2016-12-07 112 views

我試圖用Spring 4測試REST服務中的POST方法。它在我的集成測試中工作正常,但我將它部署在Tomcat 8.5.8中,並且我不明白爲什麼它不起作用。我收到此消息:Spring 4,REST服務返回來自Tomcat的415錯誤

       HTTP Status 415 - 

    type Status report 


    description The server refused this request because the request entity 
    is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the 
    requested method. 


POST /app-1.0-SNAPSHOT/v1.0/concentrators/ HTTP/1.1 
User-Agent: curl/7.35.0 
Host: x.x.x.x:8080 
Accept: */* 
Content-Type: application/json 
Content-Length: 528 {"street":"street","num":"num","code":"code","town":"town" 
, "ftpServerIp":"ftpServerIp","numSerie" :"numSerie","idConcentrator":-1,"infoCameras":[]} 



@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" }) 
public ResponseEntity<String> post(@RequestBody ConfigurationConcentrator configurationConcentrator) { 
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); 
    try { 
    } catch (IncorrectDBOperation | ErrorSendMessageException e) { 
     return new ResponseEntity<String>(e.getMessage(), headers, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); 
    return new ResponseEntity<String>(HttpStatus.CREATED); 

此外,檢查傑克遜依賴(數據綁定,核心和註釋),他們在.war文件添加。 這是我的curl命令:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @addConcentrator2.json http://x.x.x.x:8080/app-1.0-SNAPSHOT/v1.0/concentrators/ 


@RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" }) 
    public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<ConfigurationConcentrator> get(@PathVariable("id") String id) { 

    @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" }) 
    public ResponseEntity<String> post(@RequestBody ConfigurationConcentrator configurationConcentrator) { 


    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" }) 
    public ResponseEntity<String> put(@PathVariable("id") String id, @RequestBody ConfigurationConcentrator configurationConcentrator) { 


    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/cameras/{idcamera}", method = RequestMethod.PUT, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" }) 
    public ResponseEntity<String> putCameras(@PathVariable("id") String id, @PathVariable("idcamera") String idCamera, 


    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/cameras", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" }) 
    public ResponseEntity<String> postCameras(@PathVariable("id") String id, @RequestBody List<ConfigurationCamera> configurationCameras) { 

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/initialconfiguration", method = RequestMethod.GET, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" }) 
    public ResponseEntity<StatusInitialConfiguration> getInitialConfiguration(@PathVariable("id") String numSerie) { 


UPDATE1: 我更新了curl命令和Accept頭。

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data @addConcentrator2.json http://x.x.x.x:8080/app-1.0-SNAPSHOT/v1.0/concentrators/ 

UPDATE2: 我認爲,它是檢測兩個攔截器:

06:36:41.011 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping - Mapping [/v1.0/concentrators/1/camera 
s] to HandlerExecutionChain with handler [[email protected]] and 2 interceptors 
06:36:41.011 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver - Resolving exception from han 
dler [[email protected]]: org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'application/json' not supported 
06:36:41.011 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.ResponseStatusExceptionResolver - Resolving exception from handler [gas 
[email protected]]: org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'application/json' not supported 
06:36:41.011 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.support.DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver - Resolving exception from handler [gasnat 
[email protected]]: org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'application/json' not supported 
06:36:41.011 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Null ModelAndView returned to DispatcherServlet with name 'dispatc 
her': assuming HandlerAdapter completed request handling 
06:36:41.011 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Successfully completed request 




package gasnatural.models; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

public class ConfigurationConcentrator { 
    public static class InfoCamera { 
     public Long idCamera; 
     public String numSerie; 

    private String street = null; 
    private String num = null; 
    private String code = null; 
    private String town = null; 

    private String descriptionRoom = null; 

    private String btPwd = null; 
    private String gprsPwd = null; 
    private String gprsLogin = null; 
    private String gprsApn = null; 
    private String gprsPin = null; 
    private String motherboardId = null; 
    private int logLevel = -1; 
    private int frameSendPeriod = -1; 
    private int frameCapturePeriod = -1; 
    private String mQTTServerPwd = null; 
    private String mQTTServerUser = null; 
    private String mQTTServerIp = null; 
    private String ftpServerPwd = null; 
    private String ftpServerUser = null; 
    private String ftpServerIp = null; 
    private String numSerie = null; 

