2014-11-05 52 views


def stored_property(func): 
    """This ``decorator`` adds on-disk functionality to the `property` 
    decorator. This decorator is also a Method Decorator. 

    Each key property of a class is stored in a settings JSON file with 
    a dictionary of property names and values (e.g. :class:`MyClass` 
    stores its properties in `my_class.json`). 
    def func_wrapper(self): 
     print('running decorator...') 
      var = self.properties[func.__name__] 
      if var: 
       # property already written to disk 
       return var 
       # property written to disk as `null` 
       return func(self) 
     except AttributeError: 
      # `self.properties` does not yet exist 
      return func(self) 
     except KeyError: 
      # `self.properties` exists, but property is not a key 
      return func(self) 
    return func_wrapper 

class MyClass(object): 
    def __init__(self, wf): 
     self.wf = wf 
     self.properties = self._properties() 

    def _properties(self): 
     # get name of class in underscore format 
     class_name = convert(self.__class__.__name__) 
     # this is a library used (in Alfred workflows) for interacted with data stored on disk 
     properties = self.wf.stored_data(class_name) 
     # if no file on disk, or one of the properties has a null value 
     if properties is None or None in properties.values(): 
      # get names of all properties of this class 
      propnames = [k for (k, v) in self.__class__.__dict__.items() 
         if isinstance(v, property)] 
      properties = dict() 
      for prop in propnames: 
       # generate dictionary of property names and values 
       properties[prop] = getattr(self, prop) 
      # use the external library to save that dictionary to disk in JSON format 
      self.wf.store_data(class_name, properties, 
     # return either the data read from file, or data generated in situ 
     return properties 

    #this decorator ensures that this generating code is only run if necessary 
    def only_property(self): 
     # some code to get data 
     return 'this is my property' 







class PropertyBase(object): 
    def __init__(self, wf): 
     self.wf = wf 
     self.properties = self._properties() 

    def _properties(self): 
     # As before... 

class MyClass(PropertyBase): 
    def expensive_to_calculate(self): 
     # Calculate it here 



偉大的一點。我只是現在完全抽象了_properties()方法,並沒有意識到,一旦我抽象出來,我可以使用基類。這似乎比使用類裝飾器更清潔,更具溝通性。 – smargh 2014-11-05 20:40:47