2016-03-05 251 views


A1 81 A9 02 02 1C 1F 02 01 15 30 81 9F 55 02 01 14 A0 81 98 A4 81 95 6B 10 30 0E 80 04 00 00 01 1F A1 06 30 04 80 02 33 32 63 06 30 04 80 02 33 32 61 0E 30 0C 80 0A 30 32 32 33 37 38 33 36 31 30 62 06 30 04 80 02 33 32 64 02 87 00 6B 13 30 11 80 04 00 00 01 1F A1 09 30 07 80 05 23 23 37 30 30 4E 01 02 0A 01 16 67 12 30 10 A3 0E 81 0C 2B 34 38 32 32 33 37 38 33 36 31 30 68 0F 30 0D A3 0B 82 09 32 32 38 36 35 33 33 39 38 65 09 30 07 80 05 23 23 37 30 30 7E 12 A0 10 18 0E 32 30 31 36 30 33 30 32 32 32 30 31 33 36 

CSTA Browser decoded: 

{ -- SEQUENCE -- 
    invokeID = 7199, 
    operation-value = 21 (cSTAEventReport), 
    { -- SEQUENCE -- 
     crossRefIdentifier = '01 14'H, 
     { -- SEQUENCE -- 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       callID = '00 00 01 1F'H, 
       { -- SEQUENCE -- 
        deviceIdentifier.dialingNumber = "32" '33 32'H 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       deviceIdentifier.dialingNumber = "32" '33 32'H 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       deviceIdentifier.dialingNumber = "0223783610" '30 32 32 33 37 38 33 36 31 30'H 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       deviceIdentifier.dialingNumber = "32" '33 32'H 
      lastRedirectionDevice.notKnown NULL, 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       callID = '00 00 01 1F'H, 
       { -- SEQUENCE -- 
        deviceIdentifier.dialingNumber = "##700" '23 23 37 30 30'H 
      localConnectionInfo = 2 (alerting), 
      cause = 22 (newCall), 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       deviceIdentifier.explicitPublic.international = "+48223783610" '2B 34 38 32 32 33 37 38 33 36 31 30'H 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       deviceIdentifier.explicitPublic.national = "228653398" '32 32 38 36 35 33 33 39 38'H 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       deviceIdentifier.dialingNumber = "##700" '23 23 37 30 30'H 
      { -- SEQUENCE -- 
       { -- SEQUENCE -- 
        timestamp = "20160302220136" '32 30 31 36 30 33 30 32 32 32 30 31 33 36'H 


00 AC A1 81 A9 02 02 5F B9 02 01 15 30 81 9F 55 02 01 91 A0 81 98 A4 81 95 6B 10 30 0E 80 04 00 00 03 98 A1 06 30 04 80 02 33 32 63 06 30 04 80 02 33 32 61 0E 30 0C 80 0A 30 32 32 33 37 38 33 36 31 30 62 06 30 04 80 02 33 32 64 02 87 00 6B 13 30 11 80 04 00 00 03 98 A1 09 30 07 80 05 23 23 37 30 30 4E 01 02 0A 01 16 67 12 30 10 A3 0E 81 0C 2B 34 38 32 32 33 37 38 33 36 31 30 68 0F 30 0D A3 0B 82 09 32 32 38 36 35 33 33 39 38 65 09 30 07 80 05 23 23 37 30 30 7E 12 A0 10 18 0E 32 30 31 36 30 33 30 34 31 35 32 32 34 30 
buf:Tagged [1] IMPLICIT 
     DER Sequence 
      DER ApplicationSpecific[21] (0191) 
      Tagged [0] 
       Tagged [4] IMPLICIT 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[11] 
           Tagged [0] IMPLICIT 
            DER Octet String[4] 
           Tagged [1] 
            DER Sequence 
             Tagged [0] IMPLICIT 
              DER Octet String[2] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[3] 
           Tagged [0] IMPLICIT 
            DER Octet String[2] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[1] 
           Tagged [0] IMPLICIT 
            DER Octet String[10] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[2] 
           Tagged [0] IMPLICIT 
            DER Octet String[2] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[4] 
          Tagged [7] IMPLICIT 
           DER Octet String[0] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[11] 
           Tagged [0] IMPLICIT 
            DER Octet String[4] 
           Tagged [1] 
            DER Sequence 
             Tagged [0] IMPLICIT 
              DER Octet String[5] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[14] (02) 
         DER Enumerated(22) 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[7] 
           Tagged [3] 
            Tagged [1] IMPLICIT 
             DER Octet String[12] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[8] 
           Tagged [3] 
            Tagged [2] IMPLICIT 
             DER Octet String[9] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[5] 
           Tagged [0] IMPLICIT 
            DER Octet String[5] 
         DER ApplicationSpecific[30] 
          Tagged [0] 