    private Long idConcentrator; 
    private List<InfoCamera> infoCameras; 

    public ConfigurationConcentrator() { 


    public ConfigurationConcentrator(String street, String num, String town, String code, String descriptionRoom, String btPwd, String gprsPwd, 
      String gprsLogin, String gprsApn, String gprsPin, String motherboardId, int logLevel, int frameSendPeriod, int frameCapturePeriod, 
      String mQTTServerPwd, String mQTTServerUser, String mQTTServerIp, String ftpServerPwd, String ftpServerUser, String ftpServerIp, String numSerie) { 

     this(new Long(-1), street, num, town, code, descriptionRoom, btPwd, gprsPwd, gprsLogin, gprsApn, gprsPin, motherboardId, logLevel, frameSendPeriod, 
       frameCapturePeriod, mQTTServerPwd, mQTTServerUser, mQTTServerIp, ftpServerPwd, ftpServerUser, ftpServerIp, numSerie, 
       new ArrayList<InfoCamera>()); 

    public ConfigurationConcentrator(Long idConcentrator, String street, String num, String town, String code, String descriptionRoom, String btPwd, 
      String gprsPwd, String gprsLogin, String gprsApn, String gprsPin, String motherboardId, int logLevel, int frameSendPeriod, int frameCapturePeriod, 
      String mQTTServerPwd, String mQTTServerUser, String mQTTServerIp, String ftpServerPwd, String ftpServerUser, String ftpServerIp, String numSerie, 
      List<InfoCamera> infoCameras) { 

     this.descriptionRoom = descriptionRoom; 
     this.btPwd = btPwd; 
     this.gprsPwd = gprsPwd; 
     this.gprsLogin = gprsLogin; 
     this.gprsApn = gprsApn; 
     this.gprsPin = gprsPin; 
     this.motherboardId = motherboardId; 
     this.logLevel = logLevel; 
     this.frameSendPeriod = frameSendPeriod; 
     this.frameCapturePeriod = frameCapturePeriod; 
     this.mQTTServerPwd = mQTTServerPwd; 
     this.mQTTServerUser = mQTTServerUser; 
     this.mQTTServerIp = mQTTServerIp; 
     this.ftpServerPwd = ftpServerPwd; 
     this.ftpServerUser = ftpServerUser; 
     this.ftpServerIp = ftpServerIp; 
     this.numSerie = numSerie; 

     this.street = street; 
     this.num = num; 
     this.code = code; 
     this.town = town; 

     this.descriptionRoom = descriptionRoom; 
     this.infoCameras = infoCameras; 
     this.idConcentrator = idConcentrator; 

    public void addIdCamera(InfoCamera idCamera) { 

    public String getStreet() { 
     return street; 

    public String getNum() { 
     return num; 

    public String getCode() { 
     return code; 

    public String getTown() { 
     return town; 

    public String getDescriptionRoom() { 
     return descriptionRoom; 

    public String getBtPwd() { 
     return btPwd; 

    public String getGprsPwd() { 
     return gprsPwd; 

    public String getGprsLogin() { 
     return gprsLogin; 

    public String getGprsApn() { 
     return gprsApn; 

    public String getGprsPin() { 
     return gprsPin; 

    public String getMotherboardId() { 
     return motherboardId; 

    public int getLogLevel() { 
     return logLevel; 

    public int getFrameSendPeriod() { 
     return frameSendPeriod; 

    public int getFrameCapturePeriod() { 
     return frameCapturePeriod; 

    public String getmQTTServerPwd() { 
     return mQTTServerPwd; 

    public String getmQTTServerUser() { 
     return mQTTServerUser; 

    public String getmQTTServerIp() { 
     return mQTTServerIp; 

    public String getFtpServerPwd() { 
     return ftpServerPwd; 

    public String getFtpServerUser() { 
     return ftpServerUser; 

    public String getFtpServerIp() { 
     return ftpServerIp; 

