2017-01-18 34 views


(define-values (a b c d) (values #f #f #f #f)) 

(define (f x) 
    (let ([g (λ (y) (printf "Please tell ~a this is ~a\n" x y))] 
     [h (curry printf "Don't tell ~a this is ~a\n" x)]) 
    (if a 
     (set! b g) 
     (set! a g)) 
    (if c 
     (set! d h) 
     (set! c h)))) 

(f "me") 
(f " me") 

(a "possible") 
(d "impossible") 

(equal? a b) ; <==== Is it possible to compare these guys 
(equal? c d) ; <==== to get #t in both cases? 


編輯: 這不是關於函數的理論等價性的問題。這完全是技術問題,而非編譯代碼中Racket的函數表示。因此可以用以下方式重新表達:我可以從「用戶」代碼中得到一些例程的行號嗎?我想這應該是可行的,因爲Racket調試器以某種方式獲得它。


你在尋找lambda表達式的語義相等嗎? –


@JonChesterfield我認爲更「輕量級」的變體。如果在兩個不同的地方聲明兩個相同的函數,則不需要'#t'。如果函數值在代碼中的同一行和位置中聲明,那麼獲得'#t'就足夠了。 – dvvrd


這可能是可以解決的。 Iirc racket使用調試信息標記表達式,因此一種方法是解析該信息。除此之外,我什麼都沒有,但至少你不需要象徵性的證明系統:) –




#lang racket 

;; makes a procedure object that can have other data connected to it 
(struct proc (id obj) 
    #:property prop:procedure 
    (struct-field-index obj) 
    #:methods gen:custom-write 
    [(define (write-proc x port mode) 
    (display (format "#<procedure-id-~a>" (proc-id x)) port))]) 

;; compares the ids of two proc objects if they are proc objects 
(define (proc-equal? a b) 
    (and (proc? a) 
     (proc? b) 
     (= (proc-id a) (proc-id b)))) 

;; extends equal?, candidate to provide 
(define (equal*? a b) 
    (or (proc-equal? a b) 
     (equal? a b))) 

;; the state we keep 
    (define unique-proc-id-per-code 0)) 

;; a macro that changes (lambda* ...) to 
;; (proc expansion-id (lambda ...)) 
(define-syntax (lambda* stx) 
    (let ((proc-id unique-proc-id-per-code)) 
    (set! unique-proc-id-per-code (add1 unique-proc-id-per-code)) 
    #`(proC#,(datum->syntax stx proc-id) (lambda #,@(datum->syntax stx (cdr (syntax-e stx))))))) 

;; test with making a counter 
(define counter-from 
    (lambda* (from) 
     (set! from (add1 from)))))) 

;; evaluatin the outer shows it has id 0 
counter-from ; ==> #<procedure-id-0> 

;; make two counters that both use the inner lambda 
(define from10 (counter-from 10)) 
(define from20 (counter-from 20)) 

;; both have the same expansion id 
from10 ; ==> #<procedure-id-1> 
from20 ; ==> #<procedure-id-1> 

;; they are not equal? 
(equal? from10 from20)  ; ==> #f (different object instances of proc) 
;; but they are procedure-equal? 
(proc-equal? from10 from20) ; ==> #t (same id, thus came from same macroexpansion) 



這個想法看起來類似於http://stackoverflow.com/a/20362858,我認爲它。雖然宏觀解決方案不適用於外部定義的lambda,但似乎我仍然應該接受這種方式。非常感謝您的回答! – dvvrd


@dvvrd我認爲解決方案實際上是基於這個答案,因爲我將它基於我的垃圾目錄中的一個文件,名爲visual-lambda.rkt :-) – Sylwester