2017-05-06 247 views


AgeGroups  Factor Cancer Frequency 
0  0_5 wo-statin Yes   0 
1  6_10 wo-statin Yes   0 
2  11_15 wo-statin Yes   1 
3  16_20 wo-statin Yes   1 
4  21_25 wo-statin Yes   23 
5  26_30 wo-statin Yes   50 
6  31_35 wo-statin Yes   70 
7  36_40 wo-statin Yes  107 
8  41_45 wo-statin Yes  168 
9  46_50 wo-statin Yes  412 
10  51_55 wo-statin Yes  503 
11  56_60 wo-statin Yes  646 
12  61_65 wo-statin Yes  635 
13  66_70 wo-statin Yes  725 
14  71_75 wo-statin Yes  771 
15  76_80 wo-statin Yes  421 
16  81_85 wo-statin Yes  181 
17  86_90 wo-statin Yes   57 
18  91_95 wo-statin Yes   4 
19 96_100 wo-statin Yes   4 
60  0_5 w-statin Yes   0 
61  6_10 w-statin Yes   0 
62  11_15 w-statin Yes   0 
63  16_20 w-statin Yes   0 
64  21_25 w-statin Yes   0 
65  26_30 w-statin Yes   0 
66  31_35 w-statin Yes   0 
67  36_40 w-statin Yes   0 
68  41_45 w-statin Yes   0 
69  46_50 w-statin Yes   10 
70  51_55 w-statin Yes   17 
71  56_60 w-statin Yes   24 
72  61_65 w-statin Yes   50 
73  66_70 w-statin Yes  113 
74  71_75 w-statin Yes  198 
75  76_80 w-statin Yes  105 
76  81_85 w-statin Yes   37 
77  86_90 w-statin Yes   18 
78  91_95 w-statin Yes   2 
79 96_100 w-statin Yes   0 


import pandas as pd 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
df = pd.read_csv('file:///C:/Users/out.CSV') 
ages= df.AgeGroups.unique() 

grp = df.groupby(['AgeGroups','Factor','Cancer']).Frequency.sum() 

counts = grp.unstack(level=[2]) 
by_factor = counts.groupby(level='Factor') 

k = by_factor.ngroups 

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, k, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 8)) 
for i, (gname, grp) in enumerate(by_factor): 
    grp.xs(gname, level='Factor').plot.bar(
     stacked=True, rot=45, ax=axes[i], title=gname) 
_ = axes.set_xticklabels(grp['AgeGroups']) 
#for ax in axes: ax.set_ylim([0,25000]) 

我幾乎很高興一切順利出去,直到我意識到年齡組我的情節上的6_10出現在情節的中間。 enter image description here

如果我手動更改實例0_5的表格爲00-05和6_10爲06-10等,則該圖表顯示正確的順序。然而,對我來說問題是,我有大約2k這樣的CSV,並且幾乎不可能手動編輯每個表的順序。 如果需要,我可以提供更多信息,非常感謝您的幫助。 :)


是它永遠只有兩個值' 「0_5」'和' 「6_10」'會引起問題的?還是還有其他價值觀,需要進行調整? – ImportanceOfBeingErnest


@ImportanceOfBeingErnest,非常感謝你的回覆。這個問題似乎只與他們在一起。如果我將它們排除在外,Plot看起來很好。 –





In [91]: df.AgeGroups = \ 
      df.AgeGroups.replace([r'^(\d{1})\_', r'_(\d{1})$'], 


In [93]: df 
    AgeGroups  Factor Cancer Frequency 
0  00_05 wo-statin Yes   0 
1  06_10 wo-statin Yes   0 
2  11_15 wo-statin Yes   1 
3  16_20 wo-statin Yes   1 
4  21_25 wo-statin Yes   23 
5  26_30 wo-statin Yes   50 
6  31_35 wo-statin Yes   70 
7  36_40 wo-statin Yes  107 
8  41_45 wo-statin Yes  168 
9  46_50 wo-statin Yes  412 
..  ...  ... ...  ... 
70  51_55 w-statin Yes   17 
71  56_60 w-statin Yes   24 
72  61_65 w-statin Yes   50 
73  66_70 w-statin Yes  113 
74  71_75 w-statin Yes  198 
75  76_80 w-statin Yes  105 
76  81_85 w-statin Yes   37 
77  86_90 w-statin Yes   18 
78  91_95 w-statin Yes   2 
79 96_100 w-statin Yes   0 

[40 rows x 4 columns] 


import glob as glob 

files = glob.glob("data/*.csv") 

for filename in files: 
    # Read in the file 
    with open(filename, 'r') as f : 
     filedata = f.read() 

    # Replace the target string 
    filedata = filedata.replace(' 0_5', '00-05') 
    filedata = filedata.replace(' 6_10', '06_10') 

    # Write the file out again 
    with open(filename, 'w') as f: 



MaxU&ImportanceOfBeingErnest,這兩種方法都像魅力一樣工作,我更喜歡熊貓的那種!!!!!非常感謝MaxU。 :)總是喜歡從你那裏得到答案。你們很好地解決了我的問題..現在圖表很好,結果很好。 –