2017-05-26 397 views


Dim wsNew As Worksheet 
Dim wsIntro As Worksheet 
Dim wsUp As Worksheet 
Set wsUp = Worksheets("Sheet1") 

Set wsIntro = Worksheets("Instructions") 

Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy after:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count) 
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
.Value = .Value 
End With 
ActiveSheet.name = wsIntro.Range("b6").Value & wsIntro.Range("b7").Value 
Dim wsAllo As Worksheet 
Set wsAllo = "wsIntro.Range("b6").Value & wsIntro.Range("b7").Value" 

'Set wsAllo = Worksheets(wsIntro.Range(「b6」)。Value&wsIntro.Range(「b7」)。Value)' –


This work too,thank you。 – Angel




Set wsAllo = "wsIntro.Range("b6").Value & wsIntro.Range("b7").Value" 

Set wsAllo = ActiveSheet 


Dim wsNew As Worksheet 
Dim wsIntro As Worksheet 
Dim wsUp As Worksheet 
Dim wsAllo As Worksheet 

Set wsUp = Worksheets("Sheet1") 
Set wsIntro = Worksheets("Instructions") 

'You shouldn't use "Sheets(Worksheets.Count)" - it will sometimes not do 
'what you expect (when you have Charts as well as Worksheets in the Workbook) 
'Use either "Sheets(Sheets.Count)" to place the new sheet as the last sheet 
'in the workbook or use "Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)" to place the new sheet 
'after the last worksheet in the workbook (but possibly with Charts after that)  
wsUp.Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) 
Set wsAllo = ActiveSheet 
With wsAllo 
    .Name = wsIntro.Range("b6").Value & wsIntro.Range("b7").Value 
    .UsedRange.Value = .UsedRange.Value 
End With 

謝謝你的幫助,會做出這些改變。 – Angel