    public String getNumSerie() { 
     return numSerie; 

    public Long getIdConcentrator() { 
     return idConcentrator; 

    public List<InfoCamera> getInfoCameras() { 
     return infoCameras; 

    public void setStreet(String street) { 
     this.street = street; 

    public void setNum(String num) { 
     this.num = num; 

    public void setCode(String code) { 
     this.code = code; 

    public void setTown(String town) { 
     this.town = town; 

    public void setDescriptionRoom(String descriptionRoom) { 
     this.descriptionRoom = descriptionRoom; 

    public void setBtPwd(String btPwd) { 
     this.btPwd = btPwd; 

    public void setGprsPwd(String gprsPwd) { 
     this.gprsPwd = gprsPwd; 

    public void setGprsLogin(String gprsLogin) { 
     this.gprsLogin = gprsLogin; 

    public void setGprsApn(String gprsApn) { 
     this.gprsApn = gprsApn; 

    public void setGprsPin(String gprsPin) { 
     this.gprsPin = gprsPin; 

    public void setMotherboardId(String motherboardId) { 
     this.motherboardId = motherboardId; 

    public void setLogLevel(int logLevel) { 
     this.logLevel = logLevel; 

    public void setFrameSendPeriod(int frameSendPeriod) { 
     this.frameSendPeriod = frameSendPeriod; 

    public void setFrameCapturePeriod(int frameCapturePeriod) { 
     this.frameCapturePeriod = frameCapturePeriod; 

    public void setmQTTServerPwd(String mQTTServerPwd) { 
     this.mQTTServerPwd = mQTTServerPwd; 

    public void setmQTTServerUser(String mQTTServerUser) { 
     this.mQTTServerUser = mQTTServerUser; 

    public void setmQTTServerIp(String mQTTServerIp) { 
     this.mQTTServerIp = mQTTServerIp; 

    public void setFtpServerPwd(String ftpServerPwd) { 
     this.ftpServerPwd = ftpServerPwd; 

    public void setFtpServerUser(String ftpServerUser) { 
     this.ftpServerUser = ftpServerUser; 

    public void setFtpServerIp(String ftpServerIp) { 
     this.ftpServerIp = ftpServerIp; 

    public void setNumSerie(String numSerie) { 
     this.numSerie = numSerie; 

    public void setIdConcentrator(Long idConcentrator) { 
     this.idConcentrator = idConcentrator; 

    public void setInfoCameras(List<InfoCamera> infoCameras) { 
     this.infoCameras = infoCameras; 



package gasnatural.models; 

public class ConfigurationCamera { 
    private String numSerie = null; 
    private String numCamera = null; 
    private String cups = null; 

    private String status = null; 

    public ConfigurationCamera() { 


    public ConfigurationCamera(String numSerie, String numCamera, String cups, String status) { 
     this.numSerie = numSerie; 
     this.numCamera = numCamera; 
     this.cups = cups; 
     this.status = status; 

    public String getStatus() { 
     return status; 

    public String getNumSerie() { 
     return numSerie; 

    public String getNumCamera() { 
     return numCamera; 

    public String getCups() { 
     return cups; 

    public void setNumSerie(String numSerie) { 
     this.numSerie = numSerie; 

    public void setNumCamera(String numCamera) { 
     this.numCamera = numCamera; 

    public void setCups(String cups) { 
     this.cups = cups; 

    public void setStatus(String status) { 
     this.status = status; 




public class DTOConfigurationConcentrator { 
    private String street; 
    private String num; 

    public DTOConfigurationConcentrator() { 

    public String getStreet() { 
     return street; 

    public void setStreet(String street) { 
     this.street = street; 

    public String getNum() { 
     return num; 

    public void setNum(String num) { 
     this.num = num; 




在請求頭,改變接受:*/*以接受:應用/ JSON – kuhajeyan


我所附加的標題在curl命令,我用它來測試,我收到相同的錯誤... –


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19444855/spring-rest-post-json-requestbody-content-type-not-supported你可以檢查,如果你有類似的問題? – Nagaraddi



我忘了我的標記配置類與@EnableWebMvc ......
