 
color: #fff; 
position: absolute; 
top: 0; 
left: 0; 

background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); /* last value 0.5 represents opacity, first three numbers represents color value. */ 
transition: 0.5s ease; 
-webkit-transition: 0.5s ease; 

<div class="box-wrap"><div class="box">Hover me!</div></div>