2017-05-31 199 views

我是新的excel vba腳本。我需要的是獲得LZFmax數據。
測量結果Excel VBA:通過選定列範圍從txt文件讀取特定行

Band [Hz] 6.3   8.0   10.0  12.5  16.0  20.0  25.0  31.5  40.0  50.0  63.0  80.0  100.0  125.0  160.0  200.0  250.0  315.0  400.0  500.0  630.0  800.0  1000.0  1250.0  1600.0  2000.0  2500.0  3150.0  4000.0  5000.0  6300.0  8000.0  10000.0  12500.0  16000.0  20000.0 

      [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  [dB]  

LZFmax  88.5  81.9  72.8  71.5  70.3  71.0  75.0  69.9  76.5  86.9  93.4  97.9  93.4  86.7  88.8  99.4  98.0  100.8  103.4  97.6  101.4  96.5  93.3  90.2  88.5  91.2  85.2  86.7  80.9  78.4  79.8  80.3  75.8  68.9  66.9  63.9  

LZFmin  20.0  21.4  22.8  20.1  24.6  24.6  28.7  30.5  32.8  35.0  29.0  35.6  34.5  38.0  39.4  39.0  42.5  40.1  41.9  41.7  43.0  39.2  38.5  37.5  36.7  35.4  34.7  34.8  34.6  34.2  34.7  35.7  36.6  37.5  38.9  40.9  

LZeq  61.8  56.8  46.8  46.7  49.1  55.5  49.4  47.5  56.2  69.0  75.3  79.4  75.2  70.7  72.7  76.7  78.8  79.0  79.2  78.6  81.3  78.5  75.2  70.5  70.9  70.0  67.2  68.2  63.6  62.7  57.5  57.4  53.7  51.8  47.8  53.9 


Public koef_k As Double 

Private Sub Open_Click() 

Dim myFile As Variant, koef_k As Integer 
myFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt),*.txt", , _ 
      "Select file") 
If myFile = False Then Exit Sub 

Open myFile For Input As #1 
row_number = 0 

Do Until EOF(1) 
Line Input #1, LineFromFile 

LineItems = Split(LineFromFile, vbTab) 

Range("C9").Offset(row_number, 0).Value = LineItems(1) 

row_number = row_number + 1 


Close #1 

End Sub 


Band[Hz] LZFmax     
50  51     
63  58     
80  60     
100  61     
125  63     
160  65     
200  66     
250  69     
315  73     
400  67     
500  65     
630  62     
800  60     
1000 58     
1250 55     
1600 51     
2000 48     
2500 42     
3150 39     
4000 36 
5000 32 



Private Sub Open_Click() 
    Dim fn As Variant, myLine As Long, txt As String, i As Integer, x 
    fn = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt),*.txt", , _ 
      "Open File") 
    If fn = False Then Exit Sub 
    myLine = 111 '<- change to suite 
    txt = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fn).ReadAll 
    x = Split(txt, vbTab) 
    'MsgBox x(myLine + 1) 
    row_number = 0 
    Range("C9").Offset(row_number, 0).Value = x(myLine - 10) 
    i = 10 
    Do While i < 31 
    Cells(i, "C").Value = x(myLine) 
    i = i + 1 
    myLine = myLine + 1 
Close #1 
End Sub 

此代碼的工作,因爲我想,只有MYLINE值不是很方便,因爲我不得不手動找到它。 也許有更好的方法來優化此代碼?




Private Sub Open_Click() 
    Dim fn As Variant, myLine As Long, txt As String 
    Dim i As Integer, x As Variant, y As Variant, z As Variant, c As Variant 
    Dim sht As Worksheet 
    Set sht = Worksheets("Tabelle1") 'EDIT 
    fn = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt),*.txt", , _ 
      "Open File") 
    If fn = False Then Exit Sub 
    txt = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fn).ReadAll 
    x = Split(txt, vbNewLine) 
    For i = 0 To UBound(x) 
     If Left(x(i), 4) = "Band" Then 
      y = x(i) 
     ElseIf Left(x(i), 6) = "LZFmax" Then 
      z = x(i) 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    Next i 
    y = Replace(y, " ", " ") 
    y = Split(y, " ") 
    z = Replace(z, " ", " ") 
    z = Split(z, " ") 
    c = 2 
    For i = 0 To UBound(y) 
     If y(i) <> "" And y(i) <> "[Hz]" And y(i) <> "Band" Then 
      sht.Cells(c, 3).Value = y(i) 
      c = c + 1 
     End If 
    Next i 
    c = 1 
    For i = 0 To UBound(z) 
     If z(i) <> "" Then 
      sht.Cells(c, 4).Value = z(i) 
      c = c + 1 
     End If 
    Next i 
    sht.Range("C1").Value = "Band [Hz]" 
Close #1 
End Sub 


enter image description here


非常感謝您的幫助。有一個代碼部分對我來說不完全清楚。 (x(i),4)=「Band」 y = x(i) ElseIf Left(x(i) ),6)= 「LZFmax」 那麼 Z = X(I) 退出對於 結束If' 在分裂所以vbLine選項,分割整個文件分成行和 號4和6是用於檢查是否波段和LZF是在這些線? – user3434943


