2013-05-03 117 views

我有一個應用程序需要定期向〜1M用戶發送Apple推送通知。這樣做的設置已經建立並測試了少量的通知。由於我無法測試這種規模的發送方式,因此我有興趣瞭解發送批量推送通知是否有任何問題。我有用Python編寫的腳本,可以向推送服務器打開單個連接,並通過該連接發送所有通知。 Apple建議儘可能保持開放狀態。但我也看到連接終止,你需要重新建立連接。批量推送Apple推送




你有沒有找到一種方法來發送iphone的批量推送通知?因爲我沒有找到任何:/ – 2014-04-16 06:53:11


如果你剛剛開始,那麼考慮從Urban Airship開始,它每月可以免費推送1M次,但其他方面卻非常昂貴。如果你有更多的音量,那麼你可以使用亞馬遜的SNS服務(它比城市飛艇便宜幾個數量級,這是我使用的)。 – er0 2014-04-16 07:11:50


但我發送我的免費推,所以必須有一種方式來發送批量推免費 – 2014-04-16 07:46:58




這就是說,這裏就是蘋果公司說,你應該(從Technical Note)做:

Push Notification Throughput and Error Checking

There are no caps or batch size limits for using APNs. The iOS 6.1 press release stated that APNs has sent over 4 trillion push notifications since it was established. It was announced at WWDC 2012 that APNs is sending 7 billion notifications daily.

If you're seeing throughput lower than 9,000 notifications per second, your server might benefit from improved error handling logic.

Here's how to check for errors when using the enhanced binary interface. Keep writing until a write fails. If the stream is ready for writing again, resend the notification and keep going. If the stream isn't ready for writing, see if the stream is available for reading.

If it is, read everything available from the stream. If you get zero bytes back, the connection was closed because of an error such as an invalid command byte or other parsing error. If you get six bytes back, that's an error response that you can check for the response code and the ID of the notification that caused the error. You'll need to send every notification following that one again.

Once everything has been sent, do one last check for an error response.

It can take a while for the dropped connection to make its way from APNs back to your server just because of normal latency. It's possible to send over 500 notifications before a write fails because of the connection being dropped. Around 1,700 notifications writes can fail just because the pipe is full, so just retry in that case once the stream is ready for writing again.

Now, here's where the tradeoffs get interesting. You can check for an error response after every write, and you'll catch the error right away. But this causes a huge increase in the time it takes to send a batch of notifications.

Device tokens should almost all be valid if you've captured them correctly and you're sending them to the correct environment. So it makes sense to optimize assuming failures will be rare. You'll get way better performance if you wait for write to fail or the batch to complete before checking for an error response, even counting the time to send the dropped notifications again.

None of this is really specific to APNs, it applies to most socket-level programming.

If your development tool of choice supports multiple threads or interprocess communication, you could have a thread or process waiting for an error response all the time and let the main sending thread or process know when it should give up and retry.


哇。不是我第一次在Apple Tech Note中找到豐富的信息和答案,但我並不知道。感謝指針! – er0 2013-05-03 17:30:18


不客氣。本技術說明已經出現一段時間了,但他們添加了我最近引用的部分。 – Eran 2013-05-03 17:37:02


@Eran,我在發送批量推送通知的時候出現了管道錯誤,我用django-python發送通知,我該如何避免破損的管道錯誤?我正在第一次工作這種類型的項目,所以我沒有意識到這麼多事情,請建議正確的方法來避免這些錯誤。 – MegaBytes 2015-03-03 14:26:29






Device tokens should almost all be valid if you've captured them correctly and you're sending them to the correct environment. So it makes sense to optimize assuming failures will be rare.


我們看到一個非零數字的錯誤#8的響應(無效的設備令牌),我歸因於根深蒂固的手機,客戶端的錯誤,或用戶故意欺騙自己的令牌給我們。過去我們也看到了一些錯誤#7(無效負載大小),我們追蹤到開發人員在我們的末端添加的不正確編碼的消息。這當然是我們的錯,但這就是我的觀點 - 說「優化假設失敗是罕見的」是向學習開發人員發送的錯誤信息。我想說的,而不是將是:

Assume errors will happen.

Hope that they happen infrequently, but code defensively in case they don't.