protected void parse() { 
    logger.trace("Executing parse()"); 

    try { 

     ASN1InputStream input = new ASN1InputStream(asn1Data); 
     ASN1Primitive p; 

     if ((p = input.readObject()) != null) { 
      ASN1TaggedObject o1 = ASN1TaggedObject.getInstance(p); 
      ASN1Sequence s1 = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(o1.getObject()); 
      invokeID = Integer.parseInt(s1.getObjectAt(0).toString()); 
      operationValue = Integer.parseInt(s1.getObjectAt(1).toString()); 

      DERSequence ders = (DERSequence) DERSequence.getInstance(s1.getObjectAt(2)); 
      DERApplicationSpecific das = (DERApplicationSpecific) ders.getObjectAt(0); 
      crossRefIdentifier = das.getContents(); 

    //here are some experiments, but can't get the right objects I could parse/walk through 

      ASN1TaggedObject o2 = ASN1TaggedObject.getInstance(ders.getObjectAt(1)); 
      DERTaggedObject dto = (DERTaggedObject) o2.getObject(); 

      ASN1Sequence s2 = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(dto.getObject()); 
      DERApplicationSpecific das1 = (DERApplicationSpecific) s2.getObjectAt(0); 
      ASN1Sequence s3 = (ASN1Sequence) das1.getObject(); 

    } catch (Exception ex) { 
     logger.warn("exception while parsing ASN1 data", ex); 


,你可以看到,我已經能夠解碼一些基本的標籤(即調用ID,操作價值和crossRefIdentifier),但不能讓樹(呼叫標識,callingNumber更深.. )。 如果您有這方面的經驗,我將非常感謝您的幫助。




using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.IO; 
using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1; 

namespace Asn1ParseBouncy 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      var bytes2Parse = File.ReadAllBytes(@"c:\a.req"); 

      // (0,169) CONTEXT SPECIFIC(1) 
      DerTaggedObject rootObj = (DerTaggedObject)Asn1Object.FromByteArray(bytes2Parse); 

      if (rootObj.TagNo == 1) 
       throw new Exception("Expected Tag number to be 1"); 

     private static void ParseAtRootLevel(DerTaggedObject rootObj) 
      var seq = (Asn1Sequence)rootObj.GetObject(); 

      IEnumerator e = seq.GetEnumerator(); 
      bool hasNext; 
      hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 

      // (3,2) INTEGER -> invokeID 
       Asn1Encodable obj; 

       if (!hasNext) 
        throw new Exception("more entries expected in sequence"); 
       obj = (Asn1Encodable)e.Current; 

       // TODO: put in a property of class that represents whole ASN.1 message 
       var invokeID = DerInteger.GetInstance(obj); 

       hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 


      // (7,1) INTEGER -> operation-value 
       Asn1Encodable obj; 

       if (!hasNext) 
        throw new Exception("more entries expected in sequence"); 
       obj = (Asn1Encodable)e.Current; 

       // TODO: put in a property of class that represents whole ASN.1 message 
       var operationValue = DerInteger.GetInstance(obj); 

       hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 


      // (10,159) SEQUENCE -> argument 
       Asn1Encodable obj; 

       if (!hasNext) 
        throw new Exception("more entries expected in sequence"); 
       obj = (Asn1Encodable)e.Current; 

       var argumentSeq = Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(obj); 

       // argumentData is parsed asn.1 object - argument 
       var argumentData = ParseArgumentData(argumentSeq); 

       hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 

      if (hasNext) 
       throw new Exception("no more entries expected in sequence"); 

     private static object ParseArgumentData(Asn1Sequence argumentSeq) 
      IEnumerator e = argumentSeq.GetEnumerator(); 
      bool hasNext; 
      hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 

