2015-05-12 24 views

我在嘗試使用ADT插件在Eclipse中設置Android時遇到錯誤。我遵循了開放式框架網站上的指南。下面是控制檯輸出的最後一部分,當我嘗試編譯空例如:設置OpenFrameworks Eclipse ADT時出錯?

compressing and copying resources from bin/data into res 
cd /Users/sidatre/Google Drive/Scripts and Programs/OpenFrameworks/android/examples/android/androidEmptyExample/; \ 
    if [ -d "bin/data" ]; then \ 
     mkdir -p res/raw; \ 
     rm res/raw/google scripts and androidemptyexampleresources.zip; \ 
     if [ "darwin-x86_64" = "windows" ]; then \ 
      echo "Windows Platform. Running Zip..."; \ 
      cmd //c ..\\..\\..\\libs\\openFrameworksCompiled\\project\\android\\windows\\zip -r ./res/raw/google scripts and androidemptyexampleresources.zip ./bin/data/ && exit; \ 
     else \ 
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /Users/sidatre/Google: No such file or directory 
      cd bin/data; \ 
      zip -r ../../res/raw/google scripts and androidemptyexampleresources.zip *; \ 
      cd ../..; \ 
     fi; \ 
copying debugging binaries for armv5 armv7 neon x86 
create gdb.setup for armeabi 
create gdb.setup for armeabi-v7a 
create gdb.setup for x86 
creating Android.mk and Application.mk 
#@echo updating ofAndroidLib project 
#@cd ../../../addons/ofxAndroid/ofAndroidLib; \ 
    #if [ "darwin-x86_64" = "windows" ]; then \ 
    # cmd //c /Users/sidatre/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android.bat update project --target android-17 --path .; \ 
    #else \ 
    # /Users/sidatre/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android update project --target android-17 --path .; \ 
#@echo updating current project 
#@cd /Users/sidatre/Google Drive/Scripts and Programs/OpenFrameworks/android/examples/android/androidEmptyExample/; \ 
    #if [ "darwin-x86_64" = "windows" ]; then \ 
    # cmd //c /Users/sidatre/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android.bat update project --target android-17 --path .; \ 
    #else \ 
    # /Users/sidatre/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android update project --target android-17 --path .; \ 
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `Scripts'. Stop. 
make: *** [Release] Error 2 

凡定義的Scripts make目標?我從未創造過這樣一個目標。



我意識到問題出在我的文件夾結構上,因爲父文件夾名爲Scripts and Programs,單詞之間的空格與make進程相沖突。將文件夾重命名爲ScriptsAndPrograms解決了我的問題。