2011-01-29 60 views


在我的'validiateTheInput'功能。我可以聲明一個'if ='3''來清除它們,當'3'是值時(最終不起作用),它會起作用,但如果字段出現,我似乎無法捕捉它空白做用戶退出框中的值。


繼承人整個事情(與一些基本的HTML ommitted): 驗證功能也有點矯枉過正,因爲我正在試圖趕上'空白輸入'做退格。

//jQuery keyup to grab input 
$(document).ready(function() { 
    $('#totalFeet').keyup(function() { 

//clear calculated values  

function clearBoxes(answerbox, answerbox1, answerbox2, totalFeetField) { 
    answerbox.value = ""; 
    answerbox1.value = ""; 
    answerbox2.value = ""; 
    totalFeetField.value = ""; 

//validate input, then go to callAll (calc the output and display it) 

function validiateTheInput() { 
    var totalFeetField = document.getElementById('totalFeet'); 
    var answerbox = document.getElementById('answerbox').value; 
    var answerbox1 = document.getElementById('answerbox1').value; 
    var answerbox2 = document.getElementById('answerbox2').value; 

    // feel like I should be able to catch it here with the length prop. 
    if (totalFeetField.value.length == 0) { 
     clearBoxes(answerbox, answerbox1, answerbox2, totalFeetField); 

    // if input is usable, do the good stuff... 
    if (totalFeetField.value != "" && !isNaN(totalFeetField.value)) { 
     callAll(); // call the function that calcs the boxes, etc. 

    // if input is NaN then alert and clear boxes (clears because a convenient blur event happens) 
    else if (isNaN(totalFeetField.value)) { 
     alert("The Total Sq. Footage Value must be a number!") 
     document.getElementById('totalFeet').value = ""; 

    // clears the input box (I wish) if you backspace the val. to nothing 
    else if (totalFeetField.value == '3') { 
     clearBoxes(answerbox, answerbox1, answerbox2, totalFeetField); 
    // extra effort trying to catch that empty box :( 
    else if (typeof totalFeetField.value == 'undefined' || totalFeetField.value === null || totalFeetField.value === '') clearBoxes(answerbox, answerbox1, answerbox2, totalFeetField); 

//group all box calc functions for easy inline call 

function callAll() { 

// calculate box fields based on input box 

function calcFirstBox() { 
    var totalFeetField = document.getElementById('totalFeet'); 
    var answer = totalFeetField.value * 5.95; // set multiplier 
    document.getElementById('answerbox').value = answer.toFixed(2); 

// calc the second box 

function calcSecondBox() { 
    var totalFeetField = document.getElementById('totalFeet'); 
    var answer = totalFeetField.value * 18.95; // set multiplier 
    document.getElementById('answerbox1').value = answer.toFixed(2); 

// calc the third box 

function calcThirdBox() { 
    var totalFeetField = document.getElementById('totalFeet'); 
    var answer = totalFeetField.value * 25.95; // set multiplier 
    document.getElementById('answerbox2').value = answer.toFixed(2); 


<div id="calculator"> 

     <form name="calculate"> 
      <label for="total">Total Value to Calculate:</label> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 
      <input id="totalFeet" type="text" name="total" size="15" onfocus="clearBoxes(totalFeet, answerbox, answerbox1, answerbox2);"><br /><br /> 

      <label for="answerbox">Total Value X &nbsp;$5.95:&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp$</label> 
      <input id="answerbox" onfocus="this.blur();" type="text" name="answerbox" size="15"><br /><br /> 

      <label for="answerbox1">Total Value X $18.95:&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp$</label> 
      <input id="answerbox1" onfocus="this.blur();" type="text" name="answerbox1" size="15"><br /><br /> 

      <label for="answerbox2">Total Value X $25.95:&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp$</label> 
      <input id="answerbox2" onfocus="this.blur();" type="text" name="answerbox2" size="15"> 