      // (13,2) APPLICATION (21) -> crossRefIdentifier 
       Asn1Encodable obj; 

       if (!hasNext) 
        throw new Exception("more entries expected in sequence"); 
       obj = (Asn1Encodable)e.Current; 

       var crossRefIdentifierAppSpecific = (DerApplicationSpecific)obj; 
       if (crossRefIdentifierAppSpecific.ApplicationTag != 21) 
        throw new Exception("Expected application tag 21"); 

       // TODO: put in a property of class that represents whole ASN.1 message 
       var crossRefIdentifier = crossRefIdentifierAppSpecific.GetContents(); 

       hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 


      // (17,152) CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0) -> eventSpecificInfo.callControlEvents.delivered 
       Asn1Encodable obj; 

       if (!hasNext) 
        throw new Exception("more entries expected in sequence"); 
       obj = (Asn1Encodable)e.Current; 

       var eventSpecificInfo = ((DerTaggedObject)obj); 

       if (eventSpecificInfo.TagNo != 0) 
        throw new Exception("Expected Context specific tag number to be 0"); 

       // TODO: put in a property of class that represents whole ASN.1 message 
       var eventSpecificInfoData = ParseEventSpecificInfo(eventSpecificInfo); 

       hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 


      if (hasNext) 
       throw new Exception("no more entries expected in sequence"); 

      // TODO: return parsed values in some class 
      return null; 

     private static object ParseEventSpecificInfo(DerTaggedObject obj) 
      // still (17,152) CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0) 
      var connectionBothData = ParseConnectionBoth(obj); 

      return connectionBothData; 

     private static object ParseConnectionBoth(DerTaggedObject connectionBoth) 
      // (20,149) CONTEXT SPECIFIC (4)->connection.both 
      var connectionBothTagged = (DerTaggedObject)connectionBoth.GetObject(); 

      if (connectionBothTagged.TagNo != 4) 
       throw new Exception("Expected Context specific tag number to be 4"); 

      // Sequence under (20,149) CONTEXT SPECIFIC (4) -> connection.both 
      var connectionBothSeq = (DerSequence)connectionBothTagged.GetObject(); 

      IEnumerator e = connectionBothSeq.GetEnumerator(); 
      bool hasNext; 
      hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 

      // callID 
       Asn1Encodable obj; 

       if (!hasNext) 
        throw new Exception("more entries expected in sequence"); 
       obj = (Asn1Encodable)e.Current; 

       // (23,16) APPLICATION (11) 
       // TODO: put in a property of class that represents whole ASN.1 message 
       var callIDTagged = (DerApplicationSpecific)obj; 
       if (callIDTagged.ApplicationTag != 11) 
        throw new Exception("Expected tag number 11"); 

       // (25,14) SEQUENCE 
       var callIdSeq = callIDTagged.GetObject().GetDerEncoded(); 

       // TODO: parse CallIdSeq -> (27,4) ContextSpecific(0), (33,6) ContextSpecific(1) 

       hasNext = e.MoveNext(); 


      // TODO: continue with (41,6) Application (3) 
      // TODO: continue with (49,14) Application (1) 
      // TODO: continue with (65,6) Application (2) 
      // etc. 

      // TOOD: return something useful 
      throw new NotImplementedException(); 

我根據轉儲從ASN.1 Editor dump of your sample

你可以讓你的生活變得更加簡單,如果你有對象的ASN.1定義放置票據的代碼樣本。在Binary Notes的幫助下,您可以生成類來解析ASN.1數據對象。


感謝您的建議。 BinaryNotes爲我生成的類.. 現在我只是在尋找信息或如何使用它們的例子。 – norbi771


它寫在[第12頁](http://bnotes.sourceforge.net/BinaryNotes.pdf) – pepo


的文檔謝謝,它看起來很有希望。不幸的是更復雜的方法會導致異常(通常爲空指針)。由於我正在嘗試與PBX通信,因此我與PBX供應商進行了交談,並正在尋找完整的asn.1軟件包。看起來我已經找到的東西不能用於我的目的。我很好奇,如果BinaryNotes會處理這些asn.1文件。 有了asn.1文件,我發現了簡單的方法MonitorStart,生成了非常簡單的輸出:03 03 00 33 32,它只是我應該收到的代碼的小子串。 – norbi771