2010-08-16 108 views


* Helper method 
* 1. Specify args as Object[] for convenience 
* 2. No error if method not implemented 
* (GOAL: Groovy scripts as simple as possible) 
* @param name 
* @param args 
* @return 
Object invokeGroovyScriptMethod(String name, Object[] args) { 
    Object result = null; 
    try { 
     result = groovyObject.invokeMethod(name, args);   
    } catch (exception) { // THIS HAS BEEN GROVIED... 
     if (exception instanceof MissingMethodException) { 
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { 
       log.debug("invokeGroovyScriptMethod: ", exception); 
     } else { 
      rethrow exception; 
    return result; 

Object invokeGroovyScriptMethod(String name) { 
    return invokeGroovyScriptMethod(name, [ null ] as Object[]); 

Object invokeGroovyScriptMethod(String name, Object arg0) { 
    return invokeGroovyScriptMethod(name, [ arg0 ] as Object[]); 

Object invokeGroovyScriptMethod(String name, Object arg0, Object arg1) { 
    return invokeGroovyScriptMethod(name, [ arg0, arg1 ] as Object[]); 


Object invokeGroovyScriptMethod(String name) { 
    return invokeGroovyScriptMethod(name, [ null ] as Object[]); 

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: MyClass.getDescription() is applicable for argument types: (null) values: [null] 
Possible solutions: getDescription(), setDescription(java.lang.Object) 


謝謝 米莎




Object invokeGroovyScriptMethod(String name, Object... args = null) { 
    try { 
    args ? groovyObject."$name"(args.flatten()) : groovyObject."$name"() 
    } catch(exception) { 
    if(exception instanceof MissingMethodException) { 
     println "invokeGroovyScriptMethod: $exception.message" 
    } else { 
     throw exception; 

groovyObject = 'hi' 
assert 'HI' == invokeGroovyScriptMethod('toUpperCase') 
assert  'i' == invokeGroovyScriptMethod('getAt', 1) 
assert '***hi' == invokeGroovyScriptMethod('padLeft', 5, '*') 

// Assert will pass (as we catch the exception, print the error and return null) 
assert null == invokeGroovyScriptMethod('shouldFail') 



我擔心我可能已經給你發錯了路,如果這就是Java ...


哇,這是真棒。我知道我的代碼有什麼問題btw Object invokeGroovyScriptMethod(String name){ return invokeGroovyScriptMethod(name,[null] as Object []); } 應該是 對象invokeGroovyScriptMethod(字符串名稱){ 返回invokeGroovyScriptMethod(姓名,[]爲Object []); } 米莎 – 2010-08-17 16:24:22


換句話說[空]爲Object []應該是[]爲Object [] – 2010-08-17 16:24:46


僅供參考,如果它的好,我張貼您的代碼段在這裏 http://groovy.329449.n5.nabble.com /invokeMethod-from-Groovy-with-no-parameters-td2637455.html#a2637455 – 2010-08-17 16:29:54
