2015-02-07 31 views
// TQuiz class 
function TQuiz() { 

    var obth = this;  // stores the object contained in 'this' 
    var objfiles = {};  // stores the object with "category":"file_name" elements, received in setCateg() 
    var level = 'level1'; // 'level1' with variant of answers, 'level2' with text field to write the answer 
    var stopct = 0;  // if not 0, countdown-timer not continue, in startCT() 
    var ctsec = 15;   // number of seconds for each quiz 
    var nquizzes = 0;  // total number of quizzes 
    var nquiz = 0;   // stores number of current quiz 
    var canswer = '';  // for correct answer of current quiz 

    var nqansw = 0;  // number of answered quizzes 
    var nca = 0;   // number of correct answers 
    var nia = 0;   // number of incorrect answers 

    // TQuiz mode ('qindex' = gets the quiz from next index, 'qrandom' = gets the quiz with index randomly from "iquizzes") 
    var qmode = 'qindex'; 
    var qctimer = 0;   // for countdown-timer (if is 1), shown in #sctimer 
    var iquizzes = [];  // array with indexes of quizzes that must to get randomly 

    // property /array stores the TQuiz elements ('que'=question, 'ca'=correct answer, 'ia'=array with incorrect answers) 
    var quizzes = []; 

    // sets the <select> list with categories, that will be added in #tcateg 
    // Receives an object with "category":"file_name" elements, and the type of the files ('json') 
    this.setCateg = function(objf, type) { 
    objfiles = objf; 
    var tcateg = ''; var propf = ''; 

    var i = 0;  // to can call the method that sets the quizzes, with the first file_name 
    for(var prop in objfiles) { 
     if(i === 0) propf = prop; 
     i = 1; 
     tcateg += '<option value='+ prop +'>'+ prop +'</option>'; 

    // calls thee method to set the TQuiz quizzes of first category 
    if(type == 'xml') obth.setQuizXML(propf); 
    else obth.setQuizJSON(propf); 

    // sets onchange event for <select> with method to call according to type, adds the select list 
    var onchg = type == 'xml' ? 'onchange="obTQuiz.setQuizXML(this.value)"' : 'onchange="obTQuiz.setQuizJSON(this.value)"'; 
    if(document.getElementById('tcateg')) document.getElementById('tcateg').innerHTML = 'COURSE: <select '+ onchg +'>'+ tcateg +'</select>'; 

    // create the XMLHttpRequest object, according browser 
    var getXmlHttp = function() { 
    // if browser suports XMLHttpRequest 
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { 
     // Cretes a instantce of XMLHttpRequest object 
     xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
    else { 
     // for IE 5/6 
     xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); 
    return xhttp; 

    // this public function gets the XML DOM, parse and adds in quizzes property the TQuiz elements 
    // receives the property name that has the file to access, in objfiles object 
    this.setQuizXML = function(propf) { 
    quizzes = []; 
    iquizzes = []; 
    var xhttp = getXmlHttp();   // calls the function for the XMLHttpRequest instance 

    // make the request to get the file content 
    xhttp.open("GET", 'TQuiz/'+ objfiles[propf] ,false); 
    var xml_dom = xhttp.responseXML;  // gets the XML DOM from xml file 

    var arr_quiz = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName('quiz');   // gets an Array with all "quiz" tags 
    nquizzes = arr_quiz.length;    // number of 'quiz' elements (total quizzes) 

    // traverses the "arr_quiz" array 
    for(var i=0; i<nquizzes; i++) { 
     quizzes[i] = {};  // creates each element in quizzes array, an object that will conteins question elements 

     // adds in quizzes each 'quiz' element with question (<que>), correct answer(<ca>), and incorrect answers(<ia>) 
     quizzes[i]['que'] = arr_quiz[i].getElementsByTagName('que')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;  // question 
     quizzes[i]['ca'] = arr_quiz[i].getElementsByTagName('ca')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;  // correct answer 

     // sets an array with incorrect answers 
     quizzes[i]['ia'] = []; 
     var arr_ia = arr_quiz[i].getElementsByTagName('ia'); 
     var nr_ia = arr_ia.length;    // number of 'ia' elements 

