2017-05-26 122 views

我不知道如何在將屏幕大小調整爲頁面底部之後,從側邊欄移動社交圖標。我試圖使用媒體查詢,但沒有運氣。有任何想法嗎? https://jsbin.com/qegayapoya/edit?html,css,output如何根據屏幕分辨率移動圖標?

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      <h2 id="about">ABOUT ME</h2>Hello! Creating fuctional and well designed websites was always my goal. To do that, I am using diffrent methods and web technologies. Learning and continous progress is bigest advantage. I am currenty looking for my first job as a junior front-end developer. 
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     HTML 5 - HERO <br> 
     CSS 3 - PRO <br> 
     JS - NOOB <br> 
     JQUERY - NOOB<br> 
     SASS - MAD <br> 
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/*czemu to srodkuje calosc???margin*/ 
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'Merriweather', serif; 






@media (max-width: 992px) { 

非常感謝,還有一個問題。我注意到當我在991 px主菜單下面縮小屏幕時,沒有填充頁面的所有寬度。如何解決它? – dylemat1


只需將此添加到您的CSS樣式。 。容器寬度:100%; } – Vilvan


真棒,非常感謝,有美好的一天:D – dylemat1