2011-04-17 72 views

我想創建3個線程進行3種排序(冒泡排序,快速排序&合併排序)以快速顯示哪種函數排序?爲了顯示這個我做了3個按鈕陣列(對於每個func。1 arr)&我想用它們的高度對它們進行排序。但我有2個重要問題: 1-如何在運行時顯示交換和按鈕更改?該表單將在排序完成後顯示,但我希望在運行時看到這些更改。我不能和線程一起運行排序併發。顯示運行時間和線程上的表格變化


命名空間threade {

public partial class Form1 : Form 
    Button[] btns1; 
    Button[] btns2; 
    Button[] btns3; 

    public Form1() 

     btns1 =new Button[] { button1, button2, button3, button4, button5, button6, button7, button8, button9, button10, button11, button12, button13, button14, button15, button16}; 
     btns2 = new Button[] { button17, button18, button19, button20, button21, button22, button23, button24, button25, button26, button27, button28, button29, button30, button31, button32 }; 
     btns3 = new Button[] { button33, button34, button35, button36, button37, button38, button39, button40, button41, button42, button43, button44, button45, button46, button47, button48 }; 
     foreach (Button btn in btns1) 
      btn.Text = btn.Size.Height.ToString(); 
     foreach (Button btn in btns2) 
      btn.Text = btn.Size.Height.ToString(); 
     foreach (Button btn in btns3) 
      btn.Text = btn.Size.Height.ToString(); 

     Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(sort1)); 
     Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(sort2)); 
     Thread t3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(sort3)); 


    void sort1() { 
     bsort(btns1, 16); 

    void sort2() 
     qsort(0, 15, btns2); 

    void sort3() 
     mgsort(0, 15, btns3); 

    Button aa = new Button(); Button aa2 = new Button(); 
    void swap(int i,int j,Button[]btns) 

     aa = btns[i]; 
     btns[i] = btns[j]; 
     btns[j] = aa; 

     int t = btns[i].Location.X; 
     btns[i].Location = new Point(btns[j].Location.X, btns[i].Location.Y); 
     btns[j].Location = new Point(t, btns[j].Location.Y); 

    int part(int l, int h,Button[] btns) 
     int i, j=l; 
     int p = btns[l].Size.Height; 
     for (i = l +1; i <= h; i++) 
      if (btns[i].Size.Height < p) 
       swap(i, j, btns); 
     int s = j; 
     swap(l, j, btns); 
     return s; 
    void qsort(int l, int h, Button[] btns) 

     if (h > l) 
      int p = part(l, h, btns); 
      qsort(l, p-1,btns); 
      qsort(p+1, h,btns); 



    void bsort(Button[] btns,int n) 
     for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++) 
      for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++) 
       if (btns[j].Size.Height < btns[i].Size.Height) 
        aa2 = btns[i]; 
        btns[i] = btns[j]; 
        btns[j] = aa2; 

        int t = btns[i].Location.X; 
        btns[i].Location = new Point(btns[j].Location.X, btns[i].Location.Y); 
        btns[j].Location = new Point(t, btns[j].Location.Y); 





使用** ['BackgroundWorker'(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.backgroundworker.aspx)**,而不是創建自己的線程。更容易,更容易出錯。 – 2011-04-17 06:47:31


@Cody Grey:使用TPL與Task.CreateNew() – GregC 2011-04-17 06:51:28


@Greg還有其他好處:好的。根據問題中顯示的代碼,這些好處是什麼? – 2011-04-17 06:52:24






不好意思!你能解釋更多嗎? – sadaf 2011-04-17 06:46:55


我編輯了一些答案。 – GregC 2011-04-17 06:52:10


沒有control.invoke(),我認爲這需要header.please發送這個頭文件(使用.......) – sadaf 2011-04-17 06:57:18

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Threading; 

namespace threade 
    //Delegate function for work with Invoke function 
    public delegate void swaps(int i, int j, Button[] btns); 

    public partial class Threads : Form 
     Thread t1; 
     Thread t2; 
     Thread t3; 

     //num= num of buttons 
     public const int num = 30; 

     Button[] btns1 =new Button[num]; 
     Button[] btns2 =new Button[num]; 
     Button[] btns3 =new Button[num]; 

     //num array for bubble sort & quick sort 
     public int[] nums = new int[num]; 
     //mnum array for merge sort 
     public int[] mnums = new int[num]; 

     public Threads() 
      //Create buttons function: 

