2017-04-19 123 views

我是Haskell的新手,當我嘗試配置我碼。我明白main()中的所有指令都需要是IO(),並且發生錯誤是因爲我使用的函數之一(在Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Animate中)沒有返回IO()。我想用光澤包顯示遺傳算法的結果。 這裏是我的代碼:未能與實際類型'(控制器 - > IO()) - > IO()'預期類型'IO()'

module Main where 

import Prelude as P 
import Control.Monad.Random as Rand 
import Data.Functor 
import Data.IORef 
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Animate 
import Graphics.Solution 
import Graphics.Plot 

import Args 
import Task 
import Parsing 
import Genetic 

import Control.Concurrent.Async 
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan 
import Control.Monad.STM 
import Control.Arrow (first) 

main :: IO() 
main = do 
    args <- parseOptions 

    opts <- loadEvolOptions (evolOptionsFileName args) 
    gen <- newStdGen 
    [email protected](Task _ twrs _ _) <- loadTask (inputFileName args) (fitnessFuncFileName args) 

    chan <- newTChanIO 
    asolution <- async $ solve chan gen opts task 
    dataRef <- newIORef [] 
    finalSolutionRef <- newIORef Nothing 

    animateIO mode white $ const $ do 
     mfinsol <- readIORef finalSolutionRef 
     case mfinsol of 
     Just solution -> do 
      samples <- readIORef dataRef 
      return $ solutionPicture task solution (fitnessPlot samples) 
     Nothing -> do 
      msolution <- poll asolution  
      case msolution of 
      Nothing -> do 
       mv <- atomically $ tryReadTChan chan 
       case mv of 
       Nothing -> return() 
       Just v -> modifyIORef dataRef (++[v]) 
       samples <- readIORef dataRef 
       return $ fitnessPlot samples 
      Just esol -> case esol of 
       Left e -> fail $ show e 
       Right solution -> do 
       saveResult (outputFileName args) (filterTowers solution twrs) 
       writeIORef finalSolutionRef (Just solution) 
       samples <- readIORef dataRef 
       return $ solutionPicture task solution (fitnessPlot samples) 
     where mode = InWindow "test_genetic_al" (1280, 1024) (10, 10) 
      fitnessPlot ds = translate (-300) (-200) $ scale 600 600 $ plot "generation" "fitness" $ first fromIntegral <$> ds 


Couldn't match expected type ‘IO()’ 
       with actual type ‘(Controller -> IO()) -> IO()’ 
    In a stmt of a 'do' block: 
     animateIO mode white 
     $ const 
     $ do { mfinsol <- readIORef finalSolutionRef; 
       case mfinsol of { 
       Just solution -> do { ... } 
       Nothing -> do { ... } } } 
    In the expression: 
     do { args <- parseOptions; 
      opts <- loadEvolOptions (evolOptionsFileName args); 
      gen <- newStdGen; 
      [email protected](Task _ twrs _ _) <- loadTask 
             (inputFileName args) (fitnessFuncFileName args); 
      .... } 
    In an equation for ‘main’: 
      = do { args <- parseOptions; 
       opts <- loadEvolOptions (evolOptionsFileName args); 
       gen <- newStdGen; 
       .... } 
       mode = InWindow "test_genetic_al" (1280, 1024) (10, 10) 
       fitnessPlot ds 
       = translate (- 300) (- 200) 
        $ scale 600 600 
        $ plot "generation" "fitness" $ first fromIntegral <$> ds 





分爲:animateIO模式白(_ - >收益率())$常量$做

Couldn't match type ‘Picture’ with ‘()’ 
    Expected type: Controller -> IO() 
     Actual type: Controller -> IO Picture 
    In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely 
     $ do { mfinsol <- readIORef finalSolutionRef; 
       case mfinsol of { 
       Just solution -> do { ... } 
       Nothing -> do { ... } } }’ 
    In a stmt of a 'do' block: 
     animateIO mode white (\ _ -> return()) 
     $ const 
     $ do { mfinsol <- readIORef finalSolutionRef; 
       case mfinsol of { 
       Just solution -> do { ... } 
       Nothing -> do { ... } } } 
    In the expression: 
     do { args <- parseOptions; 
      opts <- loadEvolOptions (evolOptionsFileName args); 
      gen <- newStdGen; 
      [email protected](Task _ twrs _ _) <- loadTask 
             (inputFileName args) (fitnessFuncFileName args); 
      .... } 

錯誤只是意味着你忘了提供一個參數,在這種情況下,'Controller - > IO()'函數。 – ocramz


那麼我該如何解決這個問題,請問你能告訴我方式嗎? –


他所說的,即「回撥顯示控制器」。正如你在你鏈接的文檔中看到的那樣。你需要類似'animateIO mode white(\ _ - > return())$ const $ do'來滿足類型,儘管你可能需要根據你的意圖提供一個實際的回調,以使它正常工作。 – Lazersmoke




animateIO :: Display  
      -> Color 
      -> (Float -> IO Picture) 
      -> (Controller -> IO()) 
      -> IO() 


animateIO mode white $ … 


animateIO mode white $ … 

(Controller -> IO()) -> IO(),這正是你的錯誤信息告訴你。既然你不想使用Controller -> IO()一部分,你可以提供自己的animateIO

animateIO' :: Display -> Color -> IO Picture -> IO() 
animateIO' m c a = animateIO m c (const a) (const $ return()) 

請注意,您的(\_ -> return())沒有工作,因爲第三個參數具有生產Picture,而不是一個IO()


我會盡快修復我的代碼,例如你的建議併發布結果,謝謝你的幫助。 –
