2008-12-30 237 views








我一定給它一個鏡頭。我會回報。 :) – Craig 2008-12-30 16:11:40



Private Sub btnGo_Click() 
    If ComboBox1.SelText <> "" Then 
    Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application 
    Dim objNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace 
    Dim objInbox As MAPIFolder 
    Dim objMail As mailItem 

    //Get the MAPI reference 
    Set objNameSpace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") 

    //Pick up the Inbox 
    Set objInbox = objNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
    For Each objFolder In objInbox.Folders 
     If (objFolder.Name = ComboBox1.SelText) Then 
      Set objInbox = objFolder 
     End If 
    Next objFolder 

    //Loop through the items in the Inbox 
    Dim count As Integer 
    count = 1 

    For Each objMail In objInbox.Items 
     lblStatus.Caption = "Count: " + CStr(count) 
     If (CheckBox1.Value = False Or objMail.UnRead = True) Then 
      ProcessMailItem (objMail.Body) 
      count = count + 1 
      objMail.UnRead = False 
     End If 
    Next objMail 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub ProcessMailItem(strBody As String) 
    Open "C:\file.txt" For Append As 1 

    Dim strTmp As String 
    strTmp = Replace(strBody, vbNewLine, " ") 
    strTmp = Replace(strTmp, vbCrLf, " ") 
    strTmp = Replace(strTmp, Chr(13) & Chr(10), " ") 
    strTmp = Replace(strTmp, ",", "_") 

    //Extra Processing went here (Deleted for brevity) 
    Print #1, strTmp 
    Close #1 

End Sub 

Private Function Strip(strStart As String, strEnd As String, strBody As String) As String 
    Dim iStart As Integer 
    Dim iEnd As Integer 

    iStart = InStr(strBody, strStart) + Len(strStart) 
    If (strEnd = "xxx") Then 
     iEnd = Len(strBody) 
     iEnd = InStr(strBody, strEnd) - 1 
    End If 

    Strip = LTrim(RTrim(Mid(strBody, iStart, iEnd - iStart))) 
End Function 

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 
    Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application 
    Dim objNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace 
    Dim objInbox As MAPIFolder 
    Dim objFolder As MAPIFolder 

    //Get the MAPI reference 
    Set objNameSpace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") 

    //Pick up the Inbox 
    Set objInbox = objNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 

    //Loop through the folders under the Inbox 
    For Each objFolder In objInbox.Folders 
    ComboBox1.AddItem objFolder.Name 
    Next objFolder 
End Sub 

很酷。很高興你的工作做得很好,並且發佈代碼的做法很好,所以其他人在今後谷歌年度出現時可以從中受益。 – U62 2009-01-01 01:38:35
