2010-07-14 81 views





typedef struct CvSURFParams 
    int extended; // 0 means basic descriptors (64 elements each), 
       // 1 means extended descriptors (128 elements each) 
    double hessianThreshold; // only features with keypoint.hessian 
     // larger than that are extracted. 
       // good default value is ~300-500 (can depend on the 
     // average local contrast and sharpness of the image). 
       // user can further filter out some features based on 
     // their hessian values and other characteristics. 
    int nOctaves; // the number of octaves to be used for extraction. 
       // With each next octave the feature size is doubled 
     // (3 by default) 
    int nOctaveLayers; // The number of layers within each octave 
     // (4 by default) 

OpenCV's SURF docs

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