2017-04-04 49 views


var AWS = require("aws-sdk"); 
var async = require("async"); 

     region: "---", 
     endpoint: "-----------", 
     accessKeyId: "-----------------", 

var db = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient() 

var table = "rets_property_all"; 
var pstart =new Date() .getTime(); 

      0 : function(callback){ 
     db.scan ({TableName: table, 
      ProjectionExpression: "#cityname,ListingKey ", 
      FilterExpression: "#cityname = :v_id", 
      ExpressionAttributeNames: { 
       "#cityname": "CityName", 
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {":v_id" : 'BALTIMORE'}, 
      TotalSegments: 63, 
      Segment: 0//by the worker who has been called 
     },function (err , res) { 
      callback (null , res.Items); 
      1 : function(callback){ 
     db.scan ({TableName: table, 
      ProjectionExpression: "#cityname,ListingKey ", 
      FilterExpression: "#cityname = :v_id", 
      ExpressionAttributeNames: { 
       "#cityname": "CityName", 
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {":v_id" : 'BALTIMORE'}, 
      TotalSegments: 63, 
      Segment: 1//by the worker who has been called 
     }, function (err , res) { 
      callback (null , res.Items); 
     2 : function(callback){ 
     db.scan ({TableName: table, 
      ProjectionExpression: "#cityname,ListingKey ", 
      FilterExpression: "#cityname = :v_id", 
      ExpressionAttributeNames: { 
       "#cityname": "CityName", 
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {":v_id" : 'BALTIMORE'}, 
      TotalSegments: 63, 
      Segment: 2//by the worker who has been called 
     }, function (err , res) { 
      callback (null , res.Items); 

     62 : function(callback){ 
     db.scan ({TableName: table, 
      ProjectionExpression: "#cityname,ListingKey ", 
      FilterExpression: "#cityname = :v_id", 
      ExpressionAttributeNames: { 
       "#cityname": "CityName", 
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {":v_id" : 'BALTIMORE'}, 
      TotalSegments: 63, 
      Segment: 62//by the worker who has been called 
     }, function (err , res) { 
      callback (null , res.Items); 

     if (err) {throw err; } 
     var pend = new Date() .getTime(); 

     console.log (results); 



其實,有沒有辦法覆蓋掃描1 MB限制。這是DynamoDB設計限制,不能被任何API覆蓋。您可能需要了解體系結構或AWS服務設計的限制。


掃描的結果集限於每次調用1 MB。您可以使用掃描響應中的LastEvaluatedKey 來檢索更多結果。



示例代碼遞歸直到LastEvaluatedKey爲空: -

var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); 
var params = { 
    TableName: table, 
    ProjectionExpression: "#cityname,ListingKey ", 
    FilterExpression: "#cityname = :v_id", 
    ExpressionAttributeNames: { 
     "#cityname": "CityName", 
    ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":v_id": 'BALTIMORE' } 

docClient.scan(params, onScan); 

function onScan(err, data) { 
    if (err) { 
     console.error("Unable to scan the table. Error JSON:", JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)); 
    } else { 
     // print all the movies 
     console.log("Scan succeeded."); 
     data.Items.forEach(function (movie) { 
      console.log("Item :", JSON.stringify(movie)); 

     // continue scanning if we have more movies 
     if (typeof data.LastEvaluatedKey != "undefined") { 
      console.log("Scanning for more..."); 
      params.ExclusiveStartKey = data.LastEvaluatedKey; 
      docClient.scan(params, onScan); 

我希望所有的3000條記錄在一個掃描由於性能問題。它需要4.5秒。爲了改善這一點,有任何解決方案。 – purushottam


如果上述代碼有任何更正,請提供正確的代碼。 – purushottam