2017-09-05 65 views


let str = ''; // Testing if statement 
let findWord = prompt('what word do you want to find'); 
let replaceWith = prompt('replace with that new word'); 

const searchAndReplace = (string, oldWord, newWord) => { 
     if (string == '') { // should it be '', or null, or undefined? 
      alert('no msg') 
     } else { 
      return string.split(oldWord.toLowerCase()).join(newWord.toLowerCase()); 

let newString = searchAndReplace(str, findWord, replaceWith); 



作爲一個說明,使用'prompt'以獲取輸入是非常易怒。爲什麼不是兩個輸入欄和一個按鈕? – tadman


「*代替其他運行的是函數*」 - 你怎麼知道? – Bergi


要麼你正在運行這個函數兩次,要麼你不是。通過在兩者中設置斷點來檢查您的調試器。 – tadman




if (!string || string === '') 

在javascript null,undefined或甚至爲空都是false。 希望它有幫助。


空字符串也是錯誤的,所以拼寫出來是沒有意義的 - 它可以縮寫爲'如果(!string)'。但爲什麼你認爲這是OP代碼中的問題? – Bergi


我試過了,但else語句仍然先運行,然後運行if語句 –


你的代碼工作正常。 我不知道你爲什麼認爲IF和ELSE都被執行。


function Test1() { 
    console.log("I return undefined, not null"); 

var test1 = Test1(); 
console.log("Test 1 is ? ", test1); // Test 1 is ? undefined 

function Test2() { 
    console.log("I return string"); 
    return "test2-string"; 

var test2 = Test2(); 
console.log("Test 2 is ? ", test2); // Test 2 is ? test2-string 

string is empty

Else statement only

let str = ''; // Testing if statement 
let findWord = prompt('what word do you want to find'); 
let replaceWith = prompt('replace with that new word'); 

const searchAndReplace = (string, oldWord, newWord) => { 
     // should it be '', or null, or undefined? 
     console.log("input value: ", string, oldWord, newWord); 
     if (string == '') { 
      console.log("IF it's empty"); 
      alert('no msg'); 
     } else { 
      console.log("ELSE string is not empty"); 
      return string.split(oldWord.toLowerCase()).join(newWord.toLowerCase()); 

let newString = searchAndReplace(str, findWord, replaceWith); 
console.log("newString: ", newString); 




function Test1() { 
\t \t console.log("I return undefined, not null"); 
\t } 

\t var test1 = Test1(); 
\t console.log("Test 1 is ? ", test1); // Test 1 is ? undefined 

\t function Test2() { 
\t \t console.log("I return string"); 
\t return "test2-string"; 
\t } 

\t var test2 = Test2(); 
\t console.log("Test 2 is ? ", test2); // Test 2 is ? test2-string