是'vbNewLine'將txt文件分割爲9行,數組'x'現在包含9個元素。現在即時通過每一行,並切割前4(6)字母,看看他們是否「樂隊」或「LZFmax」。但就像你說的那樣。如果您有任何其他問題,請詢問:) – UGP



Sub GetDataFromFile() 
    Dim colIndex As Long 
    Dim LineText As String 
    Dim bandArr, LZFMaxArr, arr 
    Dim fn As Variant 
    'Open "C:\Users\Shiva\Desktop\t1.txt" For Input As #24 
    fn = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt),*.txt", , _ 
      "Open File") 
    If fn = False Then Exit Sub 
    Open fn For Input As #24 
    colIndex = 1 
    While Not EOF(24) 
     Line Input #24, LineText 
      If colIndex = 1 Then 'condition for Band Column 
       arr = Split(CStr(LineText), " ") 
       bandArr = GetArray(arr) 
      ElseIf colIndex = 5 Then 'condition for LZFMax Column 
       arr = Split(CStr(LineText), " ") 
       LZFMaxArr = GetArray(arr) 
      End If 
      colIndex = colIndex + 1 
    Close #24 

    Dim rIndex As Long 
    rIndex = 2 
    'display headers 
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = bandArr(1) 
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = LZFMaxArr(1) 
    'display column value where 50<=Band<=5000 
    For j = 2 To UBound(bandArr) 
     If bandArr(j) >= 50 And bandArr(j) <= 5000 Then 
      ActiveSheet.Cells(rIndex, 1).Value = bandArr(j) 
      ActiveSheet.Cells(rIndex, 2).Value = LZFMaxArr(j) 
      rIndex = rIndex + 1 
     End If 
    Next j 
End Sub 

Private Function GetArray(arr As Variant) 
    Dim destArr(), tempArr() As String 
    Dim rowIndex, index As Long 
    Dim temp As String 
    temp = "" 
    rowIndex = 1 
    For j = 1 To UBound(arr) 
     If Not arr(j - 1) = vbNullString Then 
      'add column values in a atring 
      temp = temp & "," & arr(j - 1) 
     End If 
    Next j 
    tempArr = Split(temp, ",") 

    ReDim destArr(LBound(tempArr) To UBound(tempArr)) 
    For index = LBound(tempArr) To UBound(tempArr) 
     'assign comma separated values to array 
     destArr(index) = tempArr(index) 
    Next index 

    GetArray = destArr 
End Function 


enter image description here



非常感謝。我測試了這個代碼,它工作。但有時測量設備會在測量結果之前添加額外的線描述設置。 因此,這部分代碼負責查看我所需的數據? '如果colIndex = 1,則「條件帶精餾塔 ARR =斯普利特(CSTR(LineText),「「) bandArr =的getArray(ARR) elseif的colIndex = 5然後「條件LZFMax Column' – user3434943


有時數據可能看起來像這個: '#硬件配置 \t設備信息:\t XL2,SNo。 A2A-09994-E0,FW3.10 \t麥克風類型:\t NTi Audio M4260,SNo。 5396,工廠調整 \t話筒靈敏度:\t 32.0毫伏/帕 \t時區:\t UTC + 01:00(歐洲/柏林) \t波段[Hz]的\t 6.3 \t 8.0 \t 10.0 \t 12.5 \t 16.0 \t 20.0 \t \t 25.0 31.5 40.0 \t \t \t 50.0 63.0 80.0 \t \t \t 100.0 125.0 160.0 \t \t \t 200.0 250.0 \t 315.0 \t 400.0 \t 500.0 \t 630.0 \t 800.0 \t 1000.0 \t 1250.0 \t 1600.0 \t 2000.0 \t 2500.0 \t 3150.0 \t 4000.0 \t 5000.0 \t 6300.0 \t 8000.0 \t 10000.0 \t 12500.0' – user3434943


所以我需要做的是設置正確colIndex值嗎? – user3434943