2016-12-14 64 views

我想寫的是通過一組利率有3列的循環宏偏移: rate_table,rate_date,速度刪除行1


Private Const RATE_TABLE_COL = 1 
Private Const RATE_DATE_COL = 2 
Private Const RATE_COL = 3 

Sub RemoveDuplicateRates() 
    Dim iLastRow As Long, iRow As Long, sThisRate As String, sPrevRate As String 

    'Find the last row (in column A) with data. 
    iLastRow = shtSource.Range("A:A").Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row 

    If iLastRow < 2 Then 
     MsgBox "No data to process!", vbCritical 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    sThisRate = "" 
    sPrevRate = "" 

    For iRow = iLastRow To 1 Step -1 
     sPrevRate = sThisRate 
     sThisRate = Cells(iRow, 1) 
     If sThisRate = sPrevRate Then 
      If Cells(iRow, RATE_COL) = Cells(iRow - 1, RATE_COL) Then 
       ' need code here to delete row offset by 1 from iRow 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next iRow 
End Sub 

像'範圍()偏移(1,0).EntireRow.Delete' – CallumDA


'細胞(iRow + 1,RATE_COL).entirerow.delete' ??? – SJR


因爲iRow-1 = 0,所以你的代碼會在你的循環結束時出錯。 – SJR




Private Const RATE_TABLE_COL = 1 
Private Const RATE_DATE_COL = 2 
Private Const RATE_COL = 3 

Sub RemoveDuplicateRatesRev2() 
    Dim iLastRow As Long, iRow As Long, sThisRate As String, sPrevRate As String, shtSource As Worksheet 

    Set shtSource = ActiveSheet 

    'Find the last row (in column A) with data. 
    iLastRow = shtSource.Range("A:A").Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row 

    If iLastRow < 2 Then 
     MsgBox "No data to process!", vbCritical 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    sThisRate = "" 
    sPrevRate = "" 

    For iRow = iLastRow To 1 Step -1 
     sPrevRate = sThisRate 
     sThisRate = shtSource.Cells(iRow, 1) 
     If sThisRate = sPrevRate Then 
      If shtSource.Cells(iRow, RATE_COL) = shtSource.Cells(iRow + 1, RATE_COL) _ 
       And shtSource.Cells(iRow, RATE_DATE_COL) < shtSource.Cells(iRow + 1, RATE_DATE_COL) Then 
       ' need code here to delete row offset by 1 from iRow 
       shtSource.Cells(iRow + 1, RATE_COL).EntireRow.Delete 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next iRow 
End Sub