2011-09-30 277 views

我是IOzone的新用戶,當我用命令./iozone -i 0 -i 1 -t 2 -T運行IOzone時,它會生成以下結果(部分):IOzone的輸出中的「Min xfer」和「吞吐量」是什麼意思

Command line used: ./iozone -i 0 -i 1 -t 2 -T 
Output is in Kbytes/sec 
Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. 
Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. 
Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. 
File stride size set to 17 * record size. 
Throughput test with 2 threads 
Each thread writes a 512 Kbyte file in 4 Kbyte records 
Children see throughput for 2 initial writers = 650943.69 KB/sec 
Parent sees throughput for 2 initial writers = 13090.24 KB/sec 
Min throughput per thread   = 275299.72 KB/sec 
Max throughput per thread   = 375643.97 KB/sec 
Avg throughput per thread   = 325471.84 KB/sec 
Min xfer     =  356.00 KB 

Children see throughput for 2 rewriters = 1375881.50 KB/sec 
Parent sees throughput for 2 rewriters  = 10523.74 KB/sec             
Min throughput per thread   = 1375881.50 KB/sec 
Max throughput per thread   = 1375881.50 KB/sec 
Avg throughput per thread   = 687940.75 KB/sec 
Min xfer     =  512.00 KB 

Children see throughput for 2 readers  = 2169601.25 KB/sec 
Parent sees throughput for 2 readers  = 27753.94 KB/sec 
Min throughput per thread   = 2169601.25 KB/sec 
Max throughput per thread   = 2169601.25 KB/sec 
Avg throughput per thread   = 1084800.62 KB/sec 
Min xfer     =  512.00 KB 

Children see throughput for 2 re-readers = 2572435.25 KB/sec 
Parent sees throughput for 2 re-readers  = 26311.78 KB/sec 
Min throughput per thread   = 2572435.25 KB/sec 
Max throughput per thread   = 2572435.25 KB/sec 
Avg throughput per thread   = 1286217.62 KB/sec 
Min xfer     =  512.00 KB 

iozone test complete. 

我弄不清楚「吞吐量」和「閩XFER」的意​​思是有一個人能幫助我嗎? 順便說一句,爲什麼兒童和父母的吞吐量不同?謝謝!



Min xfer指的是一次寫入的最小數據量。 「每個線程在4千字節記錄中寫入一個512 KB文件」

因此,如果Min xfer是512.00 KB,它會立即將所有實際文件寫入磁盤(將所有4 Kbyte記錄組合在一起)。

由於操作系統I/O緩衝,孩子和父母吞吐量不同。 iozone不強制直接(非緩衝)讀取或寫入吞吐量測試。你真正測試的是你的系統的緩衝區緩存+磁盤緩存+磁盤速度組合。