
  1. 如果加入一個字符/刪除
  2. 在/從中添加字符/刪除
  3. 是什麼性質的指數添加/刪除

我使用TextWatcher爲了實現這一點。我的方法一直工作到現在。但最近我在我的產品應用程序中發生了3次與IndexOutOfBoundsException的崩潰。我注意到的一件事是所有的崩潰發生在OS版本6.0.1的Galaxy S7上。


public class EditTextMonitor extends Activity implements TextWatcher { 
    private EditText etInputText; 

    private int deleteCharIndex = -1, addCharIndex = -1; 
    private char deleteChar; 
    private boolean wasCharDeleted; 
    private String prevCharSeq = ""; 

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
     etInputText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.etInputText); 

    // Add TextChangedListener here to prevent call to text watcher methods upon switching 
    // orientation 
    protected void onPostCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

     This method is called to notify you that, within s, the count characters beginning at 
     start have just replaced old text that had length before. It is an error to attempt to 
     make changes to s from this callback. 
    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { 

     This method is called to notify you that, within s, the count characters beginning at start 
     are about to be replaced by new text with length after. 
     It is an error to attempt to make changes to s from this callback. 
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { 
     // if count > after then its a char delete cause the no. of chars in 's' 
     // will decrease when the text change is complete. 
     // If count < after 
     // then its a char addition cause the no. of chars in 's' 
     // will increase when the text change is complete. 
     if (count > after) { 
      // As 'count' is no. of chars being replaced from 'start' by 
      // 'after' no. of chars, (start+count)-1 will be the index of the 
      // char that that will be deleted. 
      deleteCharIndex = (start + count) - 1; 
      deleteChar = s.charAt(deleteCharIndex); 
      wasCharDeleted = true; 
     } else if (count < after) { 
      // As 'count' is no. of chars being replaced from 'start' by 
      // 'after' no. of chars, (start+after)-1 will will be the index of the 
      // char that will be added. 
      wasCharDeleted = false; 
      addCharIndex = (start + after) - 1; 
     } else { 
      // Extra call to the text changed method with no change in 's'. 
      // Android framework bug?? 
      wasCharDeleted = false; 
      Log.d(TAG, "------EXTRA CALL TO BEFORETEXTCHANGED------"); 

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { 
     // Don't process if redundant call to afterTextChanged method. 
     // A framework bug?? 
     if (!prevCharSeq.equals(s.toString())) { 
      if (wasCharDeleted) { 
       // handle char delete 

       if (deleteChar == 'x' 
         && (s.length() == 0 || s.charAt(deleteCharIndex - 1) == ' ')) { 
        // Business logic to deal with the case where the deleted char was an independent 'x' 
       } else { 
        // Business logic to deal with the case where deleted char was anything other than an independent 'x'. 
      } else { 
       // handle char addition 

       ***if (s.charAt(addCharIndex) == 'x'// CRASH OCCURS ON THIS LINE <-----------------*** 
         && (s.length() == 1 || s.charAt(addCharIndex - 1) == ' ')) { 
        // Business logic to deal with the case where added char is an independent 'x' 
       } else { 
        // Business logic to deal with the case where added char is anything other than an independent 'x' 
     prevCharSeq = s.toString(); 


java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: charAt: 24 >= length 23 

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: charAt: 202 >= length 198 

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: charAt: 1 >= length 1 





爲什麼這個問題downvoted檢查s.length() > 1這種方式?如果我被告知這個問題有什麼問題,我會很感激,這樣我就可以對問題做出適當的修改。 – rbing






s.charAt(deleteCharIndex - 1) == ' '


有很多方法來解決這個問題,一個辦法就是當你做deleteCharIndex - 1可以打到最低點爲0


感謝您的回答。我看到您指出的錯誤,我會提出修改建議進行修復。但是,崩潰報告中的堆棧跟蹤指向「s.charAt(addedCharacterIndex)=='@'」行。這一行的崩潰是你剛剛指出的錯誤的副產品嗎? – rbing