      ////thread starts 

     public void Create_buttons() { 
      int space = 10; 
      for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { 
       mnums[i]=nums[i] = (new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + i)).Next(20, 150); 
       btns1[i] = new Button(); 
       btns1[i].Top = bubpanel.Height - nums[i] - 10; 
       btns1[i].Left = space; 
       btns1[i].Size = new Size(35, nums[i]); 
       btns1[i].Text = btns1[i].Size.Height.ToString(); 
       btns1[i].BackColor = Color.Gold; 

       btns2[i] = new Button(); 
       btns2[i].Top = quickpanel.Height - nums[i] - 10; 
       btns2[i].Left = space; 
       btns2[i].Size = new Size(35, nums[i]); 
       btns2[i].Text = btns1[i].Size.Height.ToString(); 
       btns2[i].BackColor = Color.LightBlue; 

       btns3[i] = new Button(); 
       btns3[i].Top = mergepanel.Height - mnums[i] - 10; 
       btns3[i].Left = space; 
       btns3[i].Size = new Size(35, mnums[i]); 
       btns3[i].Text = btns1[i].Size.Height.ToString(); 
       btns3[i].BackColor = Color.Pink; 
       space += 46; 
       t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(sort1)); 
       t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(sort2)); 
       t3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(sort3)); 

     void sort1() 
      bsort(btns1, num); 
     void sort2() 
      qsort(0, num-1, btns2); 
     void sort3() 
      mgsort(0, num); 

     //swap for b-sort & qsorts 
     void swap(int i, int j, Button[] btns) 
      Button aa = new Button(); 
      aa = btns[i]; 
      btns[i] = btns[j]; 
      btns[j] = aa; 

      int t = btns[i].Location.X; 
      btns[i].Location = new Point(btns[j].Location.X, btns[i].Location.Y); 
      btns[j].Location = new Point(t, btns[j].Location.Y); 

     int part(int l, int h, Button[] btns) 
      int i, j=l; 
      int p = btns[l].Size.Height; 
      for (i = l +1; i <= h; i++) 
       if (btns[i].Size.Height < p) 
        //swap button[i] and button[j] 
        Invoke(new swaps(swap), i, j, btns); 
      int s = j; 
      Invoke(new swaps(swap), l, j, btns); 
      return s; 

     void qsort(int l, int h, Button[] btns) 
      if (h > l) 
       int p = part(l, h, btns); 
       qsort(l, p-1,btns); 
       qsort(p+1, h,btns); 

     //bubble sort 
     void bsort(Button[] btns,int n) 
      for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)        
       for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++) 
        if (btns[j].Size.Height < btns[i].Size.Height) 
         //swap button[i] and button[j] 
         Invoke(new swaps(swap), i, j, btns); 

     void merge(int l, int m, int h) 
      int i = l, j = m + 1, k = l; 
      int[] u = new int[num]; 

      while (i <= m && j <= h) 
       if (j == num) break; 
       else if (mnums[i] < mnums[j]) 
        u[k++] = mnums[i++]; 
        u[k++] = mnums[j++]; 
      if (i <= m) 
       for (int q = k; q <= h; q++) 
        if (i < num && q < num) 
         u[q] = mnums[i++]; 
       for (int w = k; w <= h; w++) 
        if (j < num && w < num) 
         u[w] = mnums[j++]; 
      for (int r = l; r <= h; r++) 
       if (l < num && r < num) 
        mnums[r] = u[l++]; 

        //swap button[r] and button[mnums[r]] 
        Invoke(new swaps(swap),r, search(mnums[r]), btns3); 

     //for swaping in merge sort needed 
     int search(int x) 
      for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) 
       if (btns3[j].Size.Height == x) 
        return j; 
      return 0; 

     //merge sort 
     void mgsort(int l, int h) 
      if (l >= h) return; 
       int m = (l + h)/2; 
       mgsort(l, m); 
       mgsort(m+1, h); 
       merge(l, m, h); 

     private void runbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      runbtn.Visible = false; 
      pausebtn.Visible = true; 

     private void pausebtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      if (t1.ThreadState.ToString() != "Stopped") 
      if (t2.ThreadState.ToString() != "Stopped") 
      if (t3.ThreadState.ToString() != "Stopped") 
      pausebtn.Visible = false; 
      resumebtn.Visible = true; 

     private void resumebtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      if (t1.ThreadState.ToString() != "Stopped") 
      if (t2.ThreadState.ToString() != "Stopped") 
      if (t3.ThreadState.ToString() != "Stopped") 
      resumebtn.Visible = false; 
      pausebtn.Visible = true; 

     private void stopbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      if (t1.ThreadState.ToString() != "Suspended") 
      if (t2.ThreadState.ToString() != "Suspended") 
      if (t3.ThreadState.ToString() != "Suspended") 
      stopbtn.Visible = true; 

      for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) 
      runbtn.Visible = true; 
      pausebtn.Visible = false; 

我自己通過調用函數 – sadaf 2011-05-06 10:25:29


Ofcourse GregC幫助我 – sadaf 2011-05-06 10:25:52