2017-10-10 75 views


比方說,我有以下的,一個快速排序(從和合Yahel的Wenderlich FP教程),延長任何類似陣列,這將很容易適應我CollectionStudent小號

struct Student { 
    let name: String 
    let age: Int 
    let grades: Double 

extension Student: Comparable { 
    static func <(lhs: Student, rhs: Student) -> Bool { 
     return lhs.grades < rhs.grades 
    static func ==(lhs: Student, rhs: Student) -> Bool { 
     return lhs.grades == rhs.grades 

extension Array where Element: Comparable { 
    func quickSorted() -> [Element] { 
     if self.count > 1 { 
      let (pivot, remaining) = (self[0], dropFirst()) 
      let lhs = remaining.filter{ $0 <= pivot } 
      let rhs = remaining.filter{ $0 > pivot } 
      return lhs.quickSorted() as [Element] + pivot + rhs.quickSorted() 
     return self 

//Omitted, create a bunch of Students 
//let bingoLittle = Student(name: "BingoLittle", age: 23, grades: 93.4) 
let myStudentDirectory = [bingoLittle, studentB, ... StudentN] 
let sortedStudentDirectory = myStudentDirectory.quickSorted() 


  1. quicksort應該變成一個通用函數嗎?
  2. 我應該看看類型限制嗎?
  3. 我應該在Student中擁有一個屬性,它應該排序哪個屬性的枚舉?看起來很醜。
  4. 我應該有一個類似於quickSorted(by: .name)的quickSorted?它似乎不太適用於數組擴展。





let sortedStudentDirectory = myStudentDirectory.sorted{ $0.grade < $1.grade } 

// This would be my recommendation given that it is standard and 
// it is unlikely that the quicksorted() method would outperform it. 


extension Array 
    func quickSorted<T:Comparable>(_ property:@escaping (Element)->T) -> [Element] 
     guard self.count > 1 else { return self } 
     let (pivot, remaining) = (property(self[0]), dropFirst()) 
     let lhs = remaining.filter{ property($0) <= pivot } 
     let rhs = remaining.filter{ property($0) > pivot } 
     return lhs.quickSorted(property) as [Element] + self[0] + rhs.quickSorted(property) 

let sortedStudentDirectory = myStudentDirectory.quickSorted{$0.grades} 

// this one also avoids making the struct Comparable. 
// you could implement it like the standard sort with a comparison 
// closure instead of merely a property accessor so that descending 
// sort order and multi-field sorting can be supported. 


struct Student 
    enum SortOrder { case name, age, grades } 
    static var sortOrder = .grades 
    let name: String 
    let age: Int 
    let grades: Double 

extension Student: Comparable 
    static func <(lhs: Student, rhs: Student) -> Bool 
     switch Student.sortOrder 
      case .grades : return lhs.grades < rhs.grades 
      case .age : return lhs.age < rhs.age 
      default  : return lhs.name < rhs.name 

    static func ==(lhs: Student, rhs: Student) -> Bool 
     switch Student.sortOrder 
      case .grades : return lhs.grades == rhs.grades 
      case .age : return lhs.age == rhs.age 
      default  : return lhs.name == rhs.name 

Student.sortOrder = .grades 
let sortedStudentDirectory = myStudentDirectory.quickSorted() 
