2011-03-15 78 views

I am trying to place <a href='somepage'> inside the selection list like below but somehow its not rendering...<a href> inside mobile:SelectionList

<Mobile:SelectionList runat="server" id="cars" SelectType="CheckBox" > 
    <Item Text="I agree to <a href='test'>test terms &amp; condition</a>" value="Value" Selected="False" /> 

here is the out i get:

[CHECKBOX] I agree to <a href='test'>test terms & condition</a> 



WOW mobile controls!! You should know it is a deprecated technology. I think you can not use控件在選擇列表中。但是你可以使用更好的中繼器控制。


什麼?我不確定我明白你想說什麼,但是你的意思是不贊成過時的技術?爲什麼我會使用複選框控制複選框? – 2011-03-15 22:57:57


此api已過時。 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.mobilecontrols.mobilepage.aspx – fravelgue 2011-03-29 13:01:31

<Mobile:SelectionList runat="server" id="cars" SelectType="CheckBox" > 
    <Item Text="I agree to &lt;a href='test'&gt; test terms &amp; condition&lt;/a&gt;" value="Value" Selected="False" /> 