2015-10-14 92 views

使用以下腳本,我可以將文本文件中的多個視頻文件連接到單個視頻。ffmpeg帶有drawtext文件名的不同文件內的-i concat filelist.txt



# videoList.txt 
file 'C:\video_0020.mp4' 
file 'C:\video_0040.mp4' 
file '..' 


@ECHO off 

SET ffmpeg=C:\ffmpeg\bin 
SET inFile=-f concat -i C:\videoList.txt 
SET outFile=C:\output.mov 

SET codec=-r 24 -vcodec mjpeg -q:v 6 
REM videoFilter/filterComplex 
SET filterComplex=drawtext=fontfile='C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf': text='%%{filenameOfEachVideo}' 

REM bring it all together 
SET commandline=%ffmpeg%\ffmpeg.exe %inFile% -filter_complex "%filterComplex%" %codec% %outFile% 

REM execute command 

你想把它編碼到視頻中,還是將softsubs足夠? – LordNeckbeard


我想將文件名稱刻錄到視頻中。 – halanson



這裏是工作的例子。使用前請檢查路徑和文件擴展名。 我添加了很多評論,以使它更清楚腳本的功能。隨意使用和修改。

@ECHO off 
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion 

REM path to ffmpeg 
SET ffmpeg=C:\path\to\ffmpeg\bin 
REM source movies from 
SET movieSource=C:\path\to\your\mp4\movies 
REM tmp dir 
SET tmpDir=C:\path\for\tmp\files\and\final\output 

REM setup positon, color, background, font for the text overlays 
REM filterComplex, quotes have to be escaped! -> \" 
REM BITC - Burned In Time Code 
SET filterComplexTimecode=drawtext=fontfile='C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf': timecode='10\:00\:00\:00': timecode_rate=24: x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(1*lh)-3: fontsize=20: [email protected]: box=1: [email protected]: boxborderw=4 
REM Date 
SET filterComplexDate=drawtext=fontfile='C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf': text='%%{localtime\: %%d.%%m.%%Y %%H\\\:%%M}': x=(w-tw-3): y=h-(1*lh)-3: fontsize=20: [email protected]: box=1: [email protected]: boxborderw=4 
REM Shotname 
SET filterComplexShotname=drawtext=fontfile='C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf': x=0: y=h-(1*lh)+1: fontsize=20: [email protected]: box=1: [email protected]: boxborderw=4: 

REM create a list of all files 
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%F IN ('dir %movieSource%\*.mp4 /b ^| sort') DO ECHO file '%movieSource%\%%F' >> %tmpDir%\filelist.txt 

REM gather more informations for each file 
ECHO ; filename, durationInSeconds > %tmpDir%\fileNameDuration.txt 

FOR /R %movieSource%\ %%F IN (*.mp4) DO (
    REM Reset current duration to 0 (zero) for each loop 
    SET curDuration=0 

    REM get the filename without file extenion 
    SET fileName=%%~nF 

    REM get the duration of a single clip 
    REM and write it to a tmp textfile 
    %ffmpeg%\ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 %%~fF > %tmpDir%\fileTempDuration.txt 
    REM read the textfile again into a variable 
    SET /p curDuration=<%tmpDir%\fileTempDuration.txt 

    REM write the filename and the duration to a new list of all files 
    ECHO !fileName!,!curDuration! >> %tmpDir%\fileNameDuration.txt 

REM concate a filter complex string for ffmpeg with all clipnames as textlayer with a inpoint and outpoint 
SET filterComplexShotnameCombined= 
REM floating numbers are not supported by batch, so we need to work-around that 
CALL :IntAsFP b=0.000000 
FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1,2* delims=," %%i IN (%tmpDir%\fileNameDuration.txt) DO (
    CALL :IntAsFP a=%%j 
    CALL :IntToFP inPoint=!b! 6 
    SET /A c=a+b 
    SET /A b=c 
    CALL :IntToFP outPoint=!c! 6 
    REM just to check whats going on... 
    ECHO name: %%i duration: %%j inPoint: !inPoint! outPoint: !outPoint! 
    SET filterComplexShotnameCombined=!filterComplexShotnameCombined!, !filterComplexShotname! text=%%i: enable=between(t\,!inPoint!\,!outPoint!^^^) 

REM bringing all together. filter complex for current date, one for the normal timecode, and the actual shotnames. 
SET filterComplexCombined=-filter_complex "%filterComplexDate%, %filterComplexTimecode% %filterComplexShotnameCombined%" 

REM just to check... 
ECHO %filterComplexCombined% 
%ffmpeg%\ffmpeg.exe %async% -f concat -i %tmpDir%\filelist.txt %filterComplexCombined% %fps% %codec% %loglevel% %tmpDir%\output.mov 


REM Integer to FloatingPoint 

:IntAsFP Int=FP 
set FP=%2 
set %1=%FP:.=% 
exit /B 

:IntToFP FP=Int digits 
set Int=%2 
set %1=!Int:~0,-%3!.!Int:~-%3! 
exit /B