2017-07-25 107 views

我使用最新版本的TLSharp編譯了我的控制檯測試應用程序,現在我在調用ConnectAsync函數時在DeserializeObject函數行24中出現異常。據我瞭解,從某些時候調試函數TLContext.getType(構造函數)值-1704251862被傳遞。這是TLConfig對象的舊構造器值,我完全無法理解應用程序從何處獲取它。在TLSharp庫的源中,這個值不存在。我重新創建了session.dat文件,但它沒有幫助。 Plesase,幫助我,因爲我目前的項目現在陷入了很大的麻煩。這是我的代碼:函數中的TLSharp異常ConnectAsync

using System; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Net; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using Newtonsoft.Json; 
using TeleSharp.TL; 
using TeleSharp.TL.Messages; 
using TLSharp.Core; 

namespace SendPhotoTest 
    public class GetPhotoTester 
    FileSessionStore _sessionStore = new FileSessionStore(); 
    static string registeredPhone = "+7985XXXXXXX"; 
    static int apiID = XXXXX; 
    static string apiHash = "49d60ed8bd78533986e05e3ffb60b443"; 
    static string code = "XXXXX"; 
    TelegramClient client; 

    class Assert 
     static internal void IsNotNull(object obj) 

     static internal void IsTrue(bool cond) 

    internal static Action<object> IsNotNullHanlder; 
    internal static Action<bool> IsTrueHandler; 

    protected void Init(Action<object> notNullHandler, Action<bool> trueHandler) 
     IsNotNullHanlder = notNullHandler; 
     IsTrueHandler = trueHandler; 

     // Setup your API settings and phone numbers in app.config 

    public GetPhotoTester() 
     client = CreateClient(); 
     InitializeAndAuthenticateClient(client, 0).Wait(); 

    public TelegramClient CreateClient() 
     TelegramClient clt = null; 

     //clt = new TelegramClient(apiID, apiHash, _sessionStore, "C:\\Users\\hermann\\Documents\\session.dat"); 
     clt = new TelegramClient(apiID, apiHash); 

     return clt; 

    public async Task InitializeAndAuthenticateClient(TelegramClient client, int mode = 1) 
     await client.ConnectAsync(); 

     var hash = await client.SendCodeRequestAsync(registeredPhone); 

     if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code)) 
      throw new Exception("CodeToAuthenticate is empty in the app.config file, fill it with the code you just got now by SMS/Telegram"); 

     TLUser user = null; 
      user = await client.MakeAuthAsync(registeredPhone, hash, code); 
     catch (CloudPasswordNeededException ex) 
      var password = await client.GetPasswordSetting(); 
      var password_str = "PasswordToAuthenticate"; 

      user = await client.MakeAuthWithPasswordAsync(password, password_str); 
     catch (InvalidPhoneCodeException ex) 
      throw new Exception("CodeToAuthenticate is wrong in the app.config file, fill it with the code you just got now by SMS/Telegram", 

而這是例外:「構造函數無效或Context.Init未調用!」。 UPD 我想補充一點,這個問題出現後升級到TLSharp水平66


這將有助於您發佈錯誤消息和調用代碼。 –


我添加了我的代碼和例外描述 – Hermann


