2017-07-17 134 views

我未能在windows10 64bit上啓動openssh。安裝完成後,我按照以下說明設置passwd:如何在windows10 64bit上啓動openssh?

1. Open a command prompt and change to the installation directory (Program Files\OpenSSH is the default). 

2. CD into the bin directory. 

3. Use mkgroup to create a group permissions file. For local groups, use the "-l" switch. For domain groups, use the "-d" switch. 
    For both domain and local, it is best to run the command twice (remember to use >>, not >). If you use both, make sure to edit the file to remove any duplicate entires. 

     mkgroup -l >> ..\etc\group  (local groups) 

4. Use mkpasswd to add authorized users into the passwd file. For local users, use the "-l" switch. For domain users, use the "-d" switch. 
    For both domain and local, it is best to run the command twice (remember to use >>, not >). If you use both, make sure to edit the file to remove any duplicate entires. 

     mkpasswd -l >> ..\etc\passwd  (local users) 

我禁用了windows10默認的ssh服務。所以端口22可用。之後,我試圖啓動sshd服務器,但失敗了。 下面是我得到的錯誤。

C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSH>net start opensshd 
The OpenSSH Server service is starting. 
The OpenSSH Server service could not be started. 

A system error has occurred. 

System error 1067 has occurred. 

The process terminated unexpectedly. 

如何在windows10 64bit上配置sshd?



事實證明,我安裝了一個非常舊的版本openssh。它在我升級到openssh 7.5後正常工作。