2016-11-08 55 views





var search = [ 
    "words":["hey", "bro"], 
    "result":"Hey man!" 
    "result":"Other answer" 

var query = search.words; 
var answer = search.result; 

$("#txt").keypress(function(e) { 
    if(e.which == 13) { 

    var str = $('#txt').val(); 

    var res = str.toLowerCase(); 

    if (query.some(function(v) { return res.indexOf(v) >= 0; })) { 
    else { 
     $('#result').html('Bummer man! You just don\'t yap about Hyper, why are you even here dawg? '); 



'search'是一個數組,因此'search.words'和'search.result'將無法正常工作 – Weedoze


@Weedoze我們清楚地意識到這一點。我們曾經使用'search [0] .words'和結果相同。但是這限制了我們只展示那條特定的線條,而不是一般的我們正在尋找的線條。 –


'var query = search.words;'wat。當然你想要某種循環。 –



var search = [{ 
    "words": ["hey", "bro"], 
    "result": "Hey man!" 
}, { 
    "words": ["ninja", "stuff"], 
    "result": "Other answer" 


$("#txt").keypress(function(e) { 
    //Detect key *ENTER* pressed 
    if (e.which == 13) { 
    //Get the string entered and switch to lowercase 
    var str = $('#txt').val().toLowerCase(); 
    //Init found to false 
    var found = false; 
    //Iterate each object of the arrat *search* 
    $.each(search, function(index, value){ 
     //Check if the entered string is present in the array of words 
     if(value.words.indexOf(str) !== -1){ 
     //We found the entered word 
     found = true; 
     //Display the result linked to the word entered 
     //Exit from the each() method 
     return false; 
    //Check if we found our word 
     //Display the error message if you dont find the entered word 
     $('#result').html('Bummer man! You just don\'t yap about Hyper, why are you even here dawg? '); 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<input type="text" id="txt"> 

<p id="result"></p>


這是我們想要的方式。非常感謝!如果您有任何時間,我們將非常感謝您是否可以插入描述每個步驟的註釋。 –


@ h.johan完成,告訴我,如果你明白了一切 – Weedoze


非常感謝。這部分工作就像我們希望的那樣。然而,只有一個關鍵字(在這種情況下,「hey」或「bro」起作用,而不是「Hey bro」)才能起作用,從而消除了通過一個句子得到答案的可能性(例如「你能說忍者?)@weedoze –