2013-05-08 39 views

我需要很頻繁地調用這個函數。基本上,它將所有帶重音符號的字符替換爲不帶重音的等同字符,將空格更改爲「_」,將其轉換爲小寫字母,並去除外部代碼的其餘部分,因此使用文件名/ url路徑/等是安全的。問題是,正如你所看到的,從性能的角度來看,它看起來很糟糕。任何人都可以想到更清潔,更快的替代方案嗎?任何人都可以建議一個更快的替代這個正則表達式算法?

public static String makeValidPathName(String rawString) { 
    if (rawString==null) return null; 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ÁÀÂÄáàäaàáâãäå]","a"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("æ","ae"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("çÇ","c"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ÈÉÊËèéêë]","e"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ìíîïÍÌÎÏ]","i"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("ñÑ","n");        
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ÓÓÖÔòóôõö]","o"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("œ","oe"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ÙÚÛÜùúûü]", "u"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ýÿ]","y"); 
    rawString= rawString.replaceAll("[^a-z A-Z 0-9 \\_ \\+]",""); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll(" ","_"); 
    return rawString.toLowerCase(); 



  • 情況1),因爲它是貼在這裏原來的子程序。
  • 情況2)由@WChargin
  • 情況3)通過@devconsole與我的優化建議用於SparseArray
  • 案例4)歸一化方法的查找表由@Erik Pragt

建議提出的改進而且...獲勝者是...... TADAAA .....

D/REPLACEMENT_TEST(18563): *** Running Tests (1000 iterations) 
D/REPLACEMENT_TEST(18563): Original REGEX : 13533 ms 
D/REPLACEMENT_TEST(18563): Compiled REGEX : 12563 ms 
D/REPLACEMENT_TEST(18563): Character LUT : 1840 ms 
  • 很有趣的模式編譯優化沒有HEL很多。
  • 我看到我對REGEXES的速度的假設也完全錯了,devconsole在他對Normalizer超越正則表達式的教育猜測中是正確的。
  • 令人驚訝的是REGEXES的緩慢程度。一個數量級的差異真的讓我感到驚訝。我會盡量避免使用Java。
  • 查找表是最短的空白選項。我會堅持使用這個解決方案,因爲使用Normalizer,我仍然需要手動替換一些字符(空格變成「_」),然後轉換成小寫字母。

測試在三星Galaxy Tab v1 10.1中完成。


public class Misc { 

    /* Test 2 (@WCChargin's Regex compilation) initialization */ 

static Map<Pattern, String> patterns = new HashMap<Pattern, String>(); 

static { 
     patterns.put(Pattern.compile("[ÁÀÂÄáàäaàáâãäå]") ,"a"); 
     patterns.put(Pattern.compile("[ÙÚÛÜùúûü]"), "u"); 
     patterns.put(Pattern.compile("[^a-z A-Z 0-9 \\_ \\+]"),""); 
     patterns.put(Pattern.compile(" "),"_"); 

    /* Test 3 (@devconsole's Lookup table) initialization */ 
static SparseArray<String> homeBrewPatterns=new SparseArray<String>(); 
/** helper function to fill the map where many different chars map to the same replacement */ 
static void fillMap(String chars, String replacement) { for (int i=0,len=chars.length(); i<len; i++) homeBrewPatterns.put(chars.charAt(i), replacement); } 
static { 
    // fill the sparsearray map with all possible substitutions: Any char code gets its equivalent, ie, ä->a. a->a. A->a 
    // this also does the toLowerCase automatically. If a char is not in the list, it is forbidden and we skip it. 
    fillMap(" ","_"); 
    for (char c='a'; c<='z'; c++) fillMap(""+c,""+c); // fill standard ASCII lowercase -> same letter 
    for (char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) fillMap(""+c,(""+c).toLowerCase()); // fill standard ASCII uppercase -> uppercase 
    for (char c='0'; c<='9'; c++) fillMap(""+c,""+c); // fill numbers 

    /** FUNCTION TO TEST #1: Original function, no pattern compilation */ 
public static String makeValidPathName(String rawString) { 
    if (rawString==null) return null; 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ÁÀÂÄáàäaàáâãäå]","a"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("æ","ae"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("çÇ","c"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ÈÉÊËèéêë]","e"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ìíîïÍÌÎÏ]","i"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("ñÑ","n");        
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ÓÓÖÔòóôõö]","o"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("œ","oe"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ÙÚÛÜùúûü]", "u"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[ýÿ]","y"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("[^a-z A-Z 0-9 \\_ \\+]",""); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll(" ","_"); 
    return rawString.toLowerCase(); 
/** FUNCTION TO TEST #2: @WCChargin's suggestion: Compile patterns then iterate a map */ 
public static String makeValidPathName_compiled(String rawString) { 
    for (Map.Entry<Pattern, String> e : patterns.entrySet()) { 
    return rawString.toLowerCase(); 

