2017-10-04 61 views


function getXML() { 
    var newURL = "https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext&v=5Ovh9KJ25ow&lang=en"; 
    $(document).ready(function() { 
      type: "GET", 
      url: newURL, 
      dataType: "xml", 
      success: xmlParser 

    function xmlParser(xml) { 
     $(xml).find("text").each(function() { 
      $("#caption").append('<div>' + $(this).find("text").text() + '</div>'); 

在網頁的正文我有<div id="caption"></div>。 如果您查看該網址https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?&v=5Ovh9KJ25ow&lang=en,您會看到它是一個帶有「文本」節點的xml文檔。這些節點還包含我將需要的「start」屬性。我把一個JavaScript警報('嗨'),看看它是否正在運行,我得到「嗨」19倍的預期爲19個文本節點,但沒有被寫入我的分區。一旦我得到數據顯示,我如何訪問「開始」屬性數據?




function xmlParser(xml) { 
    $(xml).find("text").each(function() { 
    $("#caption").append('<div>' + $(this).text() + '</div>'); 

function xmlParser(xml) { 
    $(xml).find("text").each(function() { 
     '<li>' + 
     '<p>Text: ' + $(this).text() + '</p>' + 
     '<p>Start (jQuery way): ' + $(this).attr('start') + '</p>' + 
     '<p>Start (JavaScript way): ' + this.getAttribute('start') + '</p>' + 

<text start="0.01" dur="4.04">{music}</text> 
<text start="4.07" dur="4.04"> 
What is the One Button Studio? The One Button Studio is simply 
<text start="8.13" dur="4"> 
a standard video recording studio where we&#39;ve removed the technology from 
<text start="12.15" dur="4.01"> 
the floor and mounted it to the ceiling and we&#39;ve also automated the space. 
<text start="16.18" dur="4"> 
We did this to enhance the user experience. You no longer need to know how to work 
<text start="20.2" dur="4.08"> 
lights, camera, or audio to create a good quality video. 
<text start="24.3" dur="4.09"> 
To work it, we just bring a thumb drive and we simply plug it into the hub here. 
<text start="28.41" dur="4.12"> 
And within a few seconds, we&#39;re gonna see ourselves on the 
<text start="32.55" dur="4.08"> 
monitor and the lights will come on, and we&#39;re ready to go. To start, we 
<text start="36.65" dur="4.01"> 
simply press the button. We get a five second countdown. If we so choose, 
<text start="40.68" dur="4.08"> 
we can use a projector to project an image or we can use the green screen on the ceiling to 
<text start="44.78" dur="4.02"> 
shoot a standard green screen video. And once we&#39;ve created our video, 
<text start="48.82" dur="4.06"> 
we just simply press the button again. It will save that video 
<text start="52.9" dur="4.02"> 
to a QuickTime formatted file right to the thumb drive. And when it&#39;s finished, 
<text start="56.94" dur="4.03"> 
we can just take that thumb drive out, everything will turn off, and we&#39;re ready to go. 
<text start="60.99" dur="4">{music}</text> 
<text start="65.01" dur="4.04"></text> 
<text start="69.07" dur="4.01"></text> 
<text start="73.1" dur="2.668"></text> 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<ul id="caption"></ul>


這是它到底。非常感謝。有沒有辦法訪問start屬性呢?我想列舉這些以及文字。 – user3499381


我試過.childNodes [0]和.getAttribute(「開始」)後面的文本()以及.find(「文本」)之前的行,但沒有奏效。 – user3499381


@ user3499381我已經更新了包含使用'jQuery'和'JavaScript'方法的'start'屬性的答案。如果這有幫助,請將此答案標記爲正確。此外,您還應該將以前的問題的有用答案標記爲正確。非常感激。 –