2017-06-12 64 views


main.js:93 Uncaught ReferenceError: review is not defined 
at showFullReviewBody (main.js:93) 
at HTMLSpanElement.onclick ((index):1) 



// tell js where is the widget 
var widget = $('#widget'); 
function processReviews(reviews) { 
// total number of reviewers 
var total = reviews.length; 
// initialize reviewSum variable to add all review ratings in it 
var reviewSum = 0; 
var carousalHtml = ''; 
// loop through each review 
$(reviews).each(function (index, value) { 
// add current review's rating in global reviewSum variable 
reviewSum = reviewSum + parseInt(value.starRating); 
// review Body if text is bigger then 200 characters then add more 
var reviewBody = value.reviewBody.length > 180 ? value.reviewBody.substr(0, 180) + '... <span class="showFullReview" onclick="javascript: showFullReviewBody($(this) ,' + index + ');">more</span>' : value.reviewBody; 
// create class for Bad, Middle and good review for styling purposes 
var reviewStarsClass = ''; 
var reviewSmile = ''; 
if (parseInt(value.starRating) > 2 && parseInt(value.starRating) <= 3) { 
    reviewStarsClass = 'middle'; 
} else if (parseInt(value.starRating) >= 0 && parseInt(value.starRating) <= 2) { 
    reviewStarsClass = 'bad'; 
} else { 
    reviewStarsClass = 'good'; 
// Create HTML for carousal 
carousalHtml += ` 
    <div class="testimonial"> 
     <div class="top"> 
     <span class="name">` + value.fullName + `</span> 
     <div class="star-rating ` + reviewStarsClass + `"> 
       <span style="width:` + 20 * parseInt(value.starRating) + '%' + '" id="starRatingPresenter"><strong>' + value.starRating + `</strong> out of 5</span> 
     <div class="content"> 
     <span class="firstQuote fa fa-quote-left"></span> 
     <span class="main"> 
     ` + reviewBody + ` 
     <span class="lastQuote fa fa-quote-right"></span> 
     <div class="footer"> 
     ` + value.location + ` 
    // calculate average rating 
    var averageRating = reviewSum/total; 
    // Calculate happiness percentage 
    var averageRatePercentage = 20 * averageRating; 
// calculate average rating's class for styling purposes 
var reviewStarsClass = ''; 
if (parseInt(averageRating) > 2 && parseInt(averageRating) <= 3) { 
reviewStarsClass = 'middle'; 
} else if (parseInt(averageRating) >= 0 && parseInt(averageRating) <= 2) { 
reviewStarsClass = 'bad'; 
} else { 
reviewStarsClass = 'good'; 
// Set dynamic text for banner 
var bannerText = ''; 
var reviewSmile = ''; 
if (reviewStarsClass == 'good') { 
bannerText = 'We\'ve got our customers happy !'; 
reviewSmile = '<i class="fa fa-smile-o fa-2x" aria-hidden="true"></i>'; 
} else if (reviewStarsClass == 'middle') { 
bannerText = 'Sometimes we\'re unable to fullfil needs of our customers'; 
reviewSmile = '<i class="fa fa-meh-o fa-2x" aria-hidden="true"></i>'; 
} else { 
bannerText = 'Customers blame us for everything'; 
reviewSmile = '<i class="fa fa-frown-o fa-2x" aria-hidden="true"></i>'; 
// Create HTML for widget 
var html = ` 
    <div class="half first"> 
     <span class="widgetTitle ` + reviewStarsClass + `"> 
     ` + reviewSmile + ` 
     <h3>` + bannerText + `</h3> 
     <div class="averageRatingInfo"> 
     <div class="star-rating ` + reviewStarsClass + `"> 
      <span style="width:` + averageRatePercentage + '%' + '" id="starRatingPresenter"><strong>' + averageRating + `</strong> out of 5</span> 
     <div class="averageRatingWrap"> 
      <span class="averageRating">` + averageRating + ` <span class="light">Rating</span></span> 
     <div class="reviewersWrap"> 
      <span class="reviewers">` + total + ` <span class="light">Reviewers</span></span> 
     <div class="clear"></div> 
     <hr /> 
     <div class="reviewFooterIndicator"> 
      <span class="fa fa-star ` + reviewStarsClass + `"></span> Reviews 
    <div class="half second"> 
     <div class="owl-carousel testimonials">` + carousalHtml + `</div> 
    // Apply widget html 
    // Initialize Carousel 
    loop: true, 
    margin: 20, 
    autoplay: true, 
    autoplayTimeout: 6000, 
    nav: true, 
    navText: [ 
    '<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>', 
    '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>' 
    autoplayHoverPause: true, 
    responsive: { 
    0: { 
    items: 1 
    480: { 
    items: 1 
    600: { 
    items: 2 
    1000: { 
    items: 2 

    // Function to show all review text when clicked on more button 
    function showFullReviewBody(e, id) { 
    var contentPlace = e.closest('span.main'); 
    var fullText = review[id].reviewBody + ' <span class=\'showFullReview\' 
    onclick=\'javascript: showLessReviewBody($(this),' + id + 

function showLessReviewBody(e, id) { 
var contentPlace = e.closest('span.main'); 
var reviewBody = reviews[id].reviewBody.substr(0, 180) + '... <span 
class="showFullReview" onclick="javascript: showFullReviewBody($(this) ,' + id + ');">more</span>'; 
// Function to get reviews - to see a banner effect change based on the 
average of the reviews change the reviews .json file 
function getReviews(reviews) { 
url: 'API/reviews.json' 
//url: 'API/goodreviews.json' 
//url: 'API/badreviews.json' 





如果我改變評論同樣的錯誤發生。 – Jakub


「var reviewBody = reviews [id] .reviewBody.substr(0,180)+'... more'; contentPlace.html(reviewBody);」

