2016-08-30 75 views


import pandas as pd 
from pymongo import MongoClient 

def _connect_mongo(host, port, username, password, db): 

    if username and password: 
     mongo_uri = 'mongodb://%s:%[email protected]%s:%s/%s' % (username, password, host, port, db) 
     conn = MongoClient(mongo_uri) 
     conn = MongoClient(host, port) 

    return conn[db] 

def read_mongo(db, collection, query={}, host='localhost', port=27017, username=None, password=None, no_id=True): 
    """ Read from Mongo and Store into DataFrame """ 

    # Connect to MongoDB 
    db = _connect_mongo(host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, db=db) 

    # Make a query to the specific DB and Collection 
    cursor = db[collection].find(query) 
    # Expand the cursor and construct the DataFrame 
    df = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor)) 

    # Delete the _id 
    # if no_id: 
    # del df['_id'] 

    return df 


query_1 = "{ 
        "status" : {"$ne" : "deprecated"}, 
        "geoLocationData.date" : { $gte : new ISODate("2016-08-03") } 
        { "geoLocationData.date": 1, 
         "geoLocationData.iso": 1, 
         "httpRequestData.ipAddress": 1, 
         "geoLocationData.city": 1, 
         "geoLocationData.latitude": 1, 
         "geoLocationData.longitude": 1 }" 

將其插入 - 獲得一個數據幀大熊貓:

df = read_mongo(db, collection, query_1, host, port, username, password) 


TypeError: filter must be an instance of dict, bson.son.SON, or other type that inherits from collections.Mapping 


我想這是關於將我的查詢轉換成字典(與子文件)。 我該怎麼做?


你是否按照'query_1 =「db.finger ......})」'的含義給查詢提供了一個字符串? –


對不起,我編輯過。我正在定義查詢省略查找語句@SteveRossiter – xxxvinxxx





def read_mongo(db, collection, filter={}, projection={}, host='localhost', port=27017, username=None, password=None, no_id=True): 
    """ Read from Mongo and Store into DataFrame """ 

    # Connect to MongoDB 
    db = _connect_mongo(host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, db=db) 

    # Make a query to the specific DB and Collection 
    cursor = db[collection].find(filter, projection) 
    # Expand the cursor and construct the DataFrame 
    df = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor)) 

    # Delete the _id 
    # if no_id: 
    # del df['_id'] 

    return df 

query_filter = { 
        "status" : {"$ne" : "deprecated"}, 
        "geoLocationData.date" : { $gte : new ISODate("2016-08-03") } 
query_project = { "geoLocationData.date": 1, 
         "geoLocationData.iso": 1, 
         "httpRequestData.ipAddress": 1, 
         "geoLocationData.city": 1, 
         "geoLocationData.latitude": 1, 
         "geoLocationData.longitude": 1 } 

df = read_mongo(db, collection, query_filter, query_project, host, port, username, password) 


cursor = db[collection].aggregate([filter, projection]) 


query_project = { "geoDate":"$geoLocationData.date", 
        "ipAddress": "$httpRequestData.ipAddress", 
        "city": "$geoLocationData.city", 
         "lat": "$geoLocationData.latitude", 

df = read_mongo(db, collection, {"$match" : query_filter}, {"$project" : query_project}, host, port, username, password) 

它的工作原理和加載數據。現在我有代表嵌入式文檔(即geoLocationData和httpRequestsData)的每一列都是這種格式: '{u'city':u'Vantaa', u'date':datetime.datetime(2016,8,29, 10,59,23,361000), u'iso':u'FI', u'latitude':u'60.3131', u'longitude':u'24.9507'}'。 我如何解析它展開它們在不同的列? @SteveRossiter – xxxvinxxx


我已經更新了我的答案,以反映我認爲你正在嘗試做的事情。您應該嘗試理解聚合框架,因爲它是查詢mongodb最有效和最強大的方法。 –


當我運行它提供的代碼: 'df = read_mongo(db,collection,{$ match:query_filter},{$ project:query_project},host,port,username,password) ^ SyntaxError:invalid syntax' ' 如果我嘗試把比賽中的報價爲: ' 「{$比賽:query_filter}」, 「{$項目:query_project}」' 我得到: '類型錯誤:總()恰恰2個參數(給出3個)' @SteveRossiter – xxxvinxxx