2016-11-11 45 views



[2016-11-11 06:52:07.452] [jettyserver-391] 201939 * Server has received a request on thread jettyserver-391 
201939 > PUT http://localhost 
201939 > Accept: application/json 
201939 > Accept-Encoding: gzip 
201939 > Content-Type: application/json 
201939 > Host: localhost 
201939 > Transfer-Encoding: chunked 
    "att1": "WIFI", 
    "att2": true, 
    "att3": null, 
    "country": "CANADA", 
    "att5": null 

[2016-11-11 06:52:07.555] [jettyserver-392] 201940 * Server has received a request on thread jettyserver-392 
201940 > PUT http://localhost 
201940 > Accept: application/json 
201940 > Accept-Encoding: gzip 
201940 > Content-Type: application/json 
201940 > Host: localhost 
201940 > Transfer-Encoding: chunked 
    "att1": "ETHERNET", 
    "att2": true, 
    "att3": null, 
    "country": "US", 
    "att5": null 

[2016-11-11 06:52:07.557] [jettyserver-391] 201940 * Server responded with a response on thread jettyserver-391 
201939 < 200 
201939 < Content-Type: application/json 
    "id": 344134 

[2016-11-11 06:52:07.557] [jettyserver-392] 201940 * Server responded with a response on thread jettyserver-392 
201940 < 200 
201940 < Content-Type: application/json 
    "id": 344135 

如果我搜索 「以太網」,我期待着這樣的輸出:現在

[2016-11-11 06:52:07.555] [jettyserver-392] 201940 * Server has received a request on thread jettyserver-392 
201940 > PUT http://localhost 
201940 > Accept: application/json 
201940 > Accept-Encoding: gzip 
201940 > Content-Type: application/json 
201940 > Host: localhost 
201940 > Transfer-Encoding: chunked 
    "att1": "ETHERNET", 
    "att2": true, 
    "att3": null, 
    "country": "US", 
    "att5": null 


sed -n '/^\[/{x;/ETHERNET/{p;d}};/ETHERNET/H' test2 


[2016-11-11 06:52:07.555] [jettyserver-392] 201940 * Server has received a request on thread jettyserver-392 
    "att1": "ETHERNET", 



試'的awk -v RS = '/ ETHERNET /''..我覺得這是一個重複的 – Sundeep


@Sundeep謝謝,這就是答案。 – legege


你真的想在任何可以出現在記錄中的地方匹配正則表達式(例如'/ ETHERNET /'),或者當特定字段具有特定字符串值時(例如'att1 ==「ETHERNET」''),你真的只想匹配嗎? ? –




$ grep -A5 -B8 'ETHER' test.file 
[2016-11-11 06:52:07.555] [jettyserver-392] 201940 * Server has received a request on thread jettyserver-392 
201940 > PUT http://localhost 
201940 > Accept: application/json 
201940 > Accept-Encoding: gzip 
201940 > Content-Type: application/json 
201940 > Host: localhost 
201940 > Transfer-Encoding: chunked 
    "att1": "ETHERNET", 
    "att2": true, 
    "att3": null, 
    "country": "US", 
    "att5": null 