2012-01-16 62 views





集團2 :完成「測試2」並得到了「50到80之間的分數」


SELECT s FROM Student s JOIN s.tests t WHERE t.score BETWEEN :minScore AND :maxScore AND t.testName = :testName 



    @NamedQuery(name="Student.findStudentByParams", query="????????") // What should this query look like to satisfy the criteria? (see below for more detail) 
public class Student { 
    // .. Some other variables that are not relevant for this example 

    private String name; 

    @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "student") 
    private List<Test> tests; 

    // Setters and getters 

public class Test { 
    private double score; 
    private String testName; 
    // .. Some other variables that are not relevant for this example 

    private Student student; 

    // Setters and getters 

public class SearchParameters { 
    private double minScore; 
    private double maxScore; 
    private String testName; 

    public SearchParameters(String minScore, String maxScore, String testName) { 
     this.minScore = minScore; 
     this.maxScore = maxScore; 
     this.testName = testName; 

    // Setters and getters 

public class MainClass { 
    public static List<Student> getStudents(List<SearchParameters> searchParams) { 

     // Database initialization stuff 

     // What should the query look like to find all students that match any of the combined requirements in the searchParams list? 
     // Is it possible to do in a single query or should i make multiple ones? 
     // What parameters should i set? Is it possible to put in the entire array and do some sort of join? 

     // Retrieve all students which matches any of these search parameters: 
     // Have either: 
     //  Completed "Test 1" and got a score between 75 and 100 
     // and/or: 
     //  Completed "Test 2" and got a score between 50 and 80 
     Query namedQuery = em.createNamedQuery("Student.findStudentByParams"); 

     return (List<Student>)namedQuery.getResultList(); 

    public static void main() { 
     List<SearchParams> searchParams = new ArrayList<SearchParams(); 
     searchParams.add(new SearchParameters(75,100, "Test 1")); 
     searchParams.add(new SearchParameters(50,80, "Test 2")); 

     // Retrieve all students which matches any of these search parameters: 
     // Have either: 
     //  Completed "Test 1" and got a score between 75 and 100 
     // and/or: 
     //  Completed "Test 2" and got a score between 50 and 80 
     ArrayList<Student> students = getStudents(searchParams); 
     for(Student s: students) // Print all user that match the criteria 
      System.out.println("Name: " + s.getName()); 

看一看標準查詢生成器。您可以構建一個謂詞數組:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-typesafejpa/ – perissf 2012-01-16 17:03:52



您需要使用Criteria Builder(以及最終的規範Metamodel)。


EntityManager em; // put here your EntityManager instance 
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); 
CriteriaQuery<Student> cq = cb.createQuery(Student.class); 
Root<Student> student = cq.from(Student.class); 
Predicate predicate = cb.disjunction(); 
for (SearchParams param : searchParams) { 
    ListJoin<Student, Test> tests = student.join(Student_.tests); 
    Predicate tempPredicate1 = cb.equal(tests.get(Test_.testName), param.getTestName()); 
    Predicate tempPredicate2 = cb.ge(tests.get(Test_.score), param.getMinScore()); 
    Predicate tempPredicate3 = cb.le(tests.get(Test_.score), param.getMaxScore()); 
    Predicate tempPredicate = cb.and(tempPredicate1, tempPredicate2, tempPredicate3); 
    predicate = cb.or(predicate, tempPredicate); 
TypedQuery<Student> tq = em.createQuery(cq); 
return tq.getResultList(); 

感謝您的代碼示例,它似乎正在做我正在尋找的東西。 – MrKiane 2012-01-17 08:35:08


我不明白如果不動態組合查詢將會如何。考慮使用Criteria API來創建它。


select s from Student s where 
    exists (select t.id from Test t where t.student.id = s.id and ...) 
    exists (select t.id from Test t where t.student.id = s.id and ...) 
    exists (...) 
