2013-04-20 152 views

我想加上值1到value2使用32位寄存器,並給予64位(等於16位數)下的值。是否可以使用2個寄存器(32 + 32 = 64位)的空間?我認爲這可以通過使用PTROPERATOR但我不知道如何使用PTR指令。彙編語言8086添加使用32位寄存&值在64位?





INCLUDE Irvine32.inc 


Addition BYTE "A: Add two Integer Numbers", 0 

inputValue1st BYTE "Input the 1st integer = ",0 
inputValue2nd BYTE "Input the 2nd integer = ",0 

outputSumMsg BYTE "The sum of the two integers is = ",0 

num1 DD ? 
num2 DD ? 
sum DD ? 


main PROC 

;----Displays addition Text----- 

mov edx, OFFSET Addition 
call WriteString 
call Crlf 

; calling procedures here 

call InputValues 
call addValue 
call outputValue 

call Crlf 

jmp exitLabel 

main ENDP 

; the PROCEDURES which i have made is here 

InputValues PROC 
;----------- For 1st Value-------- 

call Crlf 
mov edx,OFFSET inputValue1st ; input text1 
call WriteString 

; here it is taking 1st value 
call ReadInt ; read integer 
mov num1, eax ; store the value 

;-----------For 2nd Value---------- 

mov edx,OFFSET inputValue2nd ; input text2 
call WriteString 

; here it is taking 2nd value 
call ReadInt ; read integer 
mov num2, eax ; store the value 

InputValues ENDP 

;---------Adding Sum---------------- 

addValue PROC 
; compute the sum 

mov eax, num2 ; moves num2 to eax 
add eax, num1 ; adds num2 to num1 
mov sum, eax ; the val is stored in eax 

addValue ENDP 

;--------For Sum Output Result---------- 

outputValue PROC 

; output result 

mov edx, OFFSET outputSumMsg ; Output text 
call WriteString 

mov eax, sum 
call WriteInt ; prints the value in eax 

outputValue ENDP 


END main 

'PTR'不是指令和明顯64位不適合在32位。兩個32位數的總和只有33位,而額外的位在進位標誌中。 – harold 2013-04-20 18:01:12


我可以使用2位32位,並給64位值,但我沒有想法如何使用它... – 2013-04-20 20:02:47





mov eax, (1<<31)|1 ;set Most-Significant Bit (MSB) to 1, what will surely cause overflow 
mov ebx, (1<<31)|1 
add eax, ebx 
jc .go    ;we need another bytes for our carry 


;let eax and ebx be the numbers we want to add 
cdq ;expand 4-byte integer to 8-byte integer <-- this won't affect real value of EAX 
xchg eax, ebx ;cdq has fixed operands, change eax with ebx 
xchg edx, ecx ;... and edx with ecx 
cdq ;do the same for number that was in EBX 

add eax, ebx 
adc edx, ecx ;that 'c' on the end is important, it will add 
       ;the carry flag to the result so possible overflow will be handled 
;Result is now in EDX:EAX