2015-11-22 63 views

我正在嘗試安裝library(Boom)以進行貝葉斯面向對象建模及其依賴項BoomSpikeSlab, bsts。但是,我總是從R相同響應:在R上安裝軟件包,需要OSX支持C++ 11

In file included from Models/Glm/MultinomialLogitModel.cpp:31: 
In file included from  ../inst/include/Models/Glm/PosteriorSamplers/MLVS.hpp:25: 
In file included from  ../inst/include/Models/Glm/PosteriorSamplers/MLVS_data_imputer.hpp:25: 
../inst/include/Models/PosteriorSamplers/Imputer.hpp:30:10: fatal  error: 'future' file not found 
#include <future> 
1 error generated. 
make: *** [Models/Glm/MultinomialLogitModel.o] Error 1 
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘Boom’ 
* removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/3.2/site-library/Boom’ 
Warning in install.packages : 
installation of package ‘Boom’ had non-zero exit status 
ERROR: dependency ‘Boom’ is not available for package ‘BoomSpikeSlab’ 
* removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/3.2/site-library/BoomSpikeSlab’ 
Warning in install.packages : 
installation of package ‘BoomSpikeSlab’ had non-zero exit status 
ERROR: dependencies ‘BoomSpikeSlab’, ‘Boom’ are not available for  package ‘bsts’ 
* removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/3.2/site-library/bsts’ 
    Warning in install.packages : 
installation of package ‘bsts’ had non-zero exit status 

The downloaded source packages are in 

我認爲這可能與我的問題 pip cffi package installation failed on osx


xcode-select --install 


xcode-select: Error: unknown command option '--install'. 

xcode-select: Report or change the path to the active 
      Xcode installation for this machine. 

Usage: xcode-select --print-path 
     Prints the path of the active Xcode folder 
    or: xcode-select --switch <xcode_path> 
     Sets the path for the active Xcode folder 
    or: xcode-select --version 
     Prints the version of xcode-select 


我使用Mac OSX 10.8.5Xcode version: 5.1.0 Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.40) (based on LLVM 3.4svn) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin12.6.0


同樣在這裏...... –


我剛裝它是沒有問題的,是''install'在'man xcode-select'中記錄爲允許的開關? – Konrad


嗨,不是,也許是因爲'Xcode 5.1.0'? – Googme




您是否已安裝BH?相應鐺版本工作多年,我們在Rcpp添加可選 C++ 11的支持,至少早在2013年3月,當我們增加了對Rcpp::plugin(cpp11)支持(


嗨德克,謝謝你的建議。我已經安裝了'BH'。但是,'install.packages(「Boom」)'產生與上述相同的輸出結果 – Googme


是的,可以安裝'dplyr'。使用'clang ++'。 'Boom'使用'clang ++ -std = C++ 11'。 – Googme


這就是我之前告訴你的:_它在CRAN_上,所以它通過了非常嚴格的可構建性測試。如果它在你結束時失敗了,你會首先看到你的setup_。 –