    /** FUNCTION TO TEST #3: @devconsole's suggestion: Create a LUT with all equivalences then append to a stringbuilder */ 
public static String makeValidPathName_lut(String rawString) { 
    StringBuilder purified=new StringBuilder(rawString.length()); // to avoid resizing 
    String aux; // to avoid creating objects inside the for 
    for (int i=0, len=rawString.length(); i<len; i++) { 
     if (aux!=null) purified.append(aux); 
    return purified.toString(); 

    /** FUNCTION TO TEST #4: @Erik Pragt's suggestion on the use of a Normalizer */ 
public static String makeValidPathName_normalizer(String rawString) { 
     return rawString == null ? null 
      : Normalizer.normalize(rawString, Form.NFD) 
       .replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""); 

    /** Test Runner as a Runnable, just do a Handler.post() to run it */ 

public static Runnable msStringReplacementTest=new Runnable() { 

    public void run() { 


    Log.d(XTAG, "*** Running Tests"); 

    int ITERATIONS=1000; 

    String[] holder=new String[4]; 

      /* http://www.adhesiontext.com/ to generate dummy long text ... its late n im tired :) */ 

    String tester="e arte nací valse ojales i demediada cesé entrañan domó reo ere fiaréis cinesiterapia fina pronto mensuraré la desatufases adulantes toree fusca ramiro hez apolíneo insalvable atas no enorme mí ojo trola chao fas eh borda no consignataria uno ges no arenque ahuyento y daca pío veló tenle baúl ve birria filo rho fui tañe mean taz raicita alimentarías ano defunciones u reabráis repase apreciaran cantorales ungidas naftalina ex guió abomba o escribimos consultarás des usó saudí mercó yod aborrecieses guiri lupia ña adosado jeringara fe cabalgadura tú descasar diseñe amar limarme escobero latamente e oreó lujuria niñez fabularios da inviernen vejé estañarán dictará sil mírales emoción zar claudiquéis ó e ti ñ veintén dañen ríase esmeraras acató noté as mancharlos avisen chocarnos divertidas y relata nuera usé fié élitro baba upa cu enhornan da toa hechizase genesíacos sol fija aplicó gafa pi enes fin asé deal rolar recurran cacen ha id pis pisó democristiano oes eras lañó ch pino fijad ñ quita hondazos ñ determinad vid corearan corrompimiento pamema meso fofas ocio eco amagados pian bañarla balan cuatrimestrales pijojo desmandara merecedor nu asimiladores denunciándote jada ñudos por descifraseis oré pelote ro botó tu sí mejorado compatibilizaciones enyerba oyeses atinado papa borbón pe dé ñora semis prosada luces leí aconteciesen doy colmará o ve te modismos virola garbillen apostabas abstenido ha bajá le osar cima ají adormecéis ñu mohecí orden abrogándote dan acanilladas uta emú ha emporcara manila arribeña hollejo ver puntead ijadeáis chalanesca pechugón silbo arabescos e i o arenar oxidas palear ce oca enmaderen niñez acude topó aguanieves i aconsejaseis lago él roía grafito ceñir jopo nitritos mofe botáis nato compresores ñu asilo amerizan allanándola cuela ó han ice puya alta lío son de sebo antieconómicas alá aceza latitud faca lavé colocándolos concebirlo miserea ñus gro mearé enchivarse"; 

    long time0=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
    for (int i=0; i<ITERATIONS; i++) holder[0]=makeValidPathName(tester); // store in an array to avoid possible JIT optimizations 
    long elapsed0=System.currentTimeMillis()-time0; 

    Log.d(XTAG, "Original REGEX : "+elapsed0+" ms"); 

    long time1=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
    for (int i=0; i<ITERATIONS; i++) holder[1]=makeValidPathName_compiled(tester); // store in an array to avoid possible JIT optimizations 
    long elapsed1=System.currentTimeMillis()-time1; 