     // traverses the array with incorrect answers and adds them in quizzes[][ia] 
     for(var i2=0; i2<nr_ia; i2++) { 
     quizzes[i]['ia'][i2] = arr_ia[i2].childNodes[0].nodeValue; 

    // adds in #totalq, and #ntotalq the total number of quizzes 
    if(document.getElementById('totalq')) document.getElementById('totalq').innerHTML = nquizzes; 
    if(document.getElementById('ntotalq')) document.getElementById('ntotalq').innerHTML = nquizzes; 

    // this public function gets the JSON object and stores it in quizzes property 
    // receives the property name that has the file to access, in objfiles object 
    this.setQuizJSON = function(propf) { 
    quizzes = []; 
    iquizzes = []; 
    var xhttp = getXmlHttp();   // calls the function for the XMLHttpRequest instance 

    // make the request to get the file content 
    xhttp.open("GET", 'TQuiz/'+ objfiles[propf], true); 

    xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { 
     if(xhttp.readyState == 4) { 
     var tobj = xhttp.responseText;   // puts in a variable the received data 
     tobj = tobj.replace(/\\|\r\n|\n|\r/gm, '');  // remove slashes "\" and new lines 
     eval("quizzes ="+ tobj);    // adds the JSON object in quizzes property 
     nquizzes = quizzes.length;    // total number of quizzes 

     // adds in #totalq, and #ntotalq the total number of quizzes 
     if(document.getElementById('totalq')) document.getElementById('totalq').innerHTML = nquizzes; 
     if(document.getElementById('ntotalq')) document.getElementById('ntotalq').innerHTML = nquizzes; 

    // creates the countdown timer 
    var startCT = function() { 
    // if ctsec is > 1 
    if(ctsec >= 0) { 
     // if countdown-timer not stoped (stopct is 0) 
     if(stopct == 0 && document.getElementById('sctimer')) { 
     document.getElementById('sctimer').innerHTML = ctsec; // shows the countdown timer 
     setTimeout(startCT, 1000);  // Auto-calls the function after 1 second 
     ctsec--;   // decreases the value with one unit 
    else obth.getAnswer(0);  // to show the correct answer 

    // sets the value for level property, receives the value 
    this.setLevel = function(lvl) { 
    level = lvl; 

    // sets the game mode (qindex or qrandom) 
    var setQmode = function() { 
    if(document.getElementById('qindex').checked == true) qmode = 'qindex'; 
    else if(document.getElementById('qrandom').checked == true) qmode = 'qrandom'; 

    // sets the value of qctimer property, for countdown-timer 
    this.setQctimer = function(btn) { 
    if(btn.checked == true) qctimer = 1; 
    else qctimer = 0; 

    // sets the array with quizzes index, returns a random index (stn is for 'start', or 'next') 
    var setIQrandom = function(stn) { 
    // if stn is 'start', sets iquizzes from beginning, else, removes the element with current quiz number from iquizzes 
    if(stn == 'start') { 
     for(var i=0; i<nquizzes; i++) iquizzes[i] = i; 
    else { 
     // gets the index of item with value of number in nquiz, and removes it 
     var nqr = iquizzes.length;  // number of quizzes index in iquizzes 
     for(var i=0; i<nqr; i++) { 
     if(iquizzes[i] == nquiz) { 
      iquizzes.splice(i, 1); 
     iquizzes.sort();  // resorts the array 

    return iquizzes[Math.floor(Math.random() * iquizzes.length)]; 

    // sets the index number of current quiz (nquiz) 
    var setNquiz = function(stn) { 
    // if 'qmode' is 'qrandom' sets with setIQrandom() 
    // else if stn is 'start' set nquiz with value added in "#nquiz", else, sets the index of next quiz 
    if(qmode == 'qrandom') nquiz = setIQrandom(stn); 
    else if(stn == 'start') { 
     nquiz = document.getElementById('nquiz').value - 1; 
     // if nquiz<0 or higher then number of quizzes, or not integer number, resets the game, and alerts message 
     if(nquiz < 0 || nquiz >= nquizzes || !(typeof(nquiz)==="number" && Math.round(nquiz) == nquiz)) { 
     alert('The value of Starting quiz number must be an integer number between 1 and '+ nquizzes); 
    else { 
     if(nquiz < (nquizzes - 1)) nquiz++; 
     else obth.resetTQuiz(); // if reached the last quiz 

