2017-08-29 61 views




var data = [{ 
    "State": "VT", 
    "Under 5 Years": 32635, 
    "5 to 13 Years": 62538, 
    "14 to 17 Years": 33757, 
    "18 to 24 Years": 61679, 
    "25 to 44 Years": 155419, 
    "45 to 64 Years": 188593, 
    "65 Years and Over": 86649 
    }, { 
    "State": "VA", 
    "Under 5 Years": 522672, 
    "5 to 13 Years": 887525, 
    "14 to 17 Years": 413004, 
    "18 to 24 Years": 768475, 
    "25 to 44 Years": 2203286, 
    "45 to 64 Years": 2033550, 
    "65 Years and Over": 940577 


// fix pre-processing 
    var keys = []; 
    for (key in data[0]){ 
    if (key != "State") 
    d.total = 0; 
     d.total += d[k]; 


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    var data = [{ 
    "State": "VT", 
    "Under 5 Years": 32635, 
    "5 to 13 Years": 62538, 
    "14 to 17 Years": 33757, 
    "18 to 24 Years": 61679, 
    "25 to 44 Years": 155419, 
    "45 to 64 Years": 188593, 
    "65 Years and Over": 86649 
    }, { 
    "State": "VA", 
    "Under 5 Years": 522672, 
    "5 to 13 Years": 887525, 
    "14 to 17 Years": 413004, 
    "18 to 24 Years": 768475, 
    "25 to 44 Years": 2203286, 
    "45 to 64 Years": 2033550, 
    "65 Years and Over": 940577 
    }, { 
    "State": "WA", 
    "Under 5 Years": 433119, 
    "5 to 13 Years": 750274, 
    "14 to 17 Years": 357782, 
    "18 to 24 Years": 610378, 
    "25 to 44 Years": 1850983, 
    "45 to 64 Years": 1762811, 
    "65 Years and Over": 783877 
    }, { 
    "State": "WV", 
    "Under 5 Years": 105435, 
    "5 to 13 Years": 189649, 
    "14 to 17 Years": 91074, 
    "18 to 24 Years": 157989, 
    "25 to 44 Years": 470749, 
    "45 to 64 Years": 514505, 
    "65 Years and Over": 285067 
    }, { 
    "State": "WI", 
    "Under 5 Years": 362277, 
    "5 to 13 Years": 640286, 
    "14 to 17 Years": 311849, 
    "18 to 24 Years": 553914, 
    "25 to 44 Years": 1487457, 
    "45 to 64 Years": 1522038, 
    "65 Years and Over": 750146 
    }, { 
    "State": "WY", 
    "Under 5 Years": 38253, 
    "5 to 13 Years": 60890, 
    "14 to 17 Years": 29314, 
    "18 to 24 Years": 53980, 
    "25 to 44 Years": 137338, 
    "45 to 64 Years": 147279, 
    "65 Years and Over": 65614 

    // fix pre-processing 
    var keys = []; 
    for (key in data[0]){ 
    if (key != "State") 
    d.total = 0; 
     d.total += d[k]; 

    data.sort(function(a, b) { 
    return b.total - a.total; 
    x.domain(data.map(function(d) { 
    return d.State; 
    y.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { 
    return d.total; 

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