2017-04-20 80 views


import java.io.*; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Affine_English2 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 

     Map<String, Integer> legalEnglishWords = new HashMap<>(); 

     Scanner file = new Scanner(new File("example.txt")); 

      while (file.hasNextLine()) 
       String line = file.nextLine(); 

      for (String word : line.split(" ")) 
        legalEnglishWords.put(word, 0); 


      Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); 
      System.out.println("Please enter in a message: "); 
      String message = scan.nextLine(); 

      for (String userInput : message.split(" ")) 
       if (legalEnglishWords.containsKey(userInput)) 
        System.out.println("\"" +userInput + "\" is an English word "); 


      for(String word : message.split(" ")) 
       if (!legalEnglishWords.containsKey(word)) 
        legalEnglishWords.put(word, 1); 
        legalEnglishWords.put(word, legalEnglishWords.get(word) + 1); 

      for (String word: legalEnglishWords.keySet()) 
        System.out.println("the word \"" + word + "\" occurred " + legalEnglishWords.get(word) + " times"); 


Please enter in a message: 
aaat is is this are that 

"is" is an English word 
"is" is an English word 
"this" is an English word 
"are" is an English word 
"that" is an English word 

the word "but" occurred 0 times 
the word "" occurred 0 times 
the word "use" occurred 0 times 
the word "had" occurred 0 times 
the word "do" occurred 0 times 
the word "your" occurred 0 times 
the word "when" occurred 0 times 
the word "that" occurred 1 times 
the word "his" occurred 0 times 
the word "from" occurred 0 times 
the word "if" occurred 0 times 
the word "you" occurred 0 times 
the word "they" occurred 0 times 
the word "all" occurred 0 times 
the word "which" occurred 0 times 
the word "in" occurred 0 times 
the word "this" occurred 1 times 
the word "is" occurred 2 times 
the word "it" occurred 0 times 
the word "an" occurred 0 times 
the word "each" occurred 0 times 
the word "she" occurred 0 times 
the word "as" occurred 0 times 
the word "at" occurred 0 times 
the word "word" occurred 0 times 
the word "be" occurred 0 times 
the word "line" occurred 0 times 
the word "for" occurred 0 times 
the word "their" occurred 0 times 
the word "we" occurred 0 times 
the word "can" occurred 0 times 
the word "how" occurred 0 times 
the word "not" occurred 0 times 
the word "are" occurred 1 times 
the word "and" occurred 0 times 
the word "of" occurred 0 times 
the word "by" occurred 0 times 
the word "have" occurred 0 times 
the word "where" occurred 0 times 
the word "said" occurred 0 times 
the word "on" occurred 0 times 
the word "a" occurred 0 times 
the word "or" occurred 0 times 
the word "was" occurred 0 times 
the word "i" occurred 0 times 
the word "the" occurred 0 times 
the word "with" occurred 0 times 
the word "what" occurred 0 times 
the word "there" occurred 0 times 
the word "to" occurred 0 times 
the word "he" occurred 0 times 
the word "aaat" occurred 1 times 



請粘貼你的輸入,慾望輸出和你現在得到的輸出。 –


歡迎來到Stack Overflow!它看起來像你需要學習使用調試器。請幫助一些[互補調試技術](https://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-programs/)。如果您之後仍然遇到問題,請隨時返回一個[最小,完整且可驗證的示例](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve),以說明您的問題。 –


您應該編輯您的[第一個問題](http://stackoverflow.com/q/43509070/4391450),而不是回答問題併發布新問題。 – AxelH




if (!legalEnglishWords.containsKey(word)){ 
legalEnglishWords.put(word, 1);// this adds unknown words to your dictionary 


 for (String userInput : message.split(" ")) { 
      if (legalEnglishWords.containsKey(userInput)) { 
       System.out.println("\"" + userInput + "\" is an English word "); 
       legalEnglishWords.put(userInput, legalEnglishWords.get(userInput) + 1); 


     for (String word : legalEnglishWords.keySet()) { 
      System.out.println("the word \"" + word + "\" occurred " + legalEnglishWords.get(word) + " times"); 

非常感謝!我沒有注意到加號是將這個單詞添加到我的單詞集中 – Nolan



  1. 打印所有內容:您需要使用int值> 0(提示:使用entrySet()來過濾值抗皺性能)

    for (Entry<String, Integer> word : legalEnglishWords.entrySet()) 
        if (word.getValue() > 0) 
         System.out.println("the word \"" + word.getKey() + "\" occurred " + word.getValue() + " times"); 
  2. 而且打印的「新」用戶輸入:你把這些值代入通過legalEnglishWords.put(word, 1);地圖。現在這個詞在地圖上列出,如果你再次寫了同樣的假詞,它的計數將會增加。如果你想收集錯誤的單詞,你可以創建一個新的地圖。