    // starts and shows the quiz, receives the way: 'start' or 'next' to set the index of current quiz 
    this.sQuiz = function(stn) { 
    setQmode();  // to set the game mode 
    setNquiz(stn);  // to set the index of current quiz 
    deBtns(['level1', 'level2', 'qindex', 'nquiz', 'qrandom', 'qctimer', 'squiz'], 'disable');  // to disable buttons (enable Reset) 
    canswer = quizzes[nquiz]['ca'];  // stores correct answer 

    if(document.getElementById('quiz')) { 
     // to add countdown-timer if qctimer is different from 0 
     var addct = (qctimer == 0) ? '' : '<div id="sctimer">0</div>'; 

     // increments the number of answered quizzes, calls answered() to display it 

     // shows the quiz number, quiz question, and element for answer (according to level) 
     document.getElementById('quiz').innerHTML = addct +'<h4 id="qnr">Quiz No. '+ (nquiz + 1) +'</h4><h4 id="tquestion">&#9675; '+ quizzes[nquiz]['que'] +'</h4><div id="qansw">'+ (level == 'level1' ? qAnswerL1() : qAnswerL2()) +'</div>'; 

     // if qctimer is 1, sets the stopct and ctsec, calls the function for countdown-timer 
     if(qctimer == 1) { 
     stopct = 0; 
     ctsec = 15; 

    // resets the TQuiz game, index-number of quiz, the value in #nquiz field, alerts message 
    this.resetTQuiz = function() { 
    nquiz = 0;    // index-number of quiz 
    qctimer = 0;   // to disable countdown-timer 

    // reset answered data 
    nqansw = 0; nca = 0; nia = 0; 

    deBtns(['level1', 'level2', 'qindex', 'nquiz', 'qrandom', 'qctimer', 'squiz'], 'enable');  // to enable buttons (disable Reset) 
    document.getElementById('nquiz').value = 1; 
    document.getElementById('qctimer').checked = false; 
    document.getElementById('quiz').innerHTML = '<center><strong><h2 align = "left"><em><ul><li>Select your course<li>Click on start to begin and on start over to start the quiz again<li>The correct answer will be given if you make a mistake<li>Choose between multiple choice and fill in<li>Select the count down timer to answer each question within 15 seconds</em></h2></strong></center>'; 

    // to disable /enable buttons when Start /Reset TQuiz, receives an Array with IDs of buttons, and 'disable' or 'enable' 
    var deBtns = function(ids, de) { 
    var nrids = ids.length; 
    for(var i=0; i<nrids; i++) { 
     if(de == 'disable') document.getElementById(ids[i]).setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); 
     else document.getElementById(ids[i]).removeAttribute('disabled'); 

    // removes 'disabled' from Reset (when start), or adds 'disabled' to Reset (when Reset) 
    if(de == 'disable') document.getElementById('treset').removeAttribute('disabled'); 
    else document.getElementById('treset').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); 

    // sets and returns the variant of answers (for Level 1) 
    var qAnswerL1 = function() { 
    var qhtml = '';  // quiz question 
    var nr_ia = quizzes[nquiz]['ia'].length;  // number of incorrect answers 

    // random number used to set randomly the position of correct answer 
    var randomnr = Math.floor(Math.random() * nr_ia); 

    // creates the options with answers 
    for(var i=0; i<nr_ia; i++) { 
     // if 'i' = randomnr, adds correct answer, and decrease the index, else, incorrect answer 
     if(i == randomnr) { 
     qhtml += '<div class="qanswer" onclick="obTQuiz.getAnswer(this)">'+ canswer +'</div>'; 
     randomnr = -1;  // to not be again equal to i 
     else qhtml += '<div class="qanswer" onclick="obTQuiz.getAnswer(this)">'+ quizzes[nquiz]['ia'][i] +'</div>'; 

    return qhtml; 

