2011-02-07 148 views


import random 

secret = random.randint (1, 99) 
guess = 0 
tries = 0 

print "AHOY! I'm the Dread Pirate Oliver and I have a secret!" 
print "I will tell you where my treasure is buried if you can guess the number that I'm thinking of." 
print "It is a number from 1 to 99. I'll give you 6 tries." 

while guess != secret and tries < 6: 
    guess = input ("What's yer guess? ") 
    if guess < secret: 
     print "Too low ye scurvy dog!" 
    elif guess > secret: 
     print "Too high, landlubber!" 
    tries = tries + 1 

if guess == secret: 
    print "Avast! Ye got it! Found ma secret number, ye did!" 
    print "THE FIRST WORD IS: Awesome" 
    print "No more guesses! Better luck next time, Matey!" 
    print "Ma secret number wuz", secret 
raise SystemExit() 

import random 

secret = random.randint (1, 99) 
guess = 0 
tries = 0 

print "AHOY THERE!" 
print "ME AGAIN" 
print "I will tell you the second word if you can guess the number that I'm thinking of." 
print "It is a number from 1 to 99. I'll give you 6 tries." 

while guess != secret and tries < 6: 
    guess = input ("What's yer guess? ") 
    if guess < secret: 
     print "Too low ye scurvy dog!" 
    elif guess > secret: 
     print "Too high, landlubber!" 
    tries = tries + 1 

if guess == secret: 
    print "Avast! Ye got it! Found ma secret number, ye did!" 
    print "THE SECOND WORD IS: Land" 
    print "No more guesses! Better luck next time, Matey!" 
    print "Ma secret number wuz", secret 
raise SystemExit()  

import random 

secret = random.randint (1, 3) 
guess = 0 
tries = 0 

print "AHOY! One more thing" 
print "It is a number from 1 to 3. I'll give you 1 try." 

while guess != secret and tries < 1: 
    guess = input ("What's yer guess? ") 
    if guess < secret: 
     print "Too low ye scurvy dog!" 
    elif guess > secret: 
     print "Too high, landlubber!" 
    tries = tries + 1 

if guess == secret: 
    print "Avast! Ye got it! Found ma secret number, ye did!" 
    print "It's buried in the sand at 36 degrees North, 48 degrees east." 
    print "No more guesses! Better luck next time, Matey!" 
    print "Ma secret number wuz", secret 
raise SystemExit() 
import random 

secret = random.randint (1, 99) 
guess = 0 
tries = 0 
print "Congratz. You won!" 



你只需要隨機導入一次,通常在腳本的頂部完成。 – Benjamin 2011-02-07 20:46:22


@Benjamin:看起來像很多複製粘貼。 'import`語句並不是唯一可以使用一點重構的位... – 2011-02-07 20:50:31




raise SystemExit() 



def play(): 
    # ... 

number_of_games = 2 
for i in range(number_of_games): 


import sys 
code = 0 

