2013-10-31 20 views

我正在使用動態驅動器的跨瀏覽器選取框II滾動條腳本find here。我有一些幫助來改變腳本,其中內容在頁面加載時具有隨機的StartIndex,並且隨機部分工作良好;該論壇的主題是here。我現在遇到的問題是,改變的腳本不會在MouseOver函數上產生暫停。我製作了一個JSFiddle here並嘗試了所有我能想到的方法來修復它,但是我被卡住了。 JavaScript如下:在MouseOver上暫停不能使用跨瀏覽器選框II

function scrollmarquee() { 
    if (parseInt(cross_marquee.style.top) > (actualheight * (-1) + 8)) { 
     cross_marquee.style.top = parseInt(cross_marquee.style.top) - copyspeed + "px"; 
    } else { 
     cross_marquee.style.top = parseInt(marqueeheight) + 8 + "px"; 

function marqueescroll(o) { 
    o.srt += o.ss; 
    if ((o.ss < 0 && o.srt > o.h) || (o.ss > 0 && o.srt < o.ph)) { 
     o.s.style.top = o.srt + 'px'; 
    } else { 
     o.srt = o.ss < 0 ? o.ph : o.h; 
     o.s.style.top = o.srt + 'px'; 
    o.to = setTimeout(function() { 
    }, 60); 

function marquee(o) { 
    var id = o.ID, 
     ss = o.Speed, 
     i = o.StartIndex, 
     srt = o.AutoDelay, 
     p = document.getElementById(id), 
     s = p ? p.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0] : null, 
     ary = [], 
     z0 = 0; 
    if (s) { 
     var clds = s.childNodes, 
      o = marquee[id] = { 
       id: id, 
       p: p, 
       h: -s.offsetHeight, 
       ph: p.offsetHeight, 
       s: s, 
       ss: typeof (ss) == 'number' && ss != 0 ? ss : -2, 
       srt: 0 
     for (; z0 < clds.length; z0++) { 
      if (clds[z0].nodeType == 1) { 
     ary[i] ? o.srt = -ary[i].offsetTop : null; 
     o.s.style.position = 'absolute'; 
     o.s.style.top = o.srt + 'px'; 
     typeof (srt) == 'number' && srt > 1 ? marqueeAuto(id, srt) : null; 

function marqueeAuto(id, ms) { 
    var o = marquee[id]; 
    o ? o.to = setTimeout(function() { 
    }, ms || 200) : null; 

function marqueePause(id) { 
    var o = marquee[id]; 
    o ? clearTimeout(o.to) : null; 

function marqueeInit() { 
     ID: 'marqueecontainer', // the unique ID name of the parent DIV.(string) 
     AutoDelay: 2000, //(optional) the delay before starting scroll in milli seconds. (number, default = no auto scroll) 
     Speed: -1, //(optional) the scroll speed, < 0 = up. > 0 = down.   (number, default = -2) 
     StartIndex: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) //(optional) the index number of the element to start.   (number, default = 0) 

if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", marqueeInit, false); 
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", marqueeInit); 
else if (document.getElementById); 
window.onload = marqueeInit; 




這現在已經修復,並完全跨瀏覽器和twitter引導友好。你可以看看新編輯的jsfiddle here。固定javascript如下:

function marqueescroll(o) { 
    o.srt += o.ss; 
    if ((o.ss < 0 && o.srt > o.sz) || (o.ss > 0 && o.srt < (o.w ? -o.sz : o.psz))) { 
    o.s.style[o.m] = o.srt + 'px'; 
    } else { 
     o.srt = (o.w ? 0 : o.ss < 0 ? o.psz : o.sz) + o.ss; 
     o.s.style[o.m] = o.srt + 'px'; 
    o.to = setTimeout(function() { 
    }, 30); 

function marquee(o) { 
    var id = o.ID, 
     m = o.Mode, 
     ss = o.Speed, 
     i = o.StartIndex, 
     srt = o.AutoDelay, 
     p = document.getElementById(id), 
     s = p ? p.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0] : null, 
     clds = s ? s.childNodes : [], 
     ary = [], 
     sz, l, z0 = 0; 
    if (s && !marquee[id]) { 
     var m = typeof (m) == 'string' && m.charAt(0).toUpperCase() == 'H' ? ['left', 'offsetLeft', 'offsetWidth'] : ['top', 'offsetTop', 'offsetHeight'], 
      sz = p[m[2]], 
      slide = document.createElement('DIV'), 
     slide.style.width = 'inherit',//added this for fluid bootstrap width 
     slide.style.position = s.style.position = 'absolute'; 
     for (; z0 < clds.length; z0++) { 
      if (clds[z0].nodeType == 1) { 
       if (m[0] == 'left') { 
        clds[z0].style.position = 'absolute'; 
        clds[z0].style.left = sz * ary.length + 'px'; 
        clds[z0].style.top = '0px'; 
       ary.push([clds[z0], clds[z0][m[1]]]); 
     l = ary[ary.length - 1][0]; 
     o = marquee[id] = { 
      m: m[0], 
      id: id, 
      p: p, 
      sz: -(l[m[1]] + l[m[2]]), 
      psz: sz, 
      s: slide, 
      ss: typeof (ss) == 'number' && ss != 0 ? ss : -2, 
      w: o.Wrap !== false 
     c = s.cloneNode(true); 
     c.style.left = c.style.top = '0px'; 
     c.style[m[0]] = o.sz * (ss > 0 ? 1 : -1) + 'px'; 
     o.w ? o.s.appendChild(c) : null; 
     o.srt = ary[i] ? -ary[i][1] : 0; 
     o.s.style.position = 'absolute'; 
     o.s.style[m[0]] = o.srt + 'px'; 
     p.style.overflow = 'hidden'; 
     typeof (srt) == 'number' && srt > 1 ? marqueeAuto(id, srt) : null; 

function marqueeAuto(id, ms) { 
    var o = marquee[id]; 
    o ? o.to = setTimeout(function() { 
    }, ms || 200) : null; 

function marqueePause(id) { 
    var o = marquee[id]; 
    o ? clearTimeout(o.to) : null; 

function marqueeInit() { 

     ID: 'marqueecontainer', // the unique ID name of the parent DIV.      (string) 
     Mode: 'vertical', // the display type, 'vertical' or 'horizontal'     (string. defalut = 'vertical') 
     AutoDelay: 2000, //(optional) the delay before starting scroll in milli seconds. (number, default = no auto scroll) 
     Speed: -2, //(optional) the scroll speed, < 0 = up. > 0 = down.   (number, default = -2) 
     Wrap: true, //(optional) true = no gap, false = gap.      (boolean, default = true) 
     StartIndex: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) //(optional) the index number of the element to start.   (number, default = 0) 


if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", marqueeInit, false); 
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", marqueeInit); 
else if (document.getElementById) window.onload = marqueeInit;