    // returns the text field to write answer (for Level 2) 
    var qAnswerL2 = function() { 
    return '<input type="text" id="qanswerl2" /><button onclick="obTQuiz.getAnswer(document.getElementById(\'qanswerl2\'))">Send</button>'; 

    // adds data in #answered box, number of answered quizzes, correct and incorrect answers 
    var answered = function() { 
    if(document.getElementById('ntotalq')) document.getElementById('ntotalq').innerHTML = nquizzes; 
    if(document.getElementById('nqansw')) document.getElementById('nqansw').innerHTML = nqansw; 
    if(document.getElementById('nca')) document.getElementById('nca').innerHTML = nca; 
    if(document.getElementById('nia')) document.getElementById('nia').innerHTML = nia; 

    // method called when an answer is clicked, receives the object with answer 
    this.getAnswer = function(answ){ 
    stopct = 1;   // to stop countdown-timer 

    // sets the Correct /Incorrect, answ is 0 when auto-calls from startCT() 
    if(document.getElementById('qansw')) { 
     // gets the Answer, delete white-spaces and tags ('qanswerl2' is from text field - Level 2) 
     if(answ != 0) var qanswer = answ.id == 'qanswerl2' ? answ.value.replace(/^\s+|\<+|\>+|\s+$/g, '') : answ.innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); 

     // sets Correct or Incorrect answer 
     if(answ == 0) { 
     nia++;  // incorrect answer 
     var seeansw = '<h4 id="iansw">Time expired</h4><h4 id="cansw">The Correct answer is:</h4><div id="canswer">'+ canswer +'</div>'; 
     else if(qanswer.toLowerCase() == canswer.toLowerCase()) { 
     nca++;  // correct answer 
     var seeansw = '<div id="canswer">'+ qanswer +'</div><h4 id="cansw">&gt; Correct</h4>'; 
     else { 
     nia++;  // incorrect answer 
     var seeansw = '<strike>'+ qanswer +'</strike><h4 id="iansw">Incorrect, the correct answer is:</h4><div id="canswer">'+ canswer +'</div>'; 

     answered();  // to show answered data 

     // if 'qindex' mode and last quiz, adds message, else, adds Next Button 
     seeansw += ((qmode == 'qindex' && nquiz == (nquizzes - 1)) || (qmode == 'qrandom' && iquizzes.length == 1)) ? '<h2><em>This the end of the quiz</em></h2>': '<button id="nextq" onclick="obTQuiz.sQuiz(\'next\')">Next</button>';   

     document.getElementById('qansw').innerHTML = seeansw; 

     /* register events */ 
    // onclick on Radio buttons for Level 
    if(document.getElementById('level1')) document.getElementById('level1').onclick = function(){obth.setLevel('level1');} 
    if(document.getElementById('level2')) document.getElementById('level2').onclick = function(){obth.setLevel('level2');} 
    // onclick on Radio buttons for mode, to show /hide the field for starting quiz number 
    if(document.getElementById('qindex')) document.getElementById('qindex').onclick = function(){document.getElementById('startqn').style.display = 'block';} 
    if(document.getElementById('qrandom')) document.getElementById('qrandom').onclick = function(){document.getElementById('startqn').style.display = 'none';} 
    // onclick on Checkbox button for countdown-timer 
    if(document.getElementById('qctimer')) document.getElementById('qctimer').onclick = function(){obth.setQctimer(this);} 
    // onclick on Start button 
    if(document.getElementById('squiz')) document.getElementById('squiz').onclick = function(){obth.sQuiz('start');} 



您是否還提供了我們需要通過此代碼挖掘的鏟子? – Mouser 2015-02-07 08:57:45


var arr_quiz = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName('quiz');   // gets an Array with all "quiz" tags 
nquizzes = arr_quiz.length;    // number of 'quiz' elements (total quizzes) 


var arr_quiz = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName('quiz');   // gets an Array with all "quiz" tags 
nquizzes = Math.min(arr_quiz.length,10);    // number of 'quiz' elements (total quizzes) 



k。謝謝你,但它只顯示json文件中的前10個問題。所有高於10的問題都不會在隨機模式下顯示。源代碼鏈接:「http://coursesweb.net/javascript/trivia-game-script_s2」 – 2015-02-07 09:13:06
