2017-08-04 25 views



This is the initial code below: 
function destroyer(arr) { 
    // Remove all the values 
    return arr; 

destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3); 


  1. 下面的代碼通過了我是否在iterateThroughArray函數內返回val或args。這是爲什麼?

  2. 如果我應該將所有參數與第一個參數進行比較,那麼在這段代碼中,我指出了什麼?我一直認爲我需要拼接第一個參數來比較所有其他參數,或者爲參數[0]創建一個變量。任何指導,您可以提供非常感謝!

function destroyer(arr) { 
     var args = Array.from(arguments); //this also converts them to an array 
     var iterateThroughArr = function (val) { 
     if (args.indexOf(val) ===-1){ 
      return args; 
     return arr.filter(iterateThroughArr); 




function destroyer(arr) { 
     var args = Array.from(arguments); //Here arr is converted to [Array(6),2,3] 
    /* var iterateThroughArr = function (val) { 
     if (args.indexOf(val) ===-1){ 
      return args; 
    return arr.filter(iterateThroughArr); 
    // to make more clear the above code can be rewritten as below 
    var arr = arr.filter(function (val) { 
      console.log("args = "+ args + " val = " + val + " indexOf(val) " + args.indexOf(val)) 
     // here you are itterating through each arr val which in this case is[1,2,3,1,2,3] 
     // if you dont believe me uncomment the next console.log() and see the output 
     // console.log(val) 
     if (args.indexOf(val) ===-1){ 
      // here is where the magic happens 
      // Now you are checking if val exisists by using a builtin method called .indexOf() 
      // In general, .indexOf() returns -1 if a value does not exist within an array 
      //Below is working example 
      /* var array = [1,2,3,4,5] 
      console.log(array.indexOf(1)) // 0 since it is located at index 0 
      console.log(array.indexOf(5)) // 4 since it is located at index 4 
      console.log(array.indexOf(10)) // -1 since it does not exisit 
      // Therefore, if value passes the above if statement 
      //then that means it doesnot exisit on args([Array(6),2,3]) 
      //which as a result will be included on the filtered array 
      return args; 
     return arr; 
var val = destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3); 

基本上,你需要了解的是什麼過濾器是如何工作的nd .index如何工作。 更多細節請訪問Mozilla的文檔:.indexOf().filter()


讓我知道如果您有任何顧慮 – dawit


太感謝你了!這很棒! 1後續問題:indexOf只能用於數組,還是可以與字符串一起使用? – Veronica