的問題是,你不存儲變量的元素對象 - 你存儲它們的值:

var answerbox = document.getElementById('answerbox').value; 
var answerbox1 = document.getElementById('answerbox1').value; 
var answerbox2 = document.getElementById('answerbox2').value; 


clearBoxes(answerbox, answerbox1, answerbox2, totalFeetField); 



附註和無恥插頭:如果你想要的東西一點點比keyup更強大的用於檢測輸入,檢查出this blog post


非常感謝!我也會讀你的帖子,因爲我正在尋找各種增強密碼的方法。我的下一步是/應該在輸出框上放一些淡入淡出的效果,以便在外觀上更加平滑:) – rhaag71 2011-01-29 21:13:24


@rhaag:我忘了提及,還有一些jQuery插件,後來幾個帖子規範化了輸入`事件我在Internet Explorer的鏈接文章中討論。祝你好運:-) – 2011-01-29 21:15:49


博客文章非常棒!這完全解釋了爲什麼(今天早上),當我試圖將fadeIn添加到不工作的輸出中時,並且在嘗試使用fadeOut(作爲調試動作)時,它會在錯誤的時刻淡出(它也會消失出整個文本框...錯誤的選擇器!)。你的博客讓我記得有關keyUp/keyDown的不同之處(keyUp是我嘗試淡入淡出的地方)。非常感謝你! – rhaag71 2011-01-29 21:35:32





//jQuery keyup to grab input 
    $(document).ready(function() { 
     $('input[id$=totalFeet]').keyup(function() { 
     function clearBoxes() { 
     //validate input, then go to callAll (calc the output and display it) 
     function validiateTheInput() { 
      var totalFeetField = $('input[id$=totalFeet]').val(); 
      var answerbox = $('input[id$=answerbox]').val(); 
      var answerbox1 = $('input[id$=answerbox1]').val(); 
      var answerbox2 = $('input[id$=answerbox2]').val(); 

      // feel like I should be able to catch it here with the length prop. 
      if (totalFeetField == "") { 

      // if input is usable, do the good stuff... 
      if (totalFeetField != "" && !isNaN(totalFeetField)) { 
       callAll(); // call the function that calcs the boxes, etc. 

      // if input is NaN then alert and clear boxes (clears because a convenient blur event happens) 
      else if (isNaN(totalFeetField)) { 
       alert("The Total Sq. Footage Value must be a number!") 

      // clears the input box (I wish) if you backspace the val. to nothing 
      else if (totalFeetField == '3') { 
      // extra effort trying to catch that empty box :( 
      else if (typeof totalFeetField == 'undefined' || totalFeetField === null || totalFeetField === '') 
     //group all box calc functions for easy inline call 
     function callAll() { 

     // calculate box fields based on input box 
     function calcFirstBox() { 
      var totalFeetField = $('input[id$=totalFeet]').val(); 
      var answer = totalFeetField * 5.95; // set multiplier 


     // calc the second box 
     function calcSecondBox() { 
      var totalFeetField = $('input[id$=totalFeet]').val(); 
      var answer = totalFeetField * 18.95; // set multiplier 


     // calc the third box 
     function calcThirdBox() { 
      var totalFeetField = $('input[id$=totalFeet]').val(); 
      var answer = totalFeetField * 25.95; // set multiplier 



<form name="calculate" action=""> 
     <label for="total">Total Value to Calculate:</label> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 
     <input id="totalFeet" type="text" name="total" size="15" onfocus="clearBoxes();"/><br /><br /> 

     <label for="answerbox">Total Value X &nbsp;$5.95:&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp$</label> 
     <input id="answerbox" onfocus="this.blur();" type="text" name="answerbox" size="15"/><br /><br /> 

     <label for="answerbox1">Total Value X $18.95:&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp$</label> 
     <input id="answerbox1" onfocus="this.blur();" type="text" name="answerbox1" size="15"/><br /><br /> 

     <label for="answerbox2">Total Value X $25.95:&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp$</label> 
     <input id="answerbox2" onfocus="this.blur();" type="text" name="answerbox2" size="15"/> 
