2016-03-09 275 views

請問爲什麼價格($ 33000000.33)當它跳到第二行?我需要在同一行上有一個價格和「超長標題」。基本上,當價格太高時,我需要截斷像「Super Lon ...」這樣的「Super Long title」,並且仍然都在同一行上。CSS截斷不起作用


<div class="item-description group"> 
    <a href="/pro/test-item-with-variations"> 
    <p class="title truncate-text" title="">Test Item with variationsktvy9i</p> 
    <p class="shop truncate-text" title=""> 
    <a href="/pro">Super long title</a> 
    <a href="/pro/test-item-with-variations"> 
    <p class="price">$33000000.33</p> 


.item-description { 
    padding: 15px 10px; 
    background: white; 
    display: block; 
a { 
    text-decoration: none; 
    color: #66c6c3; 
    background-color: transparent; 
p.shop { 
    font-size: 14px; 
.shop { 
    color: #5d6d6d; 
    font-size: 16px; 
    padding: 0; 
    margin: 0; 
    width: 50%; 
    float: left; 
.truncate-text { 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    text-overflow: ellipsis; 
p { 
    display: block; 
p.shop a { 
    color: #5d6d6d; 
p.price { 
    font-size: 16px; 
.price { 
    color: #62c6c4; 
    font-weight: 600; 
    float: right; 




.ellipse { 
    display: block; 
    position: relative; 
    outline: 0; 
    text-overflow: ellipsis; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    /*vertical-align: middle;*//* for content in a table-cell*/ 
    width: 100%; 
  • 刪除所有的花車,

  • 放在段落內的所有錨,

  • 的所有段落display: inline-block

  • 的所有錨display: block

注:所有添加的outline S和background-color s爲以顯示元素邊緣的存在位置以及文本的裁剪位置。它基本上是在元素右邊的同一行上的一致剪輯(不包裝)。


a { 
    width: 49%; 
    background: rgba(255, 0, 0, .3); 
    text-decoration: none; 
    color: #66c6c3; 
p { 
    width: 49%; 
    outline: 1px solid blue; 
    background: yellow; 
    display: inline-block; 
div { 
    outline: 2px dashed #e3e; 
.ellipse { 
    display: block; 
    position: relative; 
    outline: 0; 
    text-overflow: ellipsis; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    /*vertical-align: middle;*/ 
    /* for content in a table-cell*/ 
    width: 100%; 
.item-description { 
    padding: 15px 10px; 
    background: white; 
    display: block; 
    position: relative; 

.shop { 
    color: #5d6d6d; 
    font-size: 16px; 
    padding: 0; 
    margin: 0; 
    width: 49%; 

.shop a { 
    color: #5d6d6d; 
.price { 
    color: #62c6c4; 
    font-size: 16px; 
<div class="item-description group"> 
    <p class="title" title=""> 
    <a href="/pro/test-item-with-variations" class="ellipse"> 
    Test Item with variationsktvy9i&((79777788uhgfrtrfghuooooooogybvtvtuiuy3463%^&8*Upl[lk;klhguifdttftuuuuuuuuuuuuuyvtfcjhgfds</a> 
    <p class="shop" title=""> 
    <a class="ellipse" href="/pro">Super long titlexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</a> 
    <p class="price" title=""> 
    <a href="/pro/test-item-with-variations" class="ellipse">$3300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.33</a> 



.item-description { 
    padding: 15px 10px; 
    background: white; 
    display: block; 
a { 
    text-decoration: none; 
    color: #66c6c3; 
    background-color: transparent; 
p.shop { 
    font-size: 14px; 
.shop { 
    color: #5d6d6d; 
    font-size: 16px; 
    padding: 0; 
    margin: 0; 
    min-width: 10%; 
.truncate-text { 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    text-overflow: ellipsis; 
p.shop a { 
    color: #5d6d6d; 
p.price { 
    font-size: 16px; 
.price { 
    color: #62c6c4; 
    font-weight: 600; 
    float: right; 
<div style="width:190.5px;"> 
<div class="item-description group"> 
    <a href="/pro/test-item-with-variations"> 
    <p class="title truncate-text" title="">Test Item with variationsktvy9i</p> 
    <div style="height:20px;"> 
    <a href="/pro/test-item-with-variations"> 
    <span class="price">$33000000.33</span> 
    <p class="shop truncate-text" title=""> 
    <a href="/pro">Super long title</a> 