2017-06-12 60 views

我正在寫一個Jenkinsfile其開始爲這樣的:Jenkinsfile聲明管道 - 捕獲所有結賬單片機輸出

pipeline { 
    agent { 
     label 'ec2-slave' 
    stages { 
     stage('Checkout') { 
      steps { 
       checkout scm 

我想捕捉checkout scm調用的輸出,因爲我需要使用git的相關信息在後續步驟中。


[Pipeline] { 
[Pipeline] stage 
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM) 
[Pipeline] checkout 
> git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository 
> git config remote.origin.url xxxxxxxxx # timeout=10 
Fetching upstream changes from xxxxxxxxx 
> git --version # timeout=10 
using GIT_SSH to set credentials jenkins ssh key 
> git fetch --tags --progress xxxxxxxxx +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* 
Seen branch in repository origin/master 
Seen 2 remote branches 
> git tag -l # timeout=10 
Checking out Revision 10214b72d4c1f2c69444cc79a1af7ecc7f033349 (origin/master) 
> git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 
> git checkout -f 10214b72d4c1f2c69444cc79a1af7ecc7f033349 
> git rev-list 10214b72d4c1f2c69444cc79a1af7ecc7f033349 # timeout=10 
[Pipeline] } 
[Pipeline] // stage 
[Pipeline] stage 
[Pipeline] { (Checkout) 
[Pipeline] checkout 
> git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository 
> git config remote.origin.url xxxxxxxxx # timeout=10 
Fetching upstream changes from xxxxxxxxx 
> git --version # timeout=10 
using GIT_SSH to set credentials jenkins ssh key 
> git fetch --tags --progress xxxxxxxxx +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* 
Seen branch in repository origin/master 
Seen 2 remote branches 
> git tag -l # timeout=10 
Checking out Revision 10214b72d4c1f2c69444cc79a1af7ecc7f033349 (origin/master) 
> git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 
> git checkout -f 10214b72d4c1f2c69444cc79a1af7ecc7f033349 



爲了什麼值得我從自由式語法轉換這個Jenkinsfile。例如,我已經能夠通過將'sh'調用保存到變量中來「引用」前面的步驟。不知道如何用'checkout scm'完成同樣的事情......我確定這是一個簡單的解決方案,但我仍然對Groovy和Jenkinsfiles有所瞭解 – asdoylejr


我也在'script {block}這會產生奇數輸出: 'checkout scm' 'echo「$ {scm.dump()}」' 這會產生一個帶有一堆'null'值的映射,這對我沒有太大幫助。 – asdoylejr




script { 
    GIT_CLONE = sh (
    script: 'git clone xxxxxxxxx', 
    returnStdout: true 
    echo "git clone output: ${GIT_CLONE}" 

這可能是我唯一的選擇,因爲我不得不求助於我的Jenkins文件其他部分中的腳本塊,儘管我希望在這種情況下有辦法這樣做。 – asdoylejr



 steps { 
      script { 
       GIT_COMMIT = sh (
        script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', 
        returnStdout: true 

       GIT_URL = sh (
        script: 'git config --get remote.origin.url', 
        returnStdout: true 

對於URL,你必須告訴詹金斯在哪裏結帳,你不?似乎你可以在你的jenkins文件的開始處設置一個環境變量,然後在結帳步驟中使用它,並在你需要的地方使用它。 – 8bittree