2012-04-25 87 views


1. (A,B,C) 
2. (B,D,E,F) 
3. (C,H,G) 
4. (G,H) 


重要:看看數組編號3,H出現在G之前,即使它是第四個數組中的G的子元素。因此,每個數組中沒有特定的子級次序,但是在最終結果(如下所示)中,在子級/子級之前必須有任何父級。 (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)或(A,C,B,D,E,F,G,H)或(A,B,C,G,H) ,D,E,F)

很高興有一些遞歸的方式來創建該數組,但不是必需的。 感謝您的時間..






use strict; 
use warnings; 

my @rules = (
    [qw/ A B C/], 
    [qw/ B D E F/], 
    [qw/ C H G/], 
    [qw/ G H/], 

# Build the tree from the set of rules 
my %tree; 

for (@rules) { 
    my ($parent, @kids) = @$_; 
    $tree{$parent}{$_}++ for @kids; 

# Find the root node. There must be exactly one node that 
# doesn't appear as a child 
my $root = do { 
    my @kids = map keys %$_, values %tree; 
    my %kids = map {$_ => 1} @kids; 
    my @roots = grep {not exists $kids{$_}} keys %tree; 
    die qq(Multiple root nodes "@roots" found) if @roots > 1; 
    die qq(No root nodes found) if @roots < 1; 

# Build a hash of nodes versus their tier level using a post-order 
# traversal of the tree 
my %tiers; 
my $tier = 0; 

# Build the sorted list and show the result 
my @sorted = sort { $tiers{$a} <=> $tiers{$b} } keys %tiers; 
print "@sorted\n"; 

sub max { 
    no warnings 'uninitialized'; 
    my ($x, $y) = @_; 
    $x > $y ? $x : $y; 

sub traverse { 
    my ($parent) = @_; 
    my @kids = keys %{ $tree{$parent} }; 
    if (@kids) { 
    traverse($_) for @kids; 
    $tiers{$parent} = max($tiers{$parent}, $tier); 


A B C F E D G H 



use strict; 
use warnings; 

my @rules = (
    [qw/ A B C/], 
    [qw/ B D E F/], 
    [qw/ C H G/], 
    [qw/ G H/], 

# Build the tree from the set of rules 
my %tree; 

for (@rules) { 
    my ($parent, @kids) = @$_; 
    $tree{$parent} = \@kids; 

# Find the root node. There must be exactly one node that 
# doesn't appear as a child 
my $root = do { 
    my @kids = map @$_, values %tree; 
    my %kids = map {$_ => 1} @kids; 
    my @roots = grep {not exists $kids{$_}} keys %tree; 
    die qq(Multiple root nodes "@roots") if @roots > 1; 
    die qq(No root nodes) if @roots < 1; 

# Build a hash of nodes versus their tier level using a post-order 
# traversal of the tree 
my %tiers; 

# Build the sorted list and show the result 
my @sorted = sort { $tiers{$a} <=> $tiers{$b} } keys %tiers; 
print "@sorted\n"; 

sub max { 
    no warnings 'uninitialized'; 
    my ($x, $y) = @_; 
    $x > $y ? $x : $y; 

sub traverse { 

    my ($parent, $tier) = @_; 
    $tier //= 1; 

    my $kids = $tree{$parent}; 
    if ($kids) { 
    traverse($_, $tier + 1) for @$kids; 
    $tiers{$parent} = max($tiers{$parent}, $tier); 

輸出相當於先前的溶液中,因爲有多個正確排序。請注意,A將永遠是第一個,H最後一個,而A C B F G D E H是可能的。


謝謝。我已經針對一些「測試樣本」運行了代碼,並且它給出了正確的結果。好的代碼沒有任何循環... – Moni 2012-04-25 20:42:12


@Gagan:如果您已經預先知道數據的根,您可以刪除大量的代碼。我已經用* ikegami *解決方案中的數組散列編輯了我對tider解決方案的回答。 – Borodin 2012-04-25 20:54:40


在這方面,預知是什麼意思?我確實知道數據的來源。 – Moni 2012-04-25 21:30:29


這個版本也有效,但它給了你所有正確答案的排列,所以你每次都得到正確的結果,但它可能不是你以前的結果(除非你有很多空閒時間......: - ))。

#!/usr/bin/perl -w 

use strict; 
use warnings; 

use Graph::Directed qw(); 

my @rules = (
    [qw(A B C)], 
[qw(B D E F)], 
[qw(C H G)], 
[qw(G H)], 

print @rules; 

my $graph = Graph::Directed->new(); 

for (@rules) { 
    my $parent = shift(@$_); 
    for my $child (@$_) { 
    $graph->add_edge($parent, $child); 

    or die("Graph has a cycle--unable to analyze\n"); 
or die "Graph is not weakly connected--unable to analyze\n"; 

print join ' ', $graph->topological_sort(); # for eks A C B D G H E F 