    Log.d(XTAG, "Compiled REGEX : "+elapsed1+" ms"); 

    long time2=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
    for (int i=0; i<ITERATIONS; i++) holder[2]=makeValidPathName_lut(tester); // store in an array to avoid possible JIT optimizations 
    long elapsed2=System.currentTimeMillis()-time2; 

    Log.d(XTAG, "Character LUT : "+elapsed2+" ms"); 

    long time3=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
    for (int i=0; i<ITERATIONS; i++) holder[3]=makeValidPathName_normalizer(tester); // store in an array to avoid possible JIT optimizations 
    long elapsed3=System.currentTimeMillis()-time3; 

    Log.d(XTAG, "Java NORMALIZER : "+elapsed3+" ms"); 

    Log.d(XTAG, "Output 0: "+holder[0]); 
    Log.d(XTAG, "Output 1: "+holder[1]); 
    Log.d(XTAG, "Output 2: "+holder[2]); 
    Log.d(XTAG, "Output 3: "+holder[3]); 



爲什麼不以舊式的方式迭代字符串的字符,只查看每個字符一次,進行轉換(或跳過字符)並將結果追加到StringBuilder中? – devconsole 2013-05-08 23:15:11


嗯......坦率地說,我不知道......比如說,如果字符串中有300個字符並且只有一個口音,這個迭代會比正則表達式更快嗎? – rupps 2013-05-08 23:21:29


如果你做基準測試,請嘗試@devconsole的解決方案。我想它會更快,因爲當你真的需要爲每個字符轉換做簡單的查找時,你正在使用正則表達式來匹配模式。 – 2013-05-08 23:46:03



建立一個靜態Map<Character,String>一個字符映射到其replac ement字符串,即地圖'Á'到'a','ä'到'a'等。還包括一對一的對應關係,即地圖'a'到'a',等等。您最多可以獲得一個包含幾百條條目的地圖。



這應該是最快的解決方案。 +1 – 2013-05-08 23:44:38


Normalizer可能在內部做這樣的事情,所以它可能值得研究(參見其他解決方案)。 – devconsole 2013-05-08 23:47:46


嗯......有意思!說實話,我認爲正則表達式可以本地實現,所以像這樣的任何努力都不會更快,但我看到我可能是錯誤的......所以用這種方式,而不是一個Map,我可以用一個SparseArray ,並映射charcode(「ä」)--int-- - > a ...它應該更快? – rupps 2013-05-09 00:01:09




import java.text.Normalizer; 
import java.text.Normalizer.Form; 

// ... 

public static String removeAccents(String text) { 
    return text == null ? null 
     : Normalizer.normalize(text, Form.NFD) 
      .replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""); 



喔!看起來這就是我正在尋找的東西!你認爲它會比上述表現更好嗎? – rupps 2013-05-08 23:11:25


:-)。沒問題。那麼,這就是爲什麼我建議先創建一個基準,如果你真的關心性能。我不會太在意這件事,寫一個微基準可能會很棘手。 – 2013-05-08 23:13:38


嗯,我需要在緊密循環中調用這個函數幾百次,在我的情況下,基準可能是值得的......無論如何,我正在尋找編譯模式的解決方案,因爲我可以一次完成所有的替換,而不是結合normalizer + regex。 +1規範化的東西,這將是方便的未來:) – rupps 2013-05-08 23:16:36



Map<Pattern, String> patterns = new HashMap<Pattern, String>(); 
{ // initializer block (you could do this in constructor also) 
    patterns.put(Pattern.compile("[ÁÀÂÄáàäaàáâãäå]") ,"a"); 
    rawString = rawString.replaceAll("æ","ae"); 
    // etc. 

// later... 
for (Map.Entry<Pattern, String> e : patterns) { 
    rawString = e.getValue().matcher(rawString).replaceAll(e.getKey()); 


  • e.getValue()會從地圖上鍵
  • .matcher(rawString)得到了Matcher對象的模式,以匹配正則表達式的情況下,給定的字符串(原始字符串)
  • .replaceAll工作模式就像String方法(我相信String使用這個,實際上)
  • e.getKey()得到值被從地圖鍵取代



非常感謝!我認爲這是我需要的,因爲Normalizer看起來很酷且很標準,但我需要手動做一些替換。感謝您也提交代碼示例! – rupps 2013-05-08 23:14:20


也許更緊湊一點,但爲什麼它應該更好的性能? – devconsole 2013-05-08 23:14:22


每次對每個正則表達式'replaceAll'調用'Pattern.compile'。這個調用一次(每個正則表達式)。 – wchargin 2013-05-08 23:15:35
