2014-12-01 95 views

我注意到一些Excel加載項從一個用戶維護狀態到另一個用戶。 Solver加載項就是一個例子,即使在關閉並重新打開Excel電子表格後,加載項也會維護表單數據。VBA:保存Excel表單狀態



沒考慮太多此類(也許有更好的方法可以做到這一點),但我想,你正在尋找序列化。看看http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21472和http://www.vb-helper.com/tut5.htm也許它會幫助你開始...... – 2014-12-01 21:10:07


緩存在文檔中:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.visualstudio.tools.applications.runtime.cachedattribute.aspx – Chrismas007 2014-12-01 21:12:00


這取決於你如何構建加載項。您是使用vba編寫* .xlam加載項,還是使用其他語言編寫COM加載項? – RubberDuck 2014-12-01 21:19:36




Sub Test() 
Dim nName As Name 
For Each nName In ActiveWorkbook.Names 
    Debug.Print nName.Name, nName.RefersTo 
Next nName 
End Sub 

我能夠確認求解器使用隱藏的名字,這正是我之後的。 – 2014-12-02 10:12:31




Private Sub save_form_state() 
Dim prop As CustomProperty 

    For Each Control In Me.Controls 
     '' only saving state for text boxes and ref edits 
     If TypeName(Control) = "TextBox" Or TypeName(Control) = "RefEdit" Then 
      '' only save state for controls with values -- custom properties can't have null values 
      If Control.Value <> "" Then 
       For Each prop In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.CustomProperties 
        '' if the name already exists in custom properties then delete it 
        If prop.Name = Control.Name Then prop.Delete 
       Next prop 
       '' any dupe has been deleted, so write the key and value 
       ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.CustomProperties.Add Name:=Control.Name, Value:=Control.Value 
      End If 

     End If 
    Next Control 
End Sub 


Private Sub restore_form_state() 
Dim prop As CustomProperty 

    '' go through every text box and ref edit control then see if there's a custom property 
    '' with matching name. If so, set the value of the control = custom property value 
    For Each Control In Me.Controls 
     If TypeName(Control) = "TextBox" Or TypeName(Control) = "RefEdit" Then 

      For Each prop In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.CustomProperties 
       If Control.Name = prop.Name Then 
        Control.Value = prop.Value 

       End If 
      Next prop 

     End If 
    Next Control 
End Sub