2014-01-31 19 views


function wrapper() { 
    var dataObject; 
    var jsonPath = "dataObject[0]['Set1'][0]['Attribute1']"; 
    eval('outsideFunction(dataObject, jsonPath)'); 

function outsideFunction(dataObject, jsonPath) { 
    dataObject[0]['Set1'][0]['Attribute1'] = 'asde'; //This sets the value to dataObject in the wapper 
    var attrVal = '123'; 
    eval("jsonPath = attrVal"); //This doesn't set value to dataObject in the wrapper but in the local dataObject 



作爲一個側面不..評估和演示IA高度在JS氣餒如何約'EVAL安全 – user1428716


原因(jsonPath + 「= attrVal」);'? –


^^^^在你的代碼中,你正在評估的是表達式''dataObject [0] ['Set1'] [0] ['Attribute1']「='123'',即你正在給字符串賦值另一個字符串值,這是不可能的。但是,如果將jsonPath與另一個字符串連接起來,則結果爲表達式'dataObject [0] ['Set1'] [0] ['Attribute1'] ='123''。但是,請注意,這是非常可怕的代碼。看看這個問題,而不是:http://stackoverflow.com/q/13719593/218196 –




var wrapper, outsideFunction; 

wrapper = function(){ 

    someOb = {}; 

    var data = [ 
     Set1: [ 
      Attribute1: null, // we will change null to 'asdf' below 

    outsideFunction(data, someOb); 

    console.log(someOb.newProp, someOb.dumb); 
    // outputs 'hehehehe', undefined 


outsideFunction = function(data, blah) { 

    data[0].Set1[0].Attribute1 = 'asdf'; 

    //blah is a reference to someOb 
    // we can change a part of blah and it will look at the reference and change someOb 
    blah.newProp = 'hehehehe'; 

    // but if we do `blah =`, then we reference a new object 
    // This won't affect someOb, blah will just be a different object talking about something else 
    blah = { dumb: false }; 



numberedSet = [ 
    name: 'dan', 
    likes: [ 
     'coding', 'girls', 'food', 
    name: 'Sreekesh', 

namedSet = { 

    dan: { 
    isPerson: true, 
    likes: [ 
     'coding', 'girls', 'food', 

    Sreekesh: { 
    isPerson: true, 
    askedQuestion: function(){ 
     return true; 


numberedSet[0].name == dan; // true 
numberedSet[0].likes[1] == 'girls'; // true 
namedSet.dan.isPerson == true; // true 
namedSet.Sreekesh.askedQuestion(); // true