2011-06-01 81 views

我正在創建一個開放的eBay應用程序。 我已經成功創建了嵌入式應用程序。這裏是我的部署描述符的示例:打開eBay應用程序不能正常工作

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 

<!-- Required. Application name, unique across eBay. A descriptive name is good. 
    Dots, characters, and numerals are allowed. 

<OEApplication id="myApplicationName.myDomain.com" xmlns="www.ebay.com/openebay/2008" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="www.ebay.com/openebay/2008 http://developer.ebay.com/webservices/selling-manager-applications/dd/1.1.0/OpeneBayDD.xsd" schemaVersion="1.1.0"> 
    <!-- To be used by developers to version their applications --> 
    <Version release="1" major="0" minor="0"/> 
    <!-- Declare the target container --> 
    <Target containerId="sellingmanager"/> 
      <!-- Image used on the Manage Applications Tab, Application Canvas header and Subscription Flow --> 
      <Image height="" url="myDomain/images/logo.png" id="" mode="" width="" useAs="smallIcon"/> 
      If the subscription feature is present, eBay will send subscription requests to the 
      endpoint declared in the EndPoint.Management Link below. Remove this tag if you do not 
      implement the OEPI interface for subscription-related events, and eBay will not send any 
      subscription events to your application. 
     <Feature name="subscription"/> 

    <!--Set to public to true if you want everyone to see your application--> 
    <Permission public="true"> 

    <!-- If you only want specific eBay members to see your application, set 
    public to false and add the user IDs to the permissions list. --> 
    <Permission public="false"> 
     <User id="yourusername"/> 

    <!-- Gadget info. This section implements the Gadgets specification. --> 
     <Module xmlns="www.opensocial.org/gadget/2008"> 
      <ModulePrefs title="My Test Selling Manager Application"> 
       <Require feature="dynamic-height"/> 

       <!-- This feature allows your application to use the eBay APIs, 
       passing ebay_auth_token as a placeholder for the user's auth token. --> 
       <Require feature='ebay-api'/> 

       <Preload href="http://aaa.com"></Preload> 
       <Icon > 


       Endpoint for the OEPI interface (addSubscriber listener). 
       Required only when the subscription feature is present in the <implements> tag in 
       this deployment descriptor. eBay sends addSubscriber and removeSubscriber calls to 
       this address. HTTPS is recommended. 
       <Link rel="EndPoint.Management" href="http://myApplicationName.myDomain.com/subdomain/index.php"/> 

       <!-- Required. Links within the Help Menu on the Application Canvas header --> 
       <Link rel="EndPoint.ApplicationHelp" href="http://myApplicationName.myDomain.com/subdomain/index.php"/> 
       <Link rel="EndPoint.ApplicationFaq" href="http://myApplicationName.myDomain.com/subdomain/index.php"/> 
       <Link rel="EndPoint.ApplicationContactUs" href="http://myApplicationName.myDomain.com/subdomain/index.php"/> 

       <Locale lang="en" country="US"> 

        <!-- Required. Specify an Application Name of up to 25 characters. 
        This field supplies the name of the application as it is displayed in the 
        applications directory. --> 
        <msg name="sellingmanager.msg.application.applicationName">My Application Display Name</msg> 

        <!-- Required. --> 
        <msg name="sellingmanager.msg.application.shortDescription">My Application Short Description</msg> 
        <!-- Provide full content for Terms and Conditions visible during Subscription Flow --> 
        <msg name="sellingmanager.msg.company.legal.terms"><![CDATA[<font size="3" face="Arial">My Legal Terms here</font>]]></msg> 
        <!--Provide full content for Privacy Policy visible during Subcription Flow --> 
        <msg name="sellingmanager.msg.company.legal.privacyPolicy"><![CDATA[ 
          <center><b>My Privacy Policy Here</b></center> 

        <!--Provide full content for About Us visible from Help Menu on the Application Canvas header --> 
        <msg name="sellingmanager.msg.company.aboutUs"><![CDATA[ 
          My about Us Here 
      <UserPref name="dd"> 
      <EnumValue display_value="xsmall" value="0"></EnumValue> 

      <!-- This section contains the URL and metadata that make up the URL-type gadget, 
     for display as the large "canvas" view in a user's browser. 

      <Content type="url" view="canvas" href="http://myApplicationName.myDomain.com/subdomain/index.php" preferred_height="800"> 

      <!-- The CDATA tags in this section enclose the HTML and JavaScript that 
      make up the HTML-type gadget, which will be displayed as the small 
      "default" view in a summary page. This application uses makeRequest 
      to call the Google weather API. Note: This default ("summary") view is optional. 

      <Content type="html" view="default" > 
      <link type="text/css" href="http://css.ebay.com:8080/RefApp/css/style.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet"/> 
      <script type="text/javascript"> 
      function response(obj) { 
      var html = []; 
      resp = obj.data; 

      if (resp) { 
      jobs = resp.getElementsByTagName("job"); 
      if (jobs) { 
       html.push('<table border="0" width="100%">'); 
       html.push('<td><b>DSR Jobs Summary</b></td>'); 
       html.push('<td>Low degree</td>'); 
       html.push('<td>High degree</td>'); 
       for (var i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) { 
       html.push('<td>' + jobs[i].getElementsByTagName(
        "jobId")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '</td>'); 
       html.push('<td>' + jobs[i].getElementsByTagName(
        "userId")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '</td>'); 
       html.push('<td>' + jobs[i].getElementsByTagName(
        "dateFrom")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '</td>'); 
       html.push('<td>' + jobs[i].getElementsByTagName(
       "dateTo")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '</td>'); 
       html.push('<td>' + jobs[i].getElementsByTagName(
       "dateRangeEventType")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '</td>'); 

      document.getElementById("contentDiv").innerHTML = html.join(""); 

    function request() { 
    var params = {}; 
    params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.CONTENT_TYPE] = gadgets.io.ContentType.DOM; 
    //params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.AUTHORIZATION] = 'EAUTH'; 
    var url = "http://www.MyServer.com/referenceapp/DSRShowXML"; 
     gadgets.io.makeRequest(url, response, params); 

    gadgets.io.makeRequest(url, response, params); 

    function setHeight(height) { 

<body onload="setHeight(600);"> 
<div id="contentDiv"></div> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 


當我去到我的帳戶/嵌入式應用程序/訂閱我的錯誤頁面(頁面不響應)。 Apache日誌不顯示來自eBay的任何連接,我的應用程序也不顯示任何連接。


