2012-05-15 31 views


VBA代碼,我開始進行這項工作被張貼在:Dynamic Depending Lists in Separated WorkSheets in VBA



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  • 負責任的名單和網站名單與項目名單有關。
  • 其他列表與網站列表相關。

這應該讓你開始:http://siddharthrout.wordpress.com/2011/07/29/excel-data- validationcreate-dynamic-dependent-lists-vba/ –


urgh ...試圖回答,但由於某種原因我無法上傳圖片。明天再回來試試! –


@SiddharthRout I've找到你的代碼,我開始着手它。這真的很好,很好解釋。另外,這就是我想要的!但問題是,當有不同的工作表時,它不起作用。主要如果...失敗,因爲交叉點來自不同的工作表。我不知道如何解決它。 – meikse





Dnyamic Named Ranges


Input Sheet


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 

Dim wks As Worksheet 
Dim strName As String, strFormula 
Dim rng As Range 

Set wks = ActiveSheet 

With wks 

    If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub 

    Select Case Target.Column 

     Case Is = .Rows(1).Find("Project", lookat:=xlWhole).Column 

      Set rng = Target.Offset(, 1) 

      strName = Target.Value 
      strFormula = "=" & Replace(strName, " ", "_") & "_Responsible" 

      AddValidation rng, 1, strFormula 

      'add any more cells that would need validation based on project selection here. 

     Case Is = .Rows(1).Find("Responsible", lookat:=xlWhole).Column 

      Set rng = Target.Offset(, 1) 

      strName = Target.Value 
      strFormula = "=" & Replace(strName, " ", "_") & "_SamplePoint" 

      AddValidation rng, 1, strFormula 

      'add any more cells that would need validation based on responsible selection here. 

     'Case Is = add any more dependenices here ... and continue with cases for each one 

    End Select 

End With 


Function AddValidation(ByVal rng As Range, ByVal iOperator As Integer, _ 
    ByVal sFormula1 As String, Optional iXlDVType As Integer = 3, _ 
    Optional iAlertStyle As Integer = 1, Optional sFormula2 As String, _ 
    Optional bIgnoreBlank As Boolean = True, Optional bInCellDropDown As Boolean = True, _ 
    Optional sInputTitle As String, Optional sErrorTitle As String, _ 
    Optional sInputMessage As String, Optional sErrorMessage As String, _ 
    Optional bShowInput As Boolean = True, Optional bShowError As Boolean = True) 

'Enumaration for ease of use 
'Name Value Description 
'xlValidateCustom 7 Data is validated using an arbitrary formula. 
'xlValidateDate 4 Date values. 
'xlValidateDecimal 2 Numeric values. 
'xlValidateInputOnly 0 Validate only when user changes the value. 
'xlValidateList 3 Value must be present in a specified list. 
'xlValidateTextLength 6 Length of text. 
'xlValidateTime 5 Time values. 
'xlValidateWholeNumber 1 Whole numeric values. 

'xlValidAlertInformation 3 Information icon. 
'xlValidAlertStop 1 Stop icon. 
'xlValidAlertWarning 2 Warning icon. 

'xlBetween 1 Between. Can be used only if two formulas are provided. 
'xlEqual 3 Equal. 
'xlGreater 5 Greater than. 
'xlGreaterEqual 7 Greater than or equal to. 
'xlLess 6 Less than. 
'xlLessEqual 8 Less than or equal to. 
'xlNotBetween 2 Not between. Can be used only if two formulas are provided. 
'xlNotEqual 4 Not equal. 

With rng.Validation 
    .Delete ' delete any existing validation before adding new one 
    .Add Type:=iXlDVType, AlertStyle:=iAlertStyle, Operator:=iOperator, Formula1:=sFormula1, Formula2:=sFormula2 
    .IgnoreBlank = bIgnoreBlank 
    .InCellDropdown = bInCellDropDown 
    .InputTitle = sInputTitle 
    .ErrorTitle = sErrorTitle 
    .InputMessage = sInputMessage 
    .ErrorMessage = sErrorMessage 
    .ShowInput = bShowInput 
    .ShowError = bShowError 
End With 

End Function 

也,我有一個文件給你,但你將不得不給我發電子郵件。我的工作地點處於鎖定狀態,因此我無法上傳到任何在線存儲。 Boo –


好的!謝謝。我要試試這個。你的電子郵件是哪一個? – meikse