2015-10-15 156 views
print "Welcome to the game. In the game you can 'look around' and 'examine things'." 
print "There is also some hidden actions." 
print "You wake up." 

input = raw_input("> ") 

haveKey = False 
applesExist = True 

if input == "look around": 
    print "You are in a dusty cell. There is a barrel in the corner of the room, an unmade bed," 
    print "a cabinet and chest. There is also a cell door." 
elif haveKey == False and input == "open door": 
    print "The door is locked." 
elif haveKey == True and input == "open door": 
    print "You open the door, walk out and immediately gets shot with an arrow. You won, kinda." 
elif input == "examine barrel": 
    print "There is apples in the barrel." 
elif applesExist == True and input == "eat apple": 
    print "Mmmmh, that was yummy! But now there are no apples left..." 
    applesExist = False 
elif applesExist == False and input == "eat apple": 
    print "sury, u et al aples befur!!1111" 
elif input == "examine bed": 
    print "The bed is unmade, and has very dusty sheets. This place really needs a maid." 
elif input == "sleep on bed": 
    print "You lie down and try to sleep, but you can't because of all the bugs crawling on you." 
elif input == "examine chest": 
    print "There is a key in the chest." 
elif input == "take key": 
    haveKey = True 
    print "You take the key." 
elif input == "examine cabinet": 
    print "The cabinet is made of dark oak wood. There is a endless cup of tea in it." 
elif input == "drink tea": 
    print "You put some tea in your mouth, but immediately spit it out." 
    print "It seems it has been here for quite some time." 
    print "Huh, what did you say? Didn't catch that." 

嗯,嗨。我需要幫助。正如你可以看到這是一個非常基礎的文本遊戲, 讓玩家與環境進行交互。我打算擴大 互動的事情,我不需要任何幫助。但隨着遊戲循環,我做到了。您可能會意識到,但對於那些不這樣做的人,每次我寫一個命令時,程序都會關閉。我被告知我需要一個遊戲循環來做到這一點,但我不知道如何。文字遊戲 - 遊戲循環

我需要告訴你的是,與你相比,我有點遲鈍。我不是編程天才,我只是簡單地享受編程。所以,請說,如何,而不是爲什麼。我會自己解決這個問題,因爲我一直都在這個世界上。如果我需要知道爲什麼,那麼我會再問你一次! = D


您*瞭解循環以及如何製作一個?例如,讓一個循環迭代*而某些條件爲真? –


是的,kinda = D。我知道如何讓東西永遠循環,或者直到布爾變化,但這是我的限制=) – Elsvaer


然後想一會兒(雙關語不打算):你做一個循環,而用戶不想退出,就這麼簡單。您需要一個初始化爲「True」的變量,並保持爲「True」,直到用戶輸入一個要退出的命令,並將該變量用作循環條件。 –




print "Welcome to the game. In the game you can 'look around' and 'examine things'." 
print "There is also some hidden actions." 
print "You wake up." 

haveKey = False 
applesExist = True 
gameover = False 

while gameover == False: 
    input = raw_input("> ") 
    if input == "look around": 
     print "You are in a dusty cell. There is a barrel in the corner of the room, an unmade bed," 
     print "a cabinet and chest. There is also a cell door." 
    elif haveKey == False and input == "open door": 
     print "The door is locked." 
    elif haveKey == True and input == "open door": 
     print "You open the door, walk out and immediately gets shot with an arrow. You won, kinda." 
    elif input == "examine barrel": 
     print "There is apples in the barrel." 
    elif applesExist == True and input == "eat apple": 
     print "Mmmmh, that was yummy! But now there are no apples left..." 
     applesExist = False 
    elif applesExist == False and input == "eat apple": 
     print "sury, u et al aples befur!!1111" 
    elif input == "examine bed": 
     print "The bed is unmade, and has very dusty sheets. This place really needs a maid." 
    elif input == "sleep on bed": 
     print "You lie down and try to sleep, but you can't because of all the bugs crawling on you." 
    elif input == "examine chest": 
     print "There is a key in the chest." 
    elif input == "take key": 
     haveKey = True 
     print "You take the key." 
    elif input == "examine cabinet": 
     print "The cabinet is made of dark oak wood. There is a endless cup of tea in it." 
     gameover = True 
    elif input == "drink tea": 
     print "You put some tea in your mouth, but immediately spit it out." 

爲什麼輸入字符串在循環結尾「重置」?無論如何,一旦循環開始,它將首先「重置」。 –


@JoachimPileborg是的,你的權利我犯了一個錯誤,因爲我的測試命令。不需要這行:'input = 0' – mertyildiran


沒有probs,抱歉,遲到的答覆,去resturaunt並吃了一些壽司。但是我會保留:input = 0,因爲它讓我想起了你。我愛你。感謝您解決我的微不足道的問題= D